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TikTok Influencer Baby Died
Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

TikTok Influencer’s Baby Cash Died In His Sleep A Few Days After ‘6 Week Shots’

Australian TikTok influencer Veruca Salt, whose real name is Kimberley Summer Hartley, 25, has shared the tragic news that her 6 week old baby Cash died suddenly in his sleep.

The young mom took to social media to share details about her experiences being a mom regularly, and made several videos about Cash prior to his death that may, in retrospect, bring clues to what caused his untimely death.

Just four days before Cash died suddenly in his sleep, the baby was taken to the doctor for his ‘6 week shots’ which in Australia are:

  • Prevnar13 (Pneumococcal)
  • Rotarix (Rotavirus (oral))
  • Infanrix Hexa or Vaxelis, both of which target 6 diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus infuenzae b, hepatitis b, and polio.


Altogether, this is 8 different vaccines, some of which are combined into one vial. Considering the average 6 week old baby weighs around 10 to 11 pounds, this practice to give a small infant so many vaccines is a fairly recent thing.

Just a few decades ago, only a few vaccines were given, and many times vaccinations were delayed to school entry.


time for cash’s six week shots 🥲🥲 his little outfit is from @WEi-WEi CUTE 🥹

♬ original sound – veruca 🤍

The day after shots, mom Kimberley shares how Cash had inconsolable crying and was desperately trying to get Panadol, which is the Australian version of baby Tylenol.

The crying could have been the “DTP scream,” or indicative of encephalitis, which is listed as an adverse event on the package inserts for the vaccines.


his pain crying is so heartbreaking 😭 remind me to secure the baby panadol next time 😭

♬ original sound – veruca 🤍

A few days later, mom Kimberley shares that her baby Cash hasn’t pooped in seven days, and that she was taking him to the hospital.


cashs first trip to the hospital ig 😭

♬ original sound – veruca 🤍

Then suddenly, baby Cash died in his sleep. I’m heartbroken for this mom. I know moms genuinely think they are doing the right thing when they vaccinate.

News reports mention that an autopsy is underway, but most routine autopsies for infants who die after vaccination do not include thorough testing that would find vaccination as the cause. Vaccines are not typically investigated, because of overwhelming medical bias. Pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money and that money flows far and wide.

See our autopsy protocol here.

Sadly, like so many moms, she doesn’t know or understand that vaccines are in fact associated with sudden death, and that these medical products are not safe, as we’ve all been lead to believe.

Deaths in the vaccine clinical trials


Vaxelis is a newly approved 6-in-one vaccine. In the US clinical trials (3,392 in the VAXELIS group and 889 in the Control vaccine group), death was reported in 6 participants (0.2%) who received Vaxelis and in 1 (0.1%) who received Pentacel + Recombivax HB vaccines. No inert placebos were used in the clinical trial, so it’s impossible to gauge the safety of the vaccine.

Read the Vaxelis Package Insert Here

The cause of death among the six infants who received Vaxelis were sepsis, 2 cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, asphyxia, unknown cause, and hydrocephalus (occurring 2, 10 and 49, 42, 44 days, and 11 months post-vaccination, respectively).

The vaccine manufacturer believes ‘no deaths were related to the test product’–of course, why would they? Even if they thought so, they would never say that. They want their drug approved.

The two SIDS cases, asphyxia, and unknown cause altogether fit into the diagnostic label of SUID, or Sudden Unexplained Infant Deaths. The rate in the study population (which are healthy infants selected for a clinical trial) was a rate of 1.2 per 1000, which is much higher than any expected background rate for 2023–especially considering over 70% of the study population was “white” and these are all health-seeking participants. That should have been a red flag.

The CDC reports that in 2020 the SUID rate was 92.9 per 100,000 live births, which would be 0.92 per 1,000 live births, 22% lower than the rate in this clinical trial. Again, healthy selected infants.

Infanrix Hexa

Infanrix Hexa is a 6-in-one vaccine that has long been in the spotlight for a potential relationship with SIDS. It tends to cause SIDS in every country the vaccine is introduced in.

Read the Infanrix Hexa Package Insert Here

Infanrix Hexa has caused or believed to have caused SIDS in India, Italy, Germany, France, and now Australia. In infants who are over one year old Infanrix Hexa causes SUDC, or Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood.

In Italy, a study looked at deaths after Infanrix Hexa in the first two years of life and found an elevated risk of death in the 0-7 day post vaccine window RR 2.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 3.5). 

You can see below that when you combine day 0 and day 1, you get 8 deaths total within 1 day of vaccination.

Sudden infant death syndrome infanrix hexa

Infanrix Hexa’s package insert does not list the deaths that occurred in its clinical trials, but Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is listed as a potential adverse event under section 6.2 Postmarketing Experience.

Read the confidential GSK report on Infanrix hexa which is a document that was not meant for public eyes, detailing some of the post vaccine death reports given to the manufacturer:  confidentialGSKreport

Read a case report of a 3 month old girl who went unconscious a few hours after hexavalent vaccination and died: Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) shortly after hexavalent vaccination: another pathology in suspected SIDS?

Why aren’t post-vaccine deaths being studied?

As SIDS has continued to mystify scientists and defy logic for decades, and a pervasive cultural belief persists that vaccines cause SIDS no matter how they slice and dice the data, this brings up an important question: Why are post-vaccine deaths routinely labeled SIDS or Unknown or Suffocation?

Wouldn’t this make it impossible to study? Why would we continue to mislabel post-vaccine deaths as SIDS or Unknown when there could be a relationship that we simply do not understand yet?

Shouldn’t these deaths be categorized separately so we *could* keep track of them? Because we *should* keep track of them to learn about them. If a post-vaccine death is not a classic SIDS death, and the infant doesn’t have the same “risk factors” as other babies (ie. smoking, formula fed, prone position, deprived home, drug use, young single mother, Black, Alaska Native) then this is a separate category that must be examined thoroughly.

After all, didn’t someone say vaccines were supposed to reduce the risk of SIDS? Then this should spark curiosity, because as it turns out, a lot of recently vaccinated infants are dying suddenly.

SIDS vaccines

Did someone say vaccines reduce the risk of SIDS?

Yes, and that person was (lying) filling in the blanks. Vaccines don’t actually reduce the risk of SIDS. No studies have ever proved that, and observational studies cannot prove causation by definition. They merely detect associations, and if a study doesn’t control for confounding variables such as recent illness, maternal drug use, or adjust for significant risk factors relating to sudden death, such as sleep position and sleep setting, then spurious associations can be made.

The health seeking behavior that ‘giving vaccines’ is a part of, together with breastfeeding, safe sleep, attentive caregiving, abstaining from smoking, drinking and drugs both during and after pregnancy–are a constellation of behaviors that lowers an infant’s risk of SIDS. A bunch of injections of specific antigens and aluminum salts into an infants muscle does not. SIDS is not caused by a vaccine preventable infection. The fact that they argue that notion and avoid the more logical ‘healthy vaccinee effect’ as a major reason, is unscientific.

Still, Vennemann’s meta-analysis which includes studies that didn’t adjust for sleep position or control for confounding variables and includes unvaccinated infants too young to be immunized, still concludes that ‘healthy vaccinee effect’ may be the reason that SIDS infants (who are often unwell before death) were less likely to have begun vaccination. That and many of the studies include infants who died prior to the first vaccine even being offered to them, ie. prior to 2 months of age. Obviously a vaccine given at 2 months can’t retroactively prevent a death that already occurred at 4 or 5 weeks of age.

Vaccines SIDS Study

So what’s the deal then?

When an infant is ill, or a parent abuses drugs, they don’t get vaccinated as often. A mother who smoked during pregnancy and after is also less likely to breastfeed, etc. Add in prematurity, low birth weight, low socioeconomic status, teenage mother etc.–altogether these risk factors for SIDS coincide with reasons for slightly less vaccination. It’s unreasonable to assume a premature infant who isn’t well would be vaccinated earlier or more often than a healthy, full-term control infant who is devoid of most of these risk factors.

And it’s even more ridiculous to attribute causation that it was the vaccine that caused a healthy, well-cared for full term infant to be healthy and alive, and it was the absence of a vaccine that caused a premature, nicotine exposed infant to die while bedsharing with a parent who was under the influence of alcohol.

‘Vaccines reduce SIDS risk’ is a misinterpretation of the studies which actually found that the parents of SIDS infants were less likely to follow any health advice in general compared to the control population, but we can’t attribute causation. All we can say is a baby who dies of SIDS is vaccinated often, just not as often as a baby who lives (and who has no obstacles to vaccination). This is essentially a ‘healthy vaccinee effect’ at play. Because healthy babies are more suitable for vaccination, compared to a premature, low birth weight, sick, ill, or neglected baby.

So if vaccines save lives, why are so many babies dying after vaccination?

Let’s say vaccines reduce risk of SIDS. Why are infants dying shortly after vaccination? I mean, in theory, this shouldn’t happen right?

Even Elon Musks first child died at 10 weeks old, and would have had practically zero risk factors for SIDS. Was he recently vaccinated??

These babies all were:

Aviana’s Story

15 Month Old Toddler Dies 2 Days After ‘Well-Visit’ Vaccinations

Baby Died of SIDS Three Days After Vaccinations

Baby Dies 34 Hours After Vaccines

SIDS After Shots? Baby Lucas Died One Day After Vaccines

4-Year-Old Dies In Sleep One Week After Shots; Mislabeled as COVID

Willow’s Story

Carter’s Story

Baby Jhanella Dies Hours After 2 Month Shots

Baby Brooks Weighed Only 8 Pounds and Died 4 Days after Vaccines

Sudden Death After 4 Month Vaccines: Kaylee’s Story

Evee’s Story

The Tennessee SIDS Cluster

Baby Kaleo’s Story

Baby Dawson’s Story

Austin’s Story

Gemma’s Story

Remy’s Story: Sudden Death the Same Night of his 2-Month Shots

Nickson’s Story


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