What is the Vitamin K?

Generally speaking, “Nature” does not make mistakes. The human body has adapted to be perfectly suited for its environment.

The following is a collection of information on the vitamin K shot recommended for newborns today.

A Pediatrician Talks Vitamin K Shot

“You know what “synthetic vitamin K” enthusiasts don’t understand? The thought that babies (and all animals for that matter) have lower levels of vitamin K at birth for a beneficial, protective, reason. I’m just going to throw these “common sense-based” thoughts out there but let’s consider them (and BTW this goes for the Drops as well as the Shot):

First, in order to absorb vitamin K we have to have a functioning biliary and pancreas system. Your infant’s digestive system isn’t fully developed at birth which is why we give babies breast milk (and delay solids) until they are at least 6-months-old, and why breast milk only contains a small amount of highly absorbable vitamin K. Too much vitamin K could tax the liver and cause brain damage (among other things). As baby ages and the digestive tract, mucosal lining, gut flora, and enzyme functions develop, baby can process more vitamin K. Low levels of vitamin K at birth just…makes…sense. ???

Secondly, cord blood contains stem cells, which protect a baby against bleeding and perform all sorts of needed repairs inside an infant’s body. Here’s the kicker, in order for a baby to get this protective boost of stem cells, cord-cutting needs to be delayed and the blood needs to remain thin so stem cells can easily travel and perform their functions. Imagine that, baby has his/her own protective mechanism to prevent bleeding and repair organs…that wasn’t discovered until after we started routinely giving infants vitamin K injections.

Third, a newborn might have low levels of vitamin K because it’s intestines are not yet colonized with bacteria needed to synthesize it and the “vitamin K cycle” isn’t fully functional in newborns. It makes sense then to bypass the gut and inject vitamin K right into the muscle right? Except baby’s kidneys aren’t fully functional either.

Fourth, babies are born with low levels of vitamin K compared to adults, but this level is still sufficient to prevent problems; vitamin K prophylaxis isn’t necessarily needed.

Finally, several clinical observations support the hypothesis that children have natural protective mechanisms that justify their low vitamin K levels at birth . I don’t know about you, but we should probably figure out why that is before we “inject now and worry about it later.”

Why is vitamin K is pushed on parents and their children?

Because pharmaceutical companies don’t like to lose money, doctors don’t like to be questioned, the American Academy of Pediatrics dare not change its recommendations.”

“Since 1985, the medical profession has known that oral vitamin K raises blood levels 300 – 9,000 times higher. The injectable vitamin K, results in vitamin K levels 9,000 times thicker than adults blood.

Baby’s blood thickened with vitamin K, causes a situation where stem cells have to move through sludge, not nicely greased blood vessels full of blood which can allow stem cells easy access to anywhere. Maybe one day it will dawn on the medical profession that not only are cord blood stem cells important and useful to the newborn baby, but that stem cells need to thin blood for a reason.”

“Any fetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go … anywhere!!! Amazing don’t you think. God’s design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby’s blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But … pediatricians consider this a … “defect” … so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult’s. This vitamin K injection, so they say … (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) … is because the baby wasn’t designed right, and if you don’t give a vitamin K injection, the baby “could bleed to death”.

It’s not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is one unanswered question:

“Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?”

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby’s blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult’s, courtesy of another needle?

👉🏼 Quick Facts

  • The Vitamin K Shot is not a vaccine, and it’s not “just a vitamin”.
  • It has a ‘Black Box Warning’ on its package: anaphylaxis, shock, cardiac arrest and/or death may occur as a result of parenteral administration.
  • The dose is over 100 times the infant’s RDA for this nutrient.
  • The incidence of late vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) ranges from 4.4 to 7.2 per 100,000 births.
  • Risk factors include: antibiotics, diarrhea, underlying liver disease, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, cholestasis.
  • It is more common in breast-fed infants.
  • Certain maternal medications increase the risk: warfarin, anticonvulsants, antituberculosis, rifampin and isoniazid.
  • The shot was first recommended in 1961.
  • Case Report: Vitamin K deficiency following antibiotic usage persisted despite vitamin K administration.
  • An Australian review found that 57% of cases of vitamin k deficiency bleeding (VKDB) had not received vitamin k (meaning that 43% had received vitamin k).
  • A case report of a 6-week-old female with VKDB despite having 1 mg of vitamin k injection at birth.
  • A case report of a 2 months 20 days old male presenting for bleeding from the injections sites of vaccines. Received birth oral K prophylaxis and a daily supplementation of oral K. Developed late onset VKDB.

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