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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

SUDC After Vaccines

Every year in the United States around 400 children between the ages of one and 18 years die from sudden and unexplained causes, which cannot be determined after a thorough autopsy and investigation. Medical examiners will diagnose these deaths as Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC). But one aspect of these children’s medical histories will invariably escape total scrutiny–and that is vaccines.

It is well known that every medication has side effects. That notion is not misinformation, or even controversial. Why would anyone think that one injection or especially six injections which are commonly given at a single well-baby visit would have fewer side effects than an oral medication you can stop at any time?

The long-standing belief that serious adverse reactions are extremely rare with vaccines–which are injections of biological material (antigens, allergens, food proteins, etc.) combined with immune-stimulating adjuvants such as aluminum salts which can instigate huge inflammatory responses including wayward responses such as allergy and auto-immunity–is based on nothing more than myth and fantasy. The shocking truth is: vaccines are rarely scrutinized and studied efficiently out of fear in causing vaccine refusal or hesitancy.

What this really means is: we are in the dark, and decades behind in science, when it comes to vaccine safety.

Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC)

Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) is the sudden and unexpected death of a child, between 1 and 18 years of age, which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation is conducted.

  • SUDC is the fifth leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 years.
  • About 400 children aged 1 year to 17 years die every year in the United States, attributed to SUDC.
  • SUDC, like SIDS, is not really a cause of death. It’s a classification that captures unknown and undetermined deaths that occur during a sleep period.
  • It’s not infectious.
  • It’s not an accident.
  • 1 in 8 SUDC deaths are within 2 weeks of a vaccine.


That alone suggests a strong causal relationship.

Vaccine Schedule 1983 vs today

What vaccines are given after 12 months?

Between 12 and 15 months several vaccines are routinely given to toddlers:


No one ever thinks that vaccines are capable of causing death. However, this disbelief and denial only functions to serve the benefit of the vaccine industry. It doesn’t serve parents at all, whose infants and children die shortly after vaccines (or suffer any vaccine reaction), and are left with pieces of a puzzle they aren’t equipped to put together. After all, they’re grieving in the worst possible way. And like many of us, they are trusting the system that ultimately shatters their lives.

But the pieces can be put together, with help.

Vaccines and SUDC: The pieces of the puzzle

The 2023 vaccine schedule in the United States is the most bloated vaccine schedule in the world. The series of vaccines begins at birth with the Hepatitis B vaccine and continues in short intervals every few months throughout a child’s life. Recently, COVID-19 vaccine has been added, and there are more in the pipeline.

SIDS clusters at 2-4 months of age when many vaccines are given, and SUDC clusters around 15 months when many vaccines are given. Both mysterious causes of death leave immunological clues to their causes.

In 2011, a research paper found a correlation between the number of vaccine doses given to infants and a corresponding high infant mortality rate. The study found that the nations which expect their infants to receive 24-26 doses of vaccines in the first year of life had higher infant mortality rates than comparable countries that expected their infants to receive less vaccines in the first year of life, in a dose response manner. The less vaccines given to infants in the first year of life, the lower the infant mortality rate. The more vaccines given to infants in the first year of life, the higher the infant mortality rate.

The same authors of that paper reaffirmed their earlier observations with an updated 2023 paper that found the same phenomenon:

“A positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses and IMRs is detectable in the most highly developed nations but attenuated in the background noise of nations with heterogeneous socioeconomic variables that contribute to high rates of infant mortality, such as malnutrition, poverty, and substandard health care.”

Research conducted on the Infanrix Hexa vaccine and sudden death of infants and children in other countries finds that sudden deaths tend to cluster in the immediate post vaccination period, and taper off the further one gets from vaccination, suggesting a relationship.

A 2021 examination of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found that 78% of infant deaths reported to VAERS occurred within 7 days of a vaccine.

Learn what is VAERS, and how to conduct your own search.

In the United States today, most cases of SUDC are fully up to date on vaccinations, similar to SIDS.

According to this 2015 study Sudden unexplained death in childhood: A comparison of cases with and without a febrile seizure history, 96.7% of the cases who died of SUDC were “up to date” on vaccinations at the time of their death.

Vaccine coverage was even higher for children without a history of febrile seizure: 98.8% of children who died were up to date on vaccinations.

That’s a lot of vaccines which are supposed to be life saving. Supposed to lower the risk of death. Yet ironically, the vast majority of children who died were completely caught up on vaccines. Didn’t miss a single one.

The 2019 case series Potential Role of Febrile Seizures and Other Risk Factors Associated With Sudden Deaths in Children delved a little bit into the vaccination histories of 391 families with decedents aged 1 to 6 years. Table 2 documents some important information:

  • 45.7% had a fever within 48 hours of death
  • 97% died during sleep
  • 81.1% of vaccinations were up to date at death
  • 13.3% had a vaccine within 2 weeks of death


This means that 1 in 8 children who die of SUDC had a vaccine within 2 weeks of their death. This alone suggests a causal relationship at least for some of these infants. It means that some of these children are having reactions and responses to vaccinations that end up being deadly.

If SUDC strikes randomly, how could over 13% of this small sample have received a vaccine within 2 weeks of their death and it not be related, when SUDC is distributed over 17 years, and vaccines are given at much larger intervals after 1 year?

Every year there are 26 2-week increments: This 2019 paper establishes that the first 2-week post-vaccination period 20 out of 150 children died within 2 weeks of a vaccine. This suggests that the first 2-week interval is more important capturing more deaths proportionally than any other 2 week interval.

The SUDC cases were 44% more likely to have a vaccine within 2 weeks of their death than SEDC (Sudden Explained Deaths in Childhood). Why? Why would the unexplained deaths have been 44% more likely to be recently vaccinated?

Vaccines are well known to cause both fevers and febrile seizures, especially the live vaccines given at one year of age. Vaccines cause large immunological reactions, which can be fatal if not kept in check by the bodies’ natural anti-inflammatory processes, such as the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. The biological reason these infants and children are dying suddenly may have something to do with immune system-damaged cholinergic receptors in medulla oblongata, the part of the brain that controls arousal and respiration.

Other SUDC stories

Over the years I have documented many stories of toddlers and children who died (shortly) after vaccines:


Notice how many of these deaths occurred at or around the 15 month mark?

What to do now?

Know you aren’t alone, and you will be emotionally supported.

Get a second opinion on the autopsy.

See the autopsy protocol.

Report this death to VAERS.

Contact an attorney who deals with vaccine injury cases.

Share your story with every outlet possible.

Become an advocate of vaccine injury awareness and spread this information far and wide.

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