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Are Black Americans More At Risk For COVID Vaccine Injuries?

For many decades, our health experts have known that there are race-related differences in immune responses to vaccines.

For example, African Americans have more powerful immune responses to vaccines, compared to non-hispanic whites. But this is one instance where bigger may not be better, since a more powerful immune response can also cause problems.

While vaccines are created one-size-fits-all, humans are not. And medicine or treatments should have never been either.

If vaccines are tailored for a Caucasian person’s weaker immune response, what might this be doing to other ethnic groups, who have a biologically more powerful immune response?

Racial Differences In Vaccine Response

There was a 5-year study that confirmed that African Americans have higher antibody responses to the influenza A virus components of influenza vaccines compared to Caucasians.

Vaccination with pertussis vaccine elicited a two-fold higher humoral immune response in black infants compared to white infants, with racial differences in the occurrence and/or reporting of adverse reactions. 

The same study also found Black infants were reported to have more pain than white infants after receiving whole-cell pertussis and DTaP and were reported to be more fussy after receiving whole-cell pertussis.

The same pattern of higher antibody response in African American infants was observed after rubella vaccination and measles vaccination.

Somali Americans develop twice the antibody response to rubella compared to Caucasians. 

In 2014, Brian Hooker published research using CDC data that revealed that African American males were more likely to have an autism diagnosis if they received an MMR vaccine (meases, mumps, rubella) before 24 months of age, compared to those who got the MMR vaccine after 24 months of age. It was later retracted because of undeclared competing interests.

But it brings up some important questions: Autism is more prevalent in non-hispanic Black children, as is asthma, food allergies, and epilepsy, which has long been known to have an association with vaccines.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is also twice as common in African American infants as it is in non-Hispanic white infants. Still quite possibly one of the biggest coverups of all time–could the fact that Black infants are fussier, be in more pain, and have a more powerful immune response to vaccination have something to do with it all?

In a study performed in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, the DTP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) was found to be associated with a higher mortality rate for infants compared to DTP-unvaccinated infants.

So we know there’s a higher mortality associated with vaccination, and we aren’t doing anything about it??

Vaccine Injuries in the Black Community

There is a long history of experimentation and exploitation of the Black Community. These racial differences in immune reactogenicity, and adverse reactions to vaccines are another piece of the puzzle.

Now, with the rollout of these new vaccines, (and only around 10% of the study trial population was African American here and here) there have been many reports of apparently healthy African Americans dying suddenly and unexpectedly after the COVID vaccines. But there isn’t a lot of news coverage of this.

What is going on?

So far, only 8% of the vaccine supply has gone to African Americans, but they appear to report a disproportionate number of severe vaccine reactions.

While this cannot be easily confirmed, because VAERS does not have an option to sort reactions by ethnicity, I’m sure the CDC and FDA has access to this data and they should be doing their due diligence and performing a proper investigation.

Since this community is more likely to mount a stronger antibody and immune response–could this be predisposing them to more vaccine injuries–and deaths?

NOTHING is one size fits all.

I know one thing: Healthy people don’t just die.

Dr. Joshimar Henry


Dr. Joshimar Henry was working as a resident in Chicago at Humboldt Park Health and received the second dose on January 6th.

The young man passed away suddenly and unexpectedly April 3, 2021, from a heart attack. He was only 27 years old.

According to his obituary:

Josie, as he was affectionately known, was a talented musician who, when he was not on the job, spent every free moment making memories with his wife and extended family, playing soccer and video games with friends, or working out at the gym.

He leaves behind a wife. Please help support the family through their Gofundme.

Midwin Charles


Long-time CNN and MSNBC legal analyst Midwin Charles died suddenly and unexpectedly April 6, 2021. She was 47.

Charles got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 on March 1st, and then reported that she was feeling unwell on March 19, and her death was announced April 7.

It is unknown what kind of complications the young woman may have had, but she got the vaccine March 1. She was asthmatic and had a peanut allergy–both conditions which increase a person’s chances of experiencing an adverse vaccine reaction.


Desiree Penrod


Desiree Penrod was only 25 years old. She had a pre-existing seizure disorder and according to her Facebook page, she had a seizure on Monday, March 8th, one day before she got the vaccine.

She got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Janssen, on Tuesday, March 9th, and the very next day began feeling very unwell.

By Wednesday, March 11th, when she made her final Facebook post, she was very ill. She was found deceased in her home on March 17th.

She should have never gotten any of these vaccines, and her pre-existing seizure disorder should have been a contraindication. But it’s not.

Marvin Hagler


The “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler died suddenly and unexpectedly on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at the age of 66. His wife has told newspapers that her husband did not die from the vaccine.

From a post from one of his close friends, a boxing colleague Thomas Hearns, posted prior to the announcement of his passing, it appears the boxer could have been unwell from a shot, which is not out of the realm of possibility as millions of people are getting vaccinated right now, especially those who are older.

Drene Keyes


Virginia minister and grandmother of six, Drene Keyes, who was 58-year-old died just a few hours after her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Keyes, who had diabetes, sleep apnea and was obese, started having trouble breathing and started vomiting.  She was rushed to the hospital and they administered an epi-pen, CPR, and oxygen. Keyes died shortly after.

After her death, the State of Virginia refused to perform an autopsy on Keyes, stating that they did not want to promote vaccine hesitancy, forcing the family to pay out of pocket for an autopsy to determined what caused their loved one’s death.

None of her medical conditions are contraindications for the vaccine.

The official stance is “no link has been found.”


Karen Hudson-Samuels


The 68-year-old former Detroit anchor, producer and news director was found dead at her home by her husband on a Tuesday in February, just one day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine but the official cause of her death is still unknown.

We suspect it may have just been a stroke but because of the normal side effects of the vaccine it may have masked that. Hopefully we’ll know soon from the autopsy report,” said her husband.

Tragically, he doesn’t realize that stroke is a very common vaccine side effect.

Ashley Gerren Taylor


Actress Ashley Taylor Gerren passed away in her sleep at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday April 11 her family revealed in a statement. It was said she died of natural causes, though the cause has not been revealed. She was 30.

At 12-years-old, Ashley became the youngest model ever signed by the runway division of LA Models. She then starred on BET’s Baldwin Hills which ran multiple seasons. She leaves behind a young daughter.

Though no cause of death has been revealed, sources say that the reality television star battled with lupus and was on dialysis around the time of her death. Comments and rumors also mention she may have received the COVID-19 vaccine, though it’s unclear.

Lupus is three times more common in African American women than in Caucasian women. Lupus has a well-documented connection to vaccines, which scientists have been aware of for decades:


Rev. Dr. Kimberly Credit


Senior Pastor at Mount Zion Baptist Church Dr. Kimberly Credit died suddenly and unexpectedly April 5, 2021. She received her first dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on February 10, 2021.

She may have gotten the second dose around 28 days later, which is the recommended interval between doses.

Her cause of death has not been released.

As more and more of these reports come out, I will be adding to this story. You can be sure of one thing, I am not going to let them cover anything up. Transparency is key. This has gone on long enough already.

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One thought on “Are Black Americans More At Risk For COVID Vaccine Injuries?

  1. So many tragic accounts… When will people wake up! The real Health Equity issue with respect to vaccination is the disproportionate number of death and injury among Blacks. This especially floored me: “VAERS does not have an option to sort reactions by ethnicity..” Wow, really!

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