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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Mama Stories, Vaccine Injury Stories

Ali’s Story

Ali was a vibrant and healthy little girl. Living blissfully in Sydney with her parents, with so much life ahead of her.

Sadly, her life was cut short by vaccines💔

On the 4th of November 2017, Ali received the MMRV and a Dtap shot. Shortly thereafter, Ali lost her appetite, started sleeping a lot, became very clingy, stopped playing as she normally would, and developed a strange “acidic” smell to her breath.

Seven days post injection, on the 11th of November, Ali had her first intractable seizure.

The seizures did not subside, Ali remained in hospital for 4 months and her condition worsened. Here, she suffered terribly at the hands of cruel, emotionally detached medical staff. Who threatened legal action against Ali’s parents for challenging them and defending Ali’s right to live, If they did not agree to comfort care (morphine until death).

They refused to give little Ali any pain relief while she was intubated. Senior members of this medical establishment (mafia, for better use of the word) forced her parents hands.

Ali devastatingly passed away in her mothers arms on the 26th of March, 2018. Needlessly and painfully.

When they pushed for a report to be filed and questioned the vaccine reaction further, their neurologist never responded and their GP asked them to leave their clinic. Can you imagine treating grieving parents this way?

This is the dark side of vaccination in Australia, that aggressively ignorant pro vaccine Facebook warriors refuse to look at.

This is the dark side that I and many others shine a light on.

This is reality.

It’s sad, so very sad, to see so many children suffering while their parents continue to ignore the signs of deterioration. Absolutely devastating.

Passive aggressive arrogance does nothing for our reality, our experience and our choices.

We will never, ever, ever let another vaccine go anywhere near our children, because we refuse to play Russian roulette with their lives.

We will be a voice for parents like Rajni and Patrick until our final days, that much is certain. There is not a single, tiny, smidgeon of a f**k that I have to give people who do not understand that.

Without screening for gene mutations and mitochondrial dysfunction at the very least, vaccines will continue to do more harm than good. Especially with the ever increasing vaccine schedule.

Return liability for harm to manufacturers of vaccines, and watch them scurry to make them safer. This isn’t good enough 💔

Rest In Peace Ali. Rajni and Patrick, we are eternally so, so sorry for your loss and will be thinking of you with so much love on this upcoming anniversary ❤️💔#rememberali

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