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Baby Zane’s Story

Shared from his mother, Alexis Murphy.

“Zane Elijah Murphy was born November 5, 2018. He was due on the 18th, but instead he came early. He weighed 7lbs and 22oz. Healthy little boy! I had no problems while I was pregnant with him.Ā  He received the vitamin k shot only. His second day of life, he began to drop milk from his nose. I asked a nurse out of concern,Ā  and she said he was ok. We was discharged from the hospital within 2 days.

On the 17th of November, I took him to his first doctor appointment, and complained about his cough. He would spit up a lot.

I was told to sit him up and burp him after feeding. As time progressed, Zane began to vomit more. He cried a lot. I thought it was just him being a baby. I took him twice to the doctor in December. They kept trying to offer me more vaccines to give him. The second time, the doctors said he was ok.

Christmas Eve, Sam and I (my husband) got no sleep. Zane cried the entire time. He would not sleep unless someone was holding him. Sam demanded that I take him to the doctor. I took this to the ER. They told me he probably had gas and there was nothing they could do. No test were given. I was sent back home with my son.

About the second week in January, the daycare called my husband saying that Zane had a fever. I got off work early to go with him to pick him up. When we arrived,Ā  the fever was gone.

January 21st – will always be the worst day of my life. I went out for a job interview, came back home disappointed because I didnt get the job and left to go to the park so I would not take my frustration out on my family. Sam called me with the devastating news.”Zane’s not breathing!” He said.

I rushed back home to find him flopped in his father’s arms. All I could do was scream. Neighbors heard the screaming and volunteered to do CPR. It took the ambulance 45 minutes to get to us! They would not allow me to ride with them. Police came to our home and made Sam evacuate our 3 other children. He sat in a police car for 3 hours, and was almost handcuffed. At the hospital, I was isolated with a police officer. Finally- after a detective came- I was able to see Zane. He was gone. I screamed and hit the floor.

A week later we made funeral arrangements for him. Two and a half months of waiting, we finally got the cause of death- sepsis associated with viral and bacterial infections. Manner of death, natural causes.

I couldn’t settle for that…something didn’t add up. I contacted an attorney and he will be looking further in my case.

Rest in peace son. This is not over…justice will be served for you.”

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