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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Mama Stories, Vaccine Injury Stories

Peyton’s Story

In her mothers words:

“I lost my daughter Peyton at 6 weeks old appropriately 12 hours after receiving her “2 month” vaccinations, 9 total. Her death being classified as SUDI (Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy).

Almost 2 years after her death I was told about the VICP (Vaccination Injury Compensation Program) (this is a “non fault” government run program funded by the pharmaceutical companies. It acts as an insurance policy to protect them from being sued for vaccination related deaths and injuries. Their cases go trial as any other court cases, but they are overseen by a master, not a jury. The master hears both the victim and governments arguments. If and only if, proven scientific data or testimony (not a casual link or circumstance) is presented by the plaintiffs, the master then decides on the amount of compensation to be awarded to the victim or their family.

I was told by the lawyers who accepted Peytons case, (apparently VICP lawyers take very few of the cases submitted to them) that in order to be able to pursue a wrongful death or civil case I had to go through the VICP process first. This was a complete lie.
(I blame myself for not doing more research on the program.)

The VICP process took approximately 2 1/2 years, in that time all my questions were answered, the medical experts found the evidence that proved that the Dtap was in fact the cause of her death, I thought this was a great thing. I now had scientific proof, expert testimony and a sum of money to be able pursue other suits, to bring awareness that vaccines actually do cause deaths.

What I didn’t know, was filing with the VICP did not extend the statute limitations (as I thought) in essence making it legally impossible to file for a wrongful death, medical malpractice or any civil suit.

But at least I had the medical evidence to educate others, Right?? Instead what I’ve found is no one listens. Every pro-vaxxer spouts out statistical data and research trends to argue their case. Here in lies the problem; we arent capable of doing the same.

Victims of vaccination related death that go through the VICP are NEVER accounted for. Their “non fault” clause covers up the data that would reveal the truth behind these deaths.

My daughters death certificate will ALWAYS read, Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy. Her death will NEVER be part of any statistical data that would show the truth behind vaccines. Her death (and many others) aren’t accounted for in any material Pro-vaxxers or doctors use to attempt to convince us on how safe and effective vaccines are.

Could you imagine the uproar if the government allowed the actual cause of my daughters death to be printed on her death certificate?? Could you imagine the billions of dollars that would be lost if Pro-vaxxers could read the words “Dtap, cause of death.”

I’ve shared my daughters story many times, and in the hundreds of parents, family, friends, acquaintances, I’ve spoke to, only 1 has chosen not to vaccinate anymore (she was bullied by her infants pediatrician into giving her daughter the first round).

I’ve rambled enough. So my response to your question on how to answer; explain to him why you aren’t able to provide accurate percentages or annual findings. You now personally know of one infant death that will never be accounted for.

They will use the VAERS response, VAERS is reported information, not ‘factual’.

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