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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories

Zara Antoinette Shiel Died Less Than 24 Hours After Vaccines

Zara Shiel was born on July 26, 2013. She was a happy, healthy and thriving little girl. She went to her pediatric appointment for 15-month “well baby check” on November 18, where she was given multiple vaccines, and was found dead in her crib in the early hours of the November 19th. Today is the anniversary of her death.

Shared from her father, Matt Shiel.

Zara Antoinette Shiel

July 26, 2013 ~ November 19, 2014

Six years today since Zara suddenly died after routine vaccinations. When you die or get injured from vaccines all the people that name, shame or ostracize you for deciding not to inject yours or your children’s body with vaccines will mysteriously evaporate or even deny the often glaring logic that vaccines for predominantly non-lethal diseases are KNOWN to kill or maim you if you are predisposed genetically or physically to have an adverse reaction.

After years of contemplation I understand that when she went to that “wellness” check that caused her death…that was how it was meant to be. She shifted everything with her love, smile and strong will and set me on a journey that has been painful yet profound. It’s not that I was not there for her when she needed me…she came down and left me right when she was supposed to. So much accomplished in a short perfect life.

“It does not hurt anymore when I see other people enjoying their daughters…there is just a deep knowing of how much Zara accomplished with her brief innocent time here…she died within 24 hours of routine vaccinations at 15 months old (Sudden Unknown Death – there is no autopsy classification of death by vaccines) and we have an active case in the federal vaccine court.

Vaccine Medicine per the F.D.A. is unavoidably unsafe and is known to cause injury and death. If you believe in vaccines then your welcome for sacrificing my daughter for yours…if you are scared of vaccine medicine and big Pharma’s goal to make your child’s body a, “Pincushion” for profit – then good for you as well. Where there is a risk of death and injury vaccine medicine should be a choice and never mandated. My family was ambushed and broken by a needle…at least after reading this you cannot claim to be a victim of such a tragedy if it befalls you.”

Transcripts of Zara Shiel’s mother and father speaking at a public hearing:

Carla Shiel, Private Citizen, Las Vegas, Nevada: My daughter, Zara Shiel, was born on July 26, 2013. She was our third child, born healthy, and had a 15-month trackable health record. On November 18, 2014, she went to her well visit and received seven total vaccines and died less than 24 hours later. Her autopsy report showed the cause of death as undetermined, with clear findings of brain edema, which are consistent with vaccine injury.

Through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, I learned two other babies with the same lot numbers died within two months of Zara. Imagine all that have not been reported. We have been in vaccine court for four years now. The latest update from the court was on October 4, 2017. I quote that the special master will hold a hearing in this case.

However, due to the volume of cases that are ready for entitlement hearings, the special master will not begin looking at dates until next year. Vaccine injury is real. Death is real. We have no way of knowing if our two other children are predisposed to have negative effects, including death from vaccines. I oppose this bill and ditto to everyone who spoke before me opposing this bill.

Matthew Shiel, Private Citizen, Henderson, Nevada: I drove here from Henderson. Here are my daughter’s ashes. [He held up an urn.] She was a Henderson baby. All of my children were vaccinated. She died within 24 hours of the MMR and DTaP [diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis] vaccine.

She had a textbook, mortal Assembly Committee on Education February 19, 2019 Page 14 adverse reaction to the vaccines. You have gone into all this reporting of data, but when someone dies or gets injured, the federal government has a self-reporting system. This is all about sales and marketing for doing more immunizations. People who are vaccine-injured are a minority, and this is picking on them. They should be protected.

The federal government has paid out $4 billion since 1986 for people who have died or been injured. You are here to make Nevada a gateway, not to make our children pincushions for profit under the ruse of public health. Well, guess what? The measles vaccine is a live virus. People who get the measles vaccine can give measles to people who are unvaccinated. That whole egg thing earlier is a joke. This is very serious business. You need to do your research on this. This is our children. Do not let these paid people say stuff to you. Really think about it. What would you do if your child died? What would you do? We are talking about death and injury today, and we are saying it is for the greater good. It is against our rights to have our children labeled, identified, and pulled out of school when they are injured or have a religious exemption.

What is going to happen when you take away our religious or medical exemptions? It is expensive to get a medical exemption. I am okay because my daughter died, but what about people who have other challenges? You are picking on a minority in our community and it is unconstitutional and it is unethical. This is my daughter. [He held up a picture of his daughter.] I drove all the way from Henderson because I wanted to look you all in the eyes. This is a serious business. These are our children and the future of Nevada. Take it seriously.

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