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Health News, Vaccines

Black Children Have Higher Rate of Vaccine Injuries

What is a vaccine injury?

I’m not talking about a little fever or redness at the injection site. I’m talking about long-term complications of vaccination. I’m talking about chronic health conditions, higher mortality rates.

Food allergies have increased for all races, but African-American children have the highest rates of anaphylactic food allergies out of any race.

Black children also have the highest rate of asthma, higher rates of SIDS, and while historically had lower rates of Autism than their caucasian counterparts, AA children are catching up, and now taking the lead.

We want Freedom right? We want Equality right? Then we must level the playing field: Vaccination is NOT one size fits all. There is no medication that can be taken by all people.


The study “Racial Differences in Pediatric Food Allergy” (2019) found that:

“When compared with Caucasian children, African-American (odds ratio [OR], 2.34) and Hispanic (OR, 2.88) children had significantly higher rates of food-induced anaphylaxis.”

Another study “Racial Differences in Food Allergy Phenotype and Health Care Utilization among US Children” (2016) finds:

“Compared with non-Hispanic White children, AA children had significantly higher rates of having asthma and eczema, and significantly higher rates of allergy to wheat, soy, corn, fish and shellfish.”

African American women were 20 percent more likely to have asthma than non-Hispanic whites, in 2015.

In 2015, African American children had a death rate ten times that of non-Hispanic white children.

Black children are 4 times more likely to be admitted to the hospital for asthma, as compared to non-Hispanic white children.

The 2020 paper “Physician–patient racial concordance and disparities in birthing mortality for newborns” found that in the United States, Black newborns die at three times the rate of White newborns.”

Autism diagnoses are for the first time higher in black children than caucasian children, who historically had higher rates. According to “Race/Ethnicity-Resolved Time Trends in United States ASD Prevalence Estimates From IDEA and ADDM” (2019):

“Black and Hispanic IDEA prevalence increased continuously and caught up to whites by birth year ~ 2008 and ~ 2013, respectively, with black prevalence subsequently exceeding white prevalence in the majority of states. “

In states with “high prevalence,” 1 in 79 whites, 1 in 68 blacks and 1 in 83 Hispanics born in 2013 have been diagnosed with autism by age 3-5.

The 2016 documentary Vaxxed: From Catastrophe to Coverup is all about vaccine injuries in African-American babies and children.

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.

The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.

Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.

Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

The study that Hooker published which was then retracted “provides new epidemiologic evidence showing that African American males receiving the MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age or 36 months of age are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.”

I’m not totally sure why the article was retracted but this is the formal comment by the publisher:

“The Editor and Publisher regretfully retract the article [1] as there were undeclared competing interests on the part of the author which compromised the peer review process. Furthermore, post-publication peer review raised concerns about the validity of the methods and statistical analysis, therefore the Editors no longer have confidence in the soundness of the findings. We apologise to all affected parties for the inconvenience caused.

Watch Vaxxed here.



Read the Tables (not their conclusions)

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