Problem Every single day, 11 Americans die from asthma. Annually, asthma takes the lives of 4,000 people, and contributes to the deaths of another 7,000 more. EVERY YEAR. Asthma Is Increasing In the USA from 1980 to 2010 asthma prevalence in the general population increased from 3.1% to 8.4%, with
READ MOREShared from here. A balance of Th1/Th2 cells in the body is defined as immunostasis (or immune balance) and is required for optimum health and wellness. Vaccines promote a failure in immunostasis by making the Th2-type cells dominant. In Natural Immunity, for example exposure to chickenpox, Th1 response externalizes the
READ MOREDetoxification is an activity that our body is doing all the time, whether or not we are aware of it, kind of like breathing. In fact, breathing is one way we detox, as well as sweating, and going to the bathroom. We have many organs in our body perfectly designed
READ MOREShared from her mother, Taylor Krystine Frady. Angel Isabella Frady (June 25, 2014 – October 5, 2014). She passed away 2 weeks after receiving the 2 month vaccines. Her autopsy report did not mention the vaccines even though she still had some redness on both of her legs, at the injection
READ MOREShared from Kaleo‘s mother, Hil Hart. Most people don’t realize their kids were vaccine injured until they are ready to acknowledge it. When someone says, “My children were vaccinated and they’re just fine,” there are a few things that come to mind as a response. 1. I’m so thankful and happy
READ MOREShared from Christina Mecklenburg. Check out her podcast where she details Hayden’s MMR vaccine injury here. Follow @healthforourbabies on Instagram. Tomorrow marks 1 year that we went to Hayden’s pediatrician and she received her MMR vaccine. Not a clue of the poison that was circulating her little one year old body,
READ MOREAs a mom, I get it. No one wants their kids to get sick ever. Like EVER. But what if everything we think we know about vaccines and infections and pathogens is wrong? What if we acknowledged that vaccines contain allergens that cause food allergies? What if we acknowledged the
READ MOREShared with permission from Landen’s mother. My son Landen Steffen was born in a hospital in January 2009. He was born a healthy 8 lbs. boy through normal birth (no C-section). We started allowing him to be vaccinated with the Vitamin K and Hepatitis B shots within 12 hours after
READ MOREShared with permission from his mother, Raja-Nee Keys. Zedikiah was born 09/27/2018. Minus a lot of pregnancy complications for me, he was perfectly healthy. 5lbs, 15.5 oz, 18 inches long. Zedikiah attended a 3 day visit after birth, his 2 week newborn screening, and was up to date thus far. We
READ MOREAll too often an infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly after vaccination. Whether these deaths are eventually called “Undetermined” or “SIDS” or “Sudden Unexplained Infant Death” or even “Interstitial Pneumonia”, the vaccination should never be ruled out. Why? Because vaccines mimic infection and cause iron sequestration, which then reduces hemoglobin concentration.
READ MOREIn her mothers words: “I lost my daughter Peyton at 6 weeks old appropriately 12 hours after receiving her “2 month” vaccinations, 9 total. Her death being classified as SUDI (Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy). Almost 2 years after her death I was told about the VICP (Vaccination Injury Compensation
READ MOREGuest Post: Whyser Let’s dig into the myths about aluminum injection vs. ingestion. I’m sure you’ve heard some. Here’s one: Dr. Paul Offit made this comment a few years back, published on CHOP website: “While infants receive about 4.4 milligrams* of aluminum in the first six months of life from
READ MOREYou may have never heard of VAERS before. VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It is a passive surveillance system that collects vaccine injury reports from patients, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and more. This is the system in place that lets us know if there is a problem with
READ MOREIt’s that time of year again, you know where the entrances of grocery stores and pharmacies are decorated with “Get Your Flu Shot” signs, and promises of a $5 gift card or a $5 discount on your groceries. There’s the flu shot hashtags #fightflu and the flu shot selfies–and of
READ MOREWhether you are pregnant with your first, or a grandpa to six rugrats: It’s never too late to start researching vaccines. Today, vaccines are increasingly recommended for every age group, from birth to teens to pregnancy to older adults. You might not know a single thing about vaccines, or maybe
READ MORE“There are two Shingles vaccines approved for use in the US: Zostavax was approved for use in 2006 (Merck), and Shingrix newly approved for use in 2017 (GlaxoSmithKline, GSK). Let’s Take a Look at Zostavax From the Zostavax insert: “Each dose contains 31.16 mg of sucrose, 15.58 mg of hydrolyzed porcine
READ MORE“It is inadvertently affirmed in the Christian countries of Europe that the English are fools and madmen. Fools, because they give their children the small-pox to prevent their catching it; and madmen, because they wantonly communicate a certain and dreadful distemper to their children, merely to prevent an uncertain evil.”
READ MOREShared from her mama: “I’ve been seeing more of the We Did movement these past couple of days. I wanted to share my story here, in a place without hatred, if thats allowed and of course hear other’s, as well. We separated our shots at six months to 9/10 months.
READ MOREShared from her mama: “I am a married mother of six. My second child a baby girl was born on November 6, 2000 and died on January 17, 2001. When I write those dates it seems so long ago, yet it feels like yesterday. Her name is Autumn Makenzy, she
READ MOREThe Samoan government has launched an inquiry into the deaths of two one-year-old infants after they died within minutes of a routine MMR vaccination (Measles, Mumps and Rubella). It’s all over the news, but not American news. In fact, we don’t hear much about vaccine induced deaths at all. If