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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Tag: vaccine

Vaccine Injury Stories

Annabelle’s Story

Annabelle Lee died 10 hours after receiving the MMR, DTaP, varicella and half of a Flu shot. She was 15 months old. Her mother took her shopping afterwards and said she was grouchy. When they returned home she laid her down to relax for the night and watch cartoons.  Her

Vaccine Injury Stories

Nickson’s Story

Shared from his mother, Lindsey Pelton. “Nickson Pelton was born two months premature. At his two month checkup Nickson’s pediatrician gave him eight vaccines, the 5-in-1 combo Pentacel for (DTaP, polio and Hib), Energix B for hepatits B, the pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13 and the oral rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq. After his

Vaccine Injury Stories

Izzy’s Story

My daughter’s reaction to the DTaP vaccine. Shared by her mother, Edwina Olesen. “Izzy was born a healthy beautiful little girl who was always happy and very fun loving. I remember when Izzy got sick like it was yesterday. She was 18 months old at the time. Our day care

Vaccine Injury Stories

Baby Gracie’s Story

Shared from her mother, Nichol Willow. Four days after Gracie received her two month shots – DTaP, HIB, IPV, Hep B and PCV – she died of cardiopulmonary arrest and cerebral edema. “You think the government should have the right to force all parents to vaccinate? You’re a fan of forced medical procedures?

Health News, Vaccines

Except With Vaccines

Less government. Except with vaccines. Believe in freedom and personal liberty.  Except for vaccines.  Freedom of speech. Except for vaccines. We shall not comply. Except for vaccines. Do not take my rights away. Except with vaccines. I am pro life. Except for vaccines. My body my choice. Except for vaccines.

Health News

Vaccines and the Th1/Th2 Immune Response

Shared from here. A balance of Th1/Th2 cells in the body is defined as immunostasis (or immune balance) and is required for optimum health and wellness. Vaccines promote a failure in immunostasis by making the Th2-type cells dominant. In Natural Immunity, for example exposure to chickenpox, Th1 response externalizes the

Mama Stories, Vaccine Injury Stories

Evee’s Story

Shared from her mother, Catie Clobes. I held my beautiful Evee Gayle, who passed away unexpectedly in her sleep Friday morning, in my arms for the last time today. She was in a gorgeous homemade “angel gown” donated by two amazing volunteers who made it overnight just for her. She