The Science Is Unsettling
Throughout history, humans have demonstrated an unmatched curiosity and desire for innovation that was often built on mistakes. It’s a natural progression, but it can have disastrous effects. It’s good to not forget the mistakes, as well as not lose sight of a human’s place in the larger context of life. We don’t know everything. We can’t be ‘right’ all the time.
These posts are all based on true stories and real events. No names, places or locations have been changed. This is where medical science is not only not settled, but rather unsettling. Because sometimes, only in retrospect, can we see that: We Are Science Experiments.
Vintage Vaccination Records
Vaccination cards, sometimes called immunization records, are pieces of paper given to patients as a way to track the vaccines they’ve received over time. Keeping this record handy ensures a patient is not given more vaccines than is recommended. Once envisioned as a badge of honor in an effort to
The Controversial History of Handwashing Pioneer Ignaz Semmelweis
In the mid-1800s, hospitals were a very dangerous place for a birthing woman. Some may say they still are today. Prior to the recognition of hygiene practices like handwashing and sterilizing medical instruments, women who gave birth in the hospital commonly fell victim to a significant and deadly complication of
The Vaccine Schedule Through The Years
It’s hard to believe, but the very first CDC pediatric vaccine schedule was only introduced in 1995. Before the creation of the standardized CDC vaccine schedule, vaccination schedules varied depending on the individual healthcare provider and region. Some providers used their own schedules, while others followed guidelines put forth by
What is the Blood-Brain Barrier?
Our brain and central nervous system are critical for survival, therefore it makes perfect sense that there would be many layers of finely tailored protection. One of these layers is known as the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is a specialized layer of cells that controls or regulates “traffic” between
Polio In New York and London? Officials Are ‘All Shook Up’ And Urge Vaccination, Again
I’m sure you’ve heard all about it. The story goes like this: an unvaccinated 20-year-old young man was hospitalized in June in Rockland County, New York with what was initially diagnosed as acute flaccid myelitis (a differential diagnosis for polio that emerged after the vaccine changed the strictness of criteria
The Cutter Incident
– Neal Nathanson and Alexander D. Langmuir, The Cutter Incident, 1963. Poliomyelitis may have always been a rare, perhaps accidental, complication of an otherwise undetected fecal-oral enterovirus infection. Most people don’t realize this, but according to the CDC, less than 1% of poliovirus infections result in any form of paralysis,
Shoe Fitting Xray Machines Were The Latest Science, Too
From the 1930s to the 1950’s, shoe stores in big cities around the world used the latest technology to properly fit shoes to your feet: the Shoe Fitting Fluoroscope, which utilized x-ray technology. The health risks of radiation would not be fully understood until after the machine was used routinely
Drug Recalls: Not So Safe After All
Safe and effective has become a slogan to assuage fears, however, there is ample precedent that drugs once declared “safe and effective” by the regulating agencies can be anything but…safe and effective. Only time reveals these kinds of horrors. It took many decades to reveal the unexpected consequences of antibiotic
Dengue Vaccine Fiasco Caused the Death of Over 600 Children in the Philippines After Rushed Rollout
In 2016, the Philippine FDA greenlighted a new vaccine against dengue fever for children based on research funded by the vaccine’s manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur. According to the 2014 paper in The Lancet, a study among more than 10,000 children in five Asian countries that showed Dengvaxia worked and had a good
The Arsenic Green Dress: When Fashion Was Deadly
In 1775, Swedish and German pharmaceutical chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele created a new green pigment which he named Scheele’s Green. The brilliantly vivid green would soon be the allure of the Georgians and Victorians of the era. The dazzling green would be the front of fashion, and come to decorate
Science Is Unsettling: What About Smallpox?
The smallpox vaccine is often credited with eradicating smallpox. This is one of vaccination’s biggest claims to fame. But did it really? Was the vaccine, first invented in 1796, responsible for the eradication of smallpox some 183 years later in 1979? This is one of those movie moments: 183 years
mRNA Vaccines Explained
Guest post by Whyser What Is mRNA? mRNA stands for messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells). RNA’s principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries
What Is Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you’re allergic to, but can also occur hours later. Anaphylaxis causes your immune system to release a flood of chemicals (histamine, basophils, mast cells, and other substances) that can cause you
Edward Jenner and Smallpox Vaccine Experimentation
To me what is interesting about the story of the first vaccine, is that it was created as a safer alternative to a pre-existing form of inoculation that had severe, sometimes fatal, side effects. Embedded into vaccination’s own conception story are adverse reactions, unethical human experimentation, and as a result
Bacterial Pneumonia Was The Real Killer During 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
It took nearly 80 years to figure out that the most deadly pandemic in recent human history, the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic that is estimated to have took the lives of over 100 million people, was actually so deadly because of bacterial pneumonia. Now, with all the mask orders in
The Swine Flu Vaccine Fiasco
Back in 1976, Mark Waldvogel was a healthy, athletic high school senior in Kailua, Hawaii. He followed the advice of then-President Ford and Federal health officials and took a swine flu vaccination that had just been developed that year. There had been so many Government warnings of a deadly epidemic,
Injecting Poisons: A History of the Syringe
For centuries now, humans have been at war with microbes–despite having an incomplete understanding of the human body, and how microbes fit into the ecological web of human health. Amidst our fascination with avoiding microbes, there is one medical discovery that magnified our fear of viruses and bacteria in particular,
Our Bodies Are Home To Trillions of Microbes
So with all this hand washing, sanitizing and mask wearing, it serves as a good reminder to remember that our bodies are home to trillions of microbes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and archaea, that live both inside and outside of our body—and serve the very important roles of protecting
The Terrible Truth About Fluoride (and Other Chemicals)
Before we are born we are exposed to a constellation of chemicals in our mother’s body. I’m not talking about essential building blocks for life: I’m talking about synthetic man-made chemical compounds that have no biological necessity, skirted around safety testing, and have exploded in our environment to our own
Masks Failed To Prevent the 1918 Spanish Flu
With all the debate surrounding whether or not to mask up–what can we glean from lessons of the past? Did masks prevent the spread of the 1918 Spanish Influenza? Experts examined the evidence and concluded masks failed to control infection. Given that we know from autopsies that: “The majority of
Epidemics Caused By Human Error
Ahhh history. So many stories to tell. And they’re not all good stories, but truth and objectivity are important if we want to learn and grow as a society. As humans, we may think we are the smartest, most forward moving beings this planet has ever seen. It’s completely natural
DTP Vaccine Kills More Children than it Saves
Christine Stabell Benn discusses how the DTP vaccine is associated with a 5-fold increase in mortality in children. All non-live vaccines are associated with increased mortality, and higher rate in females. She argues for live polio vaccination in infants, however all live vaccines are capable of causing the illness it’s aiming
Chronic Illness Is the Real Pandemic
My sister lays in a hospital-like bed, legs outstretched and filled with so much fluid they pit when you press on them. The pressure of the constant fluid has caused her knee caps to crumble. She can barely walk, and she can’t hold her head up for long. She doesn’t
Are There Two Different Strains of Covid-19?
Shared from Melissa Floyd. Check out Listen to her podcast with Dr. Bob Sears. There is a rumor that has been circulating over the past few weeks that there are actually #2STRAINS of Covid-19, and one is deadlier than the other. Is there any truth to this rumor? I did a
What You Need To Know About Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine
In the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic, a cure or therapy for Covid-19 pneumonia infections has been proposed in the form of either chloroquine phosphate, or it’s less toxic cousin hydroxychloroquine sulfate, both drugs used in the prevention of malaria. These anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory drugs also are occasionally used to
The Stinky History of the Toilet Paper
We may think of it as vital now, but not too long ago, humans survived every single day without toilet paper. In the 14th century sheets of perfumed toilet paper were made for the Chinese Emperor, but aside from that, most people used hemp, wool, lace, and poor people used
Fresh Air Lessons from the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
Remember to get fresh air daily. Back in 1918 when the Spanish Flu was spreading across the globe, many doctors knew that fresh air would aid in the recovery process. In Halifax, Yorkshire, a doctor smashed a window with a rolling pin, and he watched his gasping patients immediately begin
Around the World Infants are Dying From Vaccination
There is a pandemic that no one is talking about. It’s not Covid-19, the Coronavirus. Nope, this pandemic is right under our noses. This one your news won’t be telling you about. Your doctor will not warn you. Your government will turn a blind eye. It’s a medical treatment that
SIDS Is An Umbrella Term (Hiding Vaccine Deaths)
Accidental suffocation cases started increasing in the 1940s. Pathologists refuted that cause and found inflammation, evidence of infection (infectious etiology ie. Inflammation). Diagnoses were bronchopneumonia, interstitial pneumonia. In the 50s and 60s more and more cot deaths, crib deaths. Parents were NOT satisfied with the pneumonia diagnosis: Their children weren’t
Mortality Decreased Before Vaccines
A commonly held belief regarding vaccinations, is that if we stopped wide-spread vaccinations, or even just selectively vaccinated, that all these infectious diseases would come back and cause massive outbreaks and incalculable deaths. The thing is, mortality of the infectious diseases decreased long before any of the vaccines were even
The Truth About the Aluminum In Your Vaccines
When you ingest aluminum, your body will absorb less than 1 percent of it. However, when aluminum is injected into muscle, for example, in a vaccine, your body absorbs 100 percent. The aluminum adjuvant is adsorbed to the antigens and are there to alert your immune system: to cause cellular
The Science Is Unsettling: John Snow
In 1854, a cholera outbreak erupted in the Soho area of London. At the time, it was believed that cholera was spread by ‘miasma’ or a poisonous form of ‘bad air’ that was emitted from rotting organic matter. Physician John Snow, whose practice was in Soho, was skeptical of the
The Science is Unsettling: Anaphylaxis
Literally meaning “without protection”, anaphylaxis was coined by Charles Richet in 1902, who later won the Nobel Prize for his discovery. Richet and professor Paul Jones Portier accidentally discovered anaphylaxis on a marine expedition in the Atlantic after vaccinating dogs with toxins. The two French scientists immunized dogs via injections with
DTaP Vaccine: A Geeky Overview
The DTaP is a vaccine that contains toxoids and some antigens adsorbed onto aluminum adjuvants to stimulate antibodies against Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis. The DTaP is an acellular vaccine that replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine, DPT, in the mid to late 1990s. In 1948, the antigens for Diphtheria, Tetanus
The Science is Unsettling: What About Polio?
Poliomyelitis is a disease that has probably been around since ancient times, but not necessarily caused by one virus, and prior to the 1900s: was never an epidemic disease. This is one of the many fundamental contradictions of polio in that it emerged after most other infectious diseases had faded
The Biggest Cover-up Of All Time: SIDS
Not every person who gets a vaccine will experience a recognizable vaccine injury, but that doesn’t mean vaccine injuries are rare, or don’t happen. We know they happen. We have a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (which has since paid out over $4.4 billion in injuries since 1988) because they happen.
Science Isn’t Immune to Mistakes
Let’s talk about Public Safety shall we? Is the government doing its job to make sure our food and drugs are truly safe in a *timely* manner to prevent harm? Lead’s toxicity was recognized as early as 2000 BC. It would not be removed from household paints until 1978, or
Tetanus Didn’t Leave Us, We Left Tetanus
What Is Tetanus? Tetanus, also called lock jaw, is a bacterial disease caused by the organism Clostridium tetani. The disease is caused when tetanus bacteria, which can be found in soil laden with animal manure, invade the body through a deep wound, which doesn’t bleed efficiently or lacks oxygen. Bleeding
The Science Is Unsettling: Radiation Therapy for ‘Enlarged Thymus’
In 1848, fifteen-year-old Hannah Greener of Newcastle, United Kingdom died minutes after being administered chloroform anesthetic for the removal of a toenail. As increasing reports of ‘sudden deaths’ during surgeries would make headlines and appear in medical journals throughout the late 19th century, this became a springboard to search for
The Science Is Unsettling: Walter Freeman and the Ice Pick Lobotomy
From the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s, over 50,000 lobotomies were performed in the United States. Walter Freeman performed over 3,400 lobotomies himself. Dr. Freeman became well-known for the pre-orbital lobotomy. The procedure began with electric shock that took the place of anesthesia, followed by the insertion of an ice-pick like
Vaccine Safety Studies: Where Are The Unvaccinated?
The gold standard in safety studies is the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (RDBPCS). This is the kind of study they do in clinical trials. To make sure drugs are safe. Before you take them. This is the most effective way to assess the risk of ‘something’: by comparing the ‘exposed’
12 Reasons Vaccines Are Dangerous
“It is inadvertently affirmed in the Christian countries of Europe that the English are fools and madmen. Fools, because they give their children the small-pox to prevent their catching it; and madmen, because they wantonly communicate a certain and dreadful distemper to their children, merely to prevent an uncertain evil.”
Vaccines Do Not Reduce Infant Mortality
Many people think vaccines are the greatest achievement in public health. They think that vaccines are safe and effective, they think injuries are one in a million, and they scoff at any relationship between vaccines and neurological disorders, allergies, and chronic diseases. If you even question the safety, or express
Scandal: Details Emerge About the 1960s Pregnancy Test Drug Linked to Birth Defects
New evidence has emerged linking Primodos, a 1960’s pregnancy test drug, to serious birth defects, as well as a major scandal and cover-up that hid that information from the public. The Sky News documentary Primodos: The Secret Drug Scandal details the groundbreaking and heartbreaking findings that Schering, the German drug company


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