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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Tag: vaccine injury

Vaccine Injury Stories

Emily’s Story

Shared from her mother Christina Schmidt. “My daughter, Emily, was vaccine injured at 14 months old and suffered an encephalopathy from her one year old booster shots.  She developed severe gastrointestinal issues shortly after, as well as blood-brain barrier/methylation deficiency and many food intolerances that, when certain foods are ingested,

Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories


This isn’t about pro vs. anti-vaccine, because nothing is ever just black and white.  This isn’t about fake exemptions, because no matter how many cases have been investigated, they still have found zero. This isn’t about unscrupulous doctors, because most won’t even consider writing Medical Exemptions, and THAT is unscrupulous.

Vaccine Injury Stories

Victoria’s Story

Shared from her father: Victoria was 15 months and was a normal healthy toddler that was just starting to talk. We unfortunately had fallen behind on her vaccines and her pediatrician said it was necessary to get her caught up because she was about to travel to Brazil. So he

Vaccine Injury Stories

Skyler’s Story

Shared from her father Robbie Bazzell: “Skyler had over 130 seizures in her 30 minute EEG and the seizures haven’t stopped for over 2 and a half years now. Her seizures started hours after her MMR, pcv13, and Hep a (2dose). Within 5 days she lost her ability to walk

Vaccine Injury Stories

Reid’s Story

Reid Thomas Englehart was two months old when his father Dusty took him in for his shots. He was given the DTaP, Hib, polio, pneumococcal, hepatitis B and the oral rotavirus. His mother Christy remembers the day… “When they came home from the doctor, Reid was passed out and slept

Vaccine Injury Stories

Annabelle’s Story

Annabelle Lee died 10 hours after receiving the MMR, DTaP, varicella and half of a Flu shot. She was 15 months old. Her mother took her shopping afterwards and said she was grouchy. When they returned home she laid her down to relax for the night and watch cartoons.  Her

Vaccine Injury Stories

Nickson’s Story

Shared from his mother, Lindsey Pelton. “Nickson Pelton was born two months premature. At his two month checkup Nickson’s pediatrician gave him eight vaccines, the 5-in-1 combo Pentacel for (DTaP, polio and Hib), Energix B for hepatits B, the pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13 and the oral rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq. After his

Vaccine Injury Stories

Izzy’s Story

My daughter’s reaction to the DTaP vaccine. Shared by her mother, Edwina Olesen. “Izzy was born a healthy beautiful little girl who was always happy and very fun loving. I remember when Izzy got sick like it was yesterday. She was 18 months old at the time. Our day care

Vaccine Injury Stories

Baby Gracie’s Story

Shared from her mother, Nichol Willow. Four days after Gracie received her two month shots – DTaP, HIB, IPV, Hep B and PCV – she died of cardiopulmonary arrest and cerebral edema. “You think the government should have the right to force all parents to vaccinate? You’re a fan of forced medical procedures?