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Vaccines Are Safe And Effective–NOT

Gahh! April fools!!

What a silly thing to say. Nothing is unilaterally safe and effective for everyone, in every circumstance. And we don’t have anyone parroting the same five words for ANY other set of pharmaceuticals.

Take for example, antibiotics. There’s a whole series of short term risks, such as nausea, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea. There’s long term risks as well such as disruption of the microbiome which can take up to six months to return to normal, increased infections such as c. Diff, seizures, hypersensitivity, antibiotic resistance, and more.

Now would we ever just blankly say that antibiotics are safe and effective? I mean, sometimes they straight up ARE NOT. What about all the antibiotic resistant infections??

According to the CDC, more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the U.S. each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.

Vaccines have the same exact complexity as every other pharmaceutical product ever made. It’s not unilaterally, unequivocally safe and effective for all, for everyone, always, every day.


We wouldn’t see outbreaks of pertussis, measles, mumps, influenza in FULLY vaccinated people.

We wouldn’t see all these “breakthrough” cases of covid in fully vaccinated people, or the upsurge in cases and deaths after vaccines were brought into nursing homes in mid-December.

We wouldn’t have the Danish study that found that both health care workers and elderly nursing home patients had MORE cases of covid in the period 0-14 days after the first dose compared to the unvaccinated. And they clock vaccine effectiveness at 90% at 7 days after the second dose in health care workers, and 64% at 7 days after the second dose, ignoring all the deficits in protection that happened in prior weeks??

We wouldn’t see cervical cancer in women who got the HPV vaccine. We wouldn’t see non-targeted strains becoming dominant. You can say vaccines work, but the viruses work harder. Vaccines won’t keep up, and in the end we make the hosts weaker (aluminum is toxic no matter how you want to slice it) and less likely to overcome an infection with a virus that is now mutating because vaccines expedited the mutation process.

This is exactly why Peter Aaby and his team found that mortality was higher after adjuvanted vaccines than live vaccines. If vaccines are safe and effective, they shouldn’t INCREASE the mortality rates of children.

There is SO MUCH complexity, it’s hard to make it short and sweet. You gotta start somewhere, start here.

And also, watch this video for some parroting madness!

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