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CDC Study Data Shows Fully Vaccinated Teens Had Higher Death Rate Than Unvaccinated Teens

The CDC released a report in February that assumed that the COVID vaccine reduced an adolescents risk of hospitalization because when they looked at hospitalizations over a 6 month period (July – December 31, 2021), they found fewer overall COVID-19 hospitalizations in teens ages 12-17 (teens here on out) who were fully vaccinated, compared to unvaccinated.

They wrote that the rate of hospitalization among unvaccinated teens was 6 times the number of vaccinated teens:

“Among adolescents aged 12–17 years, the only pediatric age group for whom a COVID-19 vaccine was approved throughout the study period, December hospitalization rates among unvaccinated adolescents were approximately six times those among fully vaccinated adolescents, suggesting that vaccines were highly effective in preventing serious COVID-19 illness.”

Notice how they write “suggesting that vaccines were highly effective…” which I bolded above.

I emphasize this because we could interpret that as an effect of the vaccine IF the group of teens were equal in every other way, vaccination being the only difference. But they’re not.

This is where confounding variables come into play. In this study, a vaccinated teen is more likely to be White. And an unvaccinated teen is more likely to be Black, which has various implications on vaccine status and background risk for hospitalization, that isn’t adjusted for.

Astonishingly, there’s no mention of comorbidities, yet we know hospitalization is associated with having comorbidities. Back in July and August 2021 (two months that are included in this study period), over 88% of hospitalized 12-17 year olds had an underlying medical condition.

In light of this, it’s interesting that while fewer of the hospitalized teens were fully vaccinated, the vaccinated teens had worse overall health outcomes: they had a higher rate of in-hospital COVID-19 death, and higher rate of mechanical ventilation, compared to their unvaccinated peers. This is an uncanny finding!

According this study, the unvaccinated teens had better health outcomes, yet this finding was not discussed in the paper.

Here’s the report.


The RATES of mechanical ventilation and in-hospital COVID-19 death were higher in vaccinated teens, compared to unvaccinated teens. If vaccines are supposed to prevent deaths, why are a 2.8% of vaccinated teens dying of COVID-19 vs. 0.8% of unvaccinated teens?

And even more curious–why was this not even discussed in the report?

The actual numbers are: 5/647 (0.8%) unvaccinated teens died compared to 2/71 (2.8%) vaccinated teens died.

Many states are attempting to mandate these vaccines for adolescents, under the guise that they save lives, or reduce risk of death, yet here is a CDC study that finds the opposite. While unvaccinated teens had a higher rate of hospitalization, the evidence shows they had better outcomes: the vaccinated teens had a higher rate of mechanical ventilation and death.

Apples To Oranges

We all know throughout this pandemic, that White families (especially White privileged families) are much more likely to be vaccinated than Black families.

  • 57% of Black Americans have had at least 1 dose of COVID vaccine vs. 62% of White Americans.

Black Americans are one of the most vaccine hesitant groups in America, and rightly so! They have unfairly endured and suffered from medical experimentation for generations from government funded Tuskegee Syphilis Study to the ‘Father of Gynecology’ J. Marion Sims.

Not only that, Danish doctor Peter Aaby discovered when looking at regions like Guinea-Bissau in West Africa: non-live vaccines like DPT vaccine increased a child’s overall mortality, which was even more pronounced in girls. 

We know that Black Americans have a higher risk from COVID-19 the disease, which is why early treatment is so important. Click here to read the FLCCC protocols for early treatment. Remember, the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection.

  • Black Americans account for 14% of all COVID-19 deaths, but make up a little over 12% of the US population.

And then there’s the comorbidities: Black Americans may have more comorbidities that are associated with bad COVID-19 outcomes: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, low vitamin D status, etc.

Lastly, we also know that our immune systems are not equal: Black Americans were found in numerous pieces of research to have more robust immune responses to vaccines, which could put them at a higher risk of adverse reactions from the COVID-19 vaccines, and may be one reason why Black infants and children have a higher rate of asthma, autism, food allergies, lupus, and many other health conditions that may be vaccine injuries in disguise.

Here’s one study: “Effect of gender, race, and parental education on immunogenicity and reported reactogenicity of acellular and whole-cell pertussis vaccines” that found that Black infants had higher titers from vaccines, but also more pain and fussiness post-vaccination than white babies. Overall it points to a bigger immune response, which could have some untoward effects.

Their bigger immune response is one hypothesis for the bad COVID-19 outcomes, that the cytokine storm and inflammatory cascade may be worse because of a combination of variables: Black Americans tend to be more vitamin D deficient, which is a necessary hormone for immune regulation, and thus puts them at higher risk of cytokine storm, increasing their overall COVID-19 mortality.

So why are we acting like the only difference between people is their vaccine status?

According to the CDC report:

36% of all hospitalized children 0-17 (2,100) were Black


31 % of all hospitalized children 0-17 (2,100) were White

Breaking this down by vaccination status, of 718 adolescents ages 12-17 who were hospitalized during study period (July 1–December 31, 2021):

42% of the unvaccinated teens were Black


25% of unvaccinated teens were White

What does this mean?

This means that while the CDC study finds that “hospitalization rates remained lower among fully vaccinated adolescents aged 12–17 years than among unvaccinated adolescents,” they left out the part that most of the vaccinated teens were white, fewer were Black, and that the biggest driver of hospitalization was and is comorbid conditions, like obesity, diabetes, asthma, cancer, immune diseases–not necessarily or automatically vaccine status. No one really believes that.

Most of the COVID deaths in this country are still in the elderly group: 74% of all deaths have been in people over the age of 65, the majority of who had several serious health comorbidities, which are not exactly modified by vaccination. Most of them are vaccinated.

This CDC report demonstrates that vaccines are not necessarily protective of death:

Deaths Higher In Vaccinated Teens

A glaring omission in this report is discussion around why vaccinated teens had a higher rate of mechanical ventilation and in-hospital death compared to unvaccinated teens.

Vaccinated teens accounted for 2.8% of deaths compared to unvaccinated teens, 0.8%. Why would vaccinated teens have a higher COVID-19 mortality rate? They’re vaccinated! They aren’t supposed to die of COVID-19.

If vaccines are supposed to reduce death, or that is their argument, why did proportionately more of the vaccinated teens die of COVID, than unvaccinated teens? What are we missing here?

Again, this may come down to comorbidities, and the oversimplification of vaccine status is not doing us any favors. For those most at risk, the vaccine may not prevent their risk of mechanical ventilation or in-hospital death. Shouldn’t this be openly discussed?

The answer is not for everyone to rush out and get their children indiscriminately vaccinated. People need to make their own personal health decisions based on their own unique risks. Because those most at risk, may not be protected, and those at the lowest risk, may yield no benefit. They may be harmed by the vaccine.

The irony is, of course, if the vaccinated had a lower rate of death than the unvaccinated, that would be front-page news. That would be undoubtedly included in the conclusion. They would apply causality in that situation, yet we are not equally obliged to attribute causality when the outcome is non-favorable, ie. increased mortality.

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2 thoughts on “CDC Study Data Shows Fully Vaccinated Teens Had Higher Death Rate Than Unvaccinated Teens

  1. I’m curious… are you just giving awareness of Covid vaccine injuries? Or any vaccines in general? Also what do you think that about medical procedures or medication that is also at risk of injuries or side effects? why do you focus Covid vaccines issues only?
    Cancer patients sometimes take medications that are still in testing phase but they do to live. I’ve never seen anyone giving awareness of that.. so why just Covid vaccines?
    I’m just curious.

    1. This website began in 2017 and addresses all vaccines, primarily because vaccines are one medication often mandated in a healthy population. Thus, it’s imperative the risks are extremely small. The fact that vaccine injured people are often gaslighted, and vaccine injury surveillance is often limited and underreported, this website gives a voice to the vaccine injured ignored by the medical establishment. I invite guest authors so if you feel passionate about a medication or any topic, please feel free to reach out and pitch your idea!

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