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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling



Baby Charlee’s Heart Stops 22 Hours After Hep B Vaccine

“My letter to Nicole Shanahan: Hi Nicole, I felt compelled to reach out to you as a fellow vaccine injury mom. I want to share the story of our daughter, Caroline “Charlee” Baker. Charlee was born on May 6, 2017, after an unremarkable pregnancy. She was delivered via C-section, weighing

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Baby Brooks Dies Suddenly 20 Days After DTaP and Rotavirus Vaccines

Brooks was born on February 6, 2021 at a healthy 7 pounds, 4 ounces. His mother Leigh practiced safe sleep recommendations, and always placed him on his back to sleep. Leigh had done her research and wanted to skip all vaccines, but she compromised with her husband, who wanted to

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Epilepsy and Rasmussen Encephalitis After MMR Vaccine

Shared by mother Anne about what happened to her daughter Roz after an MMR vaccine 11 years ago: “All for the Greater Good…is it worth the risk? Is it worth almost losing your child? Is it worth changing their life forever! Is it worth losing the use of half your

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Preemie Dies Two Weeks After Delayed ‘Well Baby’ Visit

Jiovanni Jimenez was born at 35 weeks on August 25, 2023, weighing just 5 pounds 2 ounces. Despite the fact he was born premature, little Jiovanni was so healthy he overcame the NICU in just three days, according to his mom, Heather Biesel. By the time Jiovanni reached two months

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Health News

Baby ‘Genesis June’ Dies One Day After 4 Month Shots

Four month old baby girl Genesis June (called ‘Genny June’) has died just one day after the routine “well baby” visit where many injections of vaccines are recommended by the CDC. Genesis was a twin baby girl who was born in September 2024. I’m not sure exactly which vaccines Genesis

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Health News

Vaccine Injury Story: Ear Infections, High Fevers, Rashes, Crossed Eyes, and Autism

Shared by Catherine and Patrick Layton, who are part of the Informed Consent Action Network. “Our sweet Brennan boy. Brennan was born without complications in 2013. Given that his older brother had been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and autism, we watched him like a hawk. He met every milestone

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A Dad on X Shares Baby Died of SIDS Just Days After 2 Month Vaccinations

A father named Jonathan Bowen (@BostonByBirth) on X has shared the story of how his 2 month old son died days after vaccines on April 15, 2017. It took him a while to realize the vaccines are the most logical cause of his son’s death. I can imagine it would

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Vaccine Injury Stories

Alexander’s Story

Alexander Locke Johnson was born 5 weeks premature but otherwise was a healthy little boy. Tragically, he lived only 12 short weeks. He suffered a seizure and cardiac arrest following his first set of vaccinations. The resulting damage to his brain was catastrophic. Read Jennifer Johnson’s painful account of her

Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories


This isn’t about pro vs. anti-vaccine, because nothing is ever just black and white.  This isn’t about fake exemptions, because no matter how many cases have been investigated, they still have found zero. This isn’t about unscrupulous doctors, because most won’t even consider writing Medical Exemptions, and THAT is unscrupulous.

Vaccine Injury Stories

Victoria’s Story

Shared from her father: Victoria was 15 months and was a normal healthy toddler that was just starting to talk. We unfortunately had fallen behind on her vaccines and her pediatrician said it was necessary to get her caught up because she was about to travel to Brazil. So he

Vaccine Injury Stories

Skyler’s Story

Shared from her father Robbie Bazzell: “Skyler had over 130 seizures in her 30 minute EEG and the seizures haven’t stopped for over 2 and a half years now. Her seizures started hours after her MMR, pcv13, and Hep a (2dose). Within 5 days she lost her ability to walk