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Science Is Unsettling


Category: Health News

Health News, The Science Is Unsettling

SIDS Is An Umbrella Term (Hiding Vaccine Deaths)

Accidental suffocation cases started increasing in the 1940s. Pathologists refuted that cause and found inflammation, evidence of infection (infectious etiology ie. Inflammation). Diagnoses were bronchopneumonia, interstitial pneumonia. In the 50s and 60s more and more cot deaths, crib deaths. Parents were NOT satisfied with the pneumonia diagnosis: Their children weren’t

Health News

Peter Gøtzsche Exposes Big Pharma As Organized Crime

Co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, Danish physician / medical researcher Peter Gøtzsche expresses his views on the criminality of pharmaceutical companies. Gøtzsche was expelled out of the Cochrane organization in 2018 shortly after co-authoring a critique ( of Cochrane’s HPV vaccine review (…/GYNAECA_hpv-vaccination-prevent-…) in which he pointed out that Cochrane’s