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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Vaccine Injury Stories

Willow’s Story

Willow Lara Zielinski was born on February 17, 2015 and died less than a week after vaccines at a little over four months old on July 3, 2015.

At Willow’s four-month pediatric appointment, on Friday, June 26, the doctor gave her the Pentacel vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hib, and polio), Rotateq (rotavirus), Prevnar 13 (pneumococcal), and the Hep b vaccine (hepatitis b) all in one visit.

She weighed 16 pounds and besides a little runny nose, was perfectly healthy before the shots. She was smiling and laughing with the doctor.

Willow had missed the 2 month vaccines because she had had pneumonia and a short stay in the hospital. The doctor wanted to get her caught up.

Willow Lara Zielinski

2/17/15 – 7/3/15

“After the doctor assessed you and went over how healthy you were and how perfectly you were growing he left the room. The nurse arrived. As she arrived she had a tray with your vaccines.  

I undressed you and laid you on the table. She proceeded in doing what she came in there to do as she poked you the first time.

You screamed, your face turned bloody red and she couldn’t handle you as you fought her to stop. The nurse then asked me to hold you down for your final injections. This haunts me to this day. Your screams replay in my head. I did as I was asked thinking that what I was doing was to protect you! I held you down. You stared at me in agony.

You had the Hep B, Prevnar 13, DTAP and rotavirus. The FDA approves 5mcg of aluminum as a safety measure, you were injected with almost 2,000 mcg of aluminum this day along with the aborted fetal cells, formaldehyde, etc.

As we left the doctor you screamed a high pitch scream for a matter of minutes in the backseat of the car and then fell asleep. This is when I lost you. When you awoke you were never the same, you were very lethargic. You were not yourself. You became very sickly instantly after. I tried to control your screams and your fevers. I thought I was doing the best that I could. You stopped eating and drinking. I kept telling myself you would get better!

I was wrong, I had no idea that your soul was getting ready to leave mine. A few days later I found you. You were lifeless. Your brain hemorrhage. You had a blood snot clot on your nose. I shook you and screamed for you to wake up and look at me. You never did…

You were gone. You were cold. I was so scared. Your heart had stopped beating as mine continued. The whole world stopped spinning.

Your brain hemorrhage from the heavy metals, your liver also. Your body was too weak for the overload of heavy metals and toxins. Everything was a blur …

I remember it felt like forever for a first responder to get there and it was only a matter of minutes, he didn’t know you and I remember watching him from the porch as he tried so hard to bring you back on the back of the bed of the truck when I know in his heart that he knew you had been gone for awhile.

I remember the cop stepped forward to walk up the steps of the porch and as he mumbled you were gone I screamed so loud nothing came out of my mouth, I was that scared. I remember having to make a decision so quickly rather to burn your body or bury you. Picking out your tiny dress and your coffin.  I was given decisions that no mother should have to make. I miss you baby girl! Please stay with me the next few days because mommy is weak when it comes to you.”

Shared from her mama.

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