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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Tag: vaccine death

Mama Stories, Vaccine Injury Stories

Evee’s Story

Shared from her mother, Catie Clobes. I held my beautiful Evee Gayle, who passed away unexpectedly in her sleep Friday morning, in my arms for the last time today. She was in a gorgeous homemade “angel gown” donated by two amazing volunteers who made it overnight just for her. She

Health News

Death After Vaccines Autopsy Protocol

All too often an infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly after vaccination. Whether these deaths are eventually called “Undetermined” or “SIDS” or “Sudden Unexplained Infant Death” or even “Interstitial Pneumonia”, the vaccination should never be ruled out. Why? Because vaccines mimic infection and cause iron sequestration, which then reduces hemoglobin concentration.