Shared by his mama, Heather LaBrec. Jaxon Joseph LaBrec was born about six weeks early on July 31, 2015 (his due date was September 6). Weighing 4 lb. 3 oz. at birth, and over a month early, baby Jaxon was given the hep b vaccine shortly after birth. At discharge,
READ MORESo with all this hand washing, sanitizing and mask wearing, it serves as a good reminder to remember that our bodies are home to trillions of microbes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and archaea, that live both inside and outside of our body—and serve the very important roles of protecting
READ MOREWhen we treat the body with natural “medicine” (nutrient-dense diet, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, herbs, vitamins, minerals, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, restful sleep, meditation, healthy relationships, clay, etc.) we are supporting the immune system and improving its function. Through going this route, we are not only reducing the intake of harmful, toxic
READ MOREBefore we are born we are exposed to a constellation of chemicals in our mother’s body. I’m not talking about essential building blocks for life: I’m talking about synthetic man-made chemical compounds that have no biological necessity, skirted around safety testing, and have exploded in our environment to our own
READ MOREOk here’s the problem. When 42% of Covid-19 deaths are occurring where 0.6% of the US population lives, it does not make sense to quarantine the other 99.4% of the population. It makes more sense to protect this most vulnerable group, and NOT expose this group to Covid-19. Some states,
READ MOREWith all the debate surrounding whether or not to mask up–what can we glean from lessons of the past? Did masks prevent the spread of the 1918 Spanish Influenza? Experts examined the evidence and concluded masks failed to control infection. Given that we know from autopsies that: “The majority of
READ MOREShared from his mama. This is baby Carter Jeffries. Carter passed away on May 26th, 2020, less than 5 days after he received the scheduled 2 month shots (that is 8 vaccines total). His mother has reached out for help at just the right time to where her rights can
READ MOREWhat is a vaccine injury? I’m not talking about a little fever or redness at the injection site. I’m talking about long-term complications of vaccination. I’m talking about chronic health conditions, higher mortality rates. Food allergies have increased for all races, but African-American children have the highest rates of anaphylactic
READ MOREShared from her mama, Jula Meeks. “My daughter Layla Brown died at 3 months of age May 29th, 2020. The pain will never go away. The way I found her on my bed will never go away. There will always be a part of my heart that will still hurt.
READ MOREGuest post from Whyser. Why was Wakefield’s paper retracted? Here’s the actual reason why the paper was retracted: Following the judgment of the UK General Medical Council’s Fitness to Practise Panel on Jan 28, 2010, it has become clear that several elements of the 1998 paper by Wakefield et
READ MOREAhhh history. So many stories to tell. And they’re not all good stories, but truth and objectivity are important if we want to learn and grow as a society. As humans, we may think we are the smartest, most forward moving beings this planet has ever seen. It’s completely natural
READ MOREChristine Stabell Benn discusses how the DTP vaccine is associated with a 5-fold increase in mortality in children. All non-live vaccines are associated with increased mortality, and higher rate in females. She argues for live polio vaccination in infants, however all live vaccines are capable of causing the illness it’s aiming
READ MOREShared from his sister, Katja. “Yesterday my brother Chase passed away slowly and peacefully up at Swedish medical center at the age of 21. Luckily my parents were allowed to be there by his side. Chase struggled with severe epilepsy among many other health issues likely stemming from a vaccine
READ MOREBack in February, the national unemployment rate was 3.5%. In April, it jumped to 14.7% and it’s expected to get worse. We haven’t seen anything like this since the Great Depression, when 1 in 4 people were unemployed. Today, 1 in 5 Americans are unemployed. Was flattening the curve just
READ MOREA lawyer, a writer, with a B.S. in biology, emphasis in genetics. This brilliant mother of two shares about her journey into researching vaccines, becoming a medical freedom advocate, and why it’s so important to get involved and stop vaccine mandates. She did not look into vaccination until her son
READ MOREClick here to go to the FLCCC Alliance for their great COVID-19 protocols. The complete Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance protocols. FLCCC-Protocols-A-Guide-to-the-Management-of-COVID-01-20-2022-FINAL This is a compilation of various protocols people have used to successfully treat Coronavirus COVID-19 infection, in no particular order. As with any illness, rest, hydration, and warm
READ MOREThere’s a lot of confusion around breastfeeding and Covid / Coronavirus so here’s some info: The WHO states breastfeeding not be interrupted even if the breastfeeding person tests positive for COVID. Biofeedback will aid in creating antibodies for babe. Extra precautions can be taken while breastfeeding or bonding with your
READ MOREPeople who are informed can’t be easily controlled. Right now it’s so hard to find information that isn’t laced with an agenda. Please watch and share these powerful videos. Please suggest more videos and I will add them. 1. Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2
READ MOREWhile the whole world is focused on Covid-19, a new study was just published two weeks ago that found Autism Rates DECREASING among wealthy, educated Californians, and INCREASING among families living in poorer counties. The authors write… “There is an urgent need to understand what wealthy California parents are doing
READ MOREMy sister lays in a hospital-like bed, legs outstretched and filled with so much fluid they pit when you press on them. The pressure of the constant fluid has caused her knee caps to crumble. She can barely walk, and she can’t hold her head up for long. She doesn’t