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Tag: vaccines

Health News

10 Reasons Why I Choose Not To Vaccinate

Shared from toxicologist Ashley Everly, creator of Vaccine.Guide. 1. Toxic substances and fragments of human DNA from aborted fetal cells used in vaccine production can irreparably harm the body, increase the risk of infections, cause anaphylaxis, chronic neurological or autoimmune illness, or worse (e.g. SIDS / death). Independent, unbiased medical

Health News, Vaccines

Except With Vaccines

Less government. Except with vaccines. Believe in freedom and personal liberty.  Except for vaccines.  Freedom of speech. Except for vaccines. We shall not comply. Except for vaccines. Do not take my rights away. Except with vaccines. I am pro life. Except for vaccines. My body my choice. Except for vaccines.

Baby, Health News, Vaccines

Aluminum and Your Baby

Aluminum is considered by everyone to be a neurotoxin. Whether it’s present in your drinking water, your antacid medication, your infant’s formula, or your vaccines, IT IS STILL A NEUROTOXIN. “Even at low levels, aluminum salts can increase levels of glial activation, inflammatory cytokines and amyloid precursor protein within the

Health News, Vaccines

Vaccines and Seizures

You might hear a doctor say that a seizure is normal. “Some kids just have seizures”. But technically, a seizure is abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It’s ANYTHING but normal. Seizures, or epilepsy (which is diagnosed when two or more unprovoked seizures have occurred more than 24 hours apart) represent symptoms of an underlying

Health News

No, Vaccines Did Not Save Us

The flushing toilet did! Remember the good ‘ole “correlation does not imply causation”? That essentially means that just because two separate things occur simultaneously does not mean that one caused the other. The classic example is whether vaccines contribute to autism. The vaccine schedule, and autism, increased around the same

Health News

Death After Vaccines Autopsy Protocol

All too often an infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly after vaccination. Whether these deaths are eventually called “Undetermined” or “SIDS” or “Sudden Unexplained Infant Death” or even “Interstitial Pneumonia”, the vaccination should never be ruled out. Why? Because vaccines mimic infection and cause iron sequestration, which then reduces hemoglobin concentration.