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Sudden Death After COVID Vaccination

Sadly, more and more reports are coming out of people of all ages, in all health circumstances, dying suddenly after the COVID-19 vaccines.

The alarming rash of sudden deaths is coming after we were warned that elderly people may ‘coincidentally die after the shot, and that we should not be alarmed’ because old people just die…or something like that (read the concerning quote here)–but what about a young person?

Should we also expect young people to just die after the shot? Wouldn’t that mean the vaccine may be a problem??

It was bad when they told us to ignore deaths in the elderly (I thought this was the reason we were vaccinating–to prevent deaths) but it’s worse when we are being expected to ignore deaths in the young too.

At what point do we stop everything and say: THIS IS NOT OK. 

Where are we going to draw the line?

Back in 1976, the United States suspended its swine flu vaccine campaign after just 10 weeks: 40 people died suddenly (many of them elderly) and several hundred reports of Guillain Barre syndrome. They took the vaccine off the market.

We are way past those numbers today.

According to the CDC, VAERS has received 934 death reports after the COVID vaccines, as well as several hundred reports of anaphylaxis and facial paralysis. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System was estimated to only gather 1% of adverse events, as the majority of people, and even health care workers fail to connect the dots between vaccine and subsequent reaction.

Sudden Death After the COVID Shot

These are just some of the reports of sudden death after the vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. I will add more reports as I come across them. You can also message them to me and I will add them.

When there is a temporal relationship between vaccination and death, the vaccine cannot be ruled out. Vaccines are capable of causing death, and have done so for centuries.



Anne VanGeest


Anne VanGeest, 35, died April 19 at Mercy Health Saint Mary’s in Grand Rapids, 11 days after getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Janssen.

After the vaccine, Anne had constant headaches and it turned out she had developed the same time of cerebral brain blood clot that temporarily paused the vaccine.

Her family says she died due to complications after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

“It is with profound sadness that we share the news of Anne’s passing as the result of complications after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine,” her family said in a Thursday morning statement released through a Grand Rapids public relations firm.

The Johnson & Johnson clinical trial of 21,895 vaccine recipients uncovered this very rare blood clot. A rate of 1 in 21,895 would mean over 350 people have experienced this blood clot so far.

From the trial:

A healthy 25-year old male with no past medical history in the Janssen trial experienced a transverse sinus thrombosis, which was the brain blood clot that would get the vaccine paused. And the initial investigator totally dropped the ball, deeming it not related.

Here is the detailed description reported in the J&J Janssen clinical trial:

A 25-year-old male with no past medical history and no concurrent medications experienced a transverse sinus thrombosis on Day 21 following vaccination. On Day 9 the participant experienced symptoms of fever, myalgia, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, congestion and rhinorrhea. He tested negative for SARs-CoV-2 during this acute illness. Aside from headache, his symptoms improved. On Day 19 he experienced atonic colonic seizure. A CT scan without contrast demonstrated a cerebral hemorrhage. On Day 21, a transverse sinus thrombosis was reported on a venogram. The participant underwent a thrombectomy as well as stent placement for stenosed right sigmoid sinus on Day 22. On Day 23 repeat venogram showed the presence of a new clot in the transverse sinus. A second thrombectomy with venoplasty was performed. Treating clinicians reported observing rapid thrombus formation during the two thrombectomy procedures that was consistent with a clinically hypercoagulable state. In their assessment, the transverse sinus thrombosis most likely occurred days before the participant’s clinical presentation with a seizure; the seizure was reported to be a consequence of a secondary bleed caused by elevated venous pressure from the venous flow obstruction. Workup for hematologic and infectious causes of the thrombosis did not reveal an etiology. This event was initially thought to be related to the study product by the investigator and prompted a study pause. After thorough investigation and expert consultation no clear cause of the event was identified; however possible contributing factors, such as preceding infection and an anatomical anomaly, were suggested. The investigator’s brochure and informed consent form were updated accordingly, and the study pause was lifted. The investigator and Sponsor’s final assessment of this event was that it was not related to the study product.

As of April 22nd, 8 million people were vaccinated with the Janssen shot, putting the total number of this rare brain blood clot to be around 365.


Dr. Joshimar Henry


Dr. Joshimar Henry was working as a resident in Chicago at Humboldt Park Health and received the second dose on January 6th.

The young man passed away suddenly and unexpectedly April 3, 2021, from a heart attack. He was only 27 years old.

According to hisobituary:

Josie, as he was affectionately known, was a talented musician who, when he was not on the job, spent every free moment making memories with his wife and extended family, playing soccer and video games with friends, or working out at the gym.

He leaves behind a wife. Please help support the family through theirGofundme.


Midwin Charles


Long-time CNN and MSNBC legal analyst Midwin Charles died suddenly and unexpectedly April 6, 2021. She was 47.

Charles got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19on March 1st, and then reported that she was feeling unwell on March 19, and her death was announced April 7.



Sara Holub

1981 – 2021

Forty-year-old music teacher Sara Holub, who competed on Jeopardy!, died of “natural causes” just 4 days after getting vaccinated with the experimental shot. She posted to her facebook that she was vaccinated on March 22nd.

She died March 26th, according to her obituary.

Her family was told that she died of an infection due to a ruptured appendix she had experienced last summer. However we cannot change her recent medical history: she was vaccinated four days before her death, and was apparently “well” enough to get the vaccine.


Desiree Penrod


Desiree Penrod was only 25 years old. She had a pre-existing seizure disorder and according to her Facebook page, she had a seizure on Monday, March 8th, one day before she got the vaccine.

She got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine,Janssen, on Tuesday, March 9th, and the very next day began feeling very unwell.

By Wednesday, March 11th, when she made her final Facebook post, she was very ill. She was found deceased in her home on March 17th.

Read more about her story here.


Benjamin Goodman

Benjamin Goodman was 32 years old, and had no pre-existing medical conditions to explain his reaction. He died suddenly within 24 hours of getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Janssen. His official cause of death is heart failure.

He went to a Walgreen pop-up Covid-19 vaccine clinic in Chelsea, New York on Saturday, March 13, where he got viral vector single dose shot.

Soon after, he had a severe headache and started feeling ill. He fell asleep, hoping the symptoms would pass.

Ben woke up at 1 a.m. with a high fever and chills. His fiancée, Lindsay Janisse, was awakened to Mr. Goodman having seizures at 4 a.m. Ms. Janisse called 911 as Benjamin went into cardiac arrest. Paramedics tried, unsuccessfully, to revive him on the scene. Benjamin was rushed to a nearby Mount Sinai Hospital.

The young man was pronounced dead at 6:05 a.m. Sunday morning, March 14.

His mother shared that he had no other medical condition that explains his sudden passing, the only thing that happened was that he got the vaccine:

Please support this family through their Gofundme.


Kassidi Kurill

Her dear friend Cheri Roundy writes:

“She got the second COVID shot like 4 days ago. She started having body chills & aches, started running a fever too. Couldn’t eat or drink. Took Tylenol for 3 days. Her Mom took her to the ER yesterday. They said it was attacking her liver. They life flighted her to a trauma unit in Murray yesterday. She wasn’t responding to the medicine. Her heart stopped tonight. She has a young daughter too. My heart is so broken for her. I thought she would pull through this. She didn’t. I’m so sad!!”

“Kassidi definitely did not know the vaccine was killing people or she most definitely would not have gotten it. She is leaving behind a 9 yr old daughter. She was an Amazing Mother. Anybody that knew her, knew her daughter was her life. She would have never taken that risk of something happening to her, if she would have known the shot was killing people. It’s heartbreaking that it happened to her too. People need to know just how many lives this shot is really taking.”


Brittany Hall Perez

July 16, 1981 ~ January 13, 2021

Brittany Hall Perez, aged 39, posted this image of herself with her COVID vaccination record card after receiving the vaccine on January 12, 2021. She died the next day.

Her obituary does not list a cause of death. She leaves behind a husband and two young daughters (aged 4 and 8).

There is a GoFundMe for her daughters.

Sara Ann Stickles

December 29, 1992 ~ February 17, 2021

Twenty-eight-year-old Sara Stickles experienced a brain aneurysm 5 days after her second COVID vaccine. It caused a massive stroke in her brainstem. She was on life support for a little more than a week, but was not able to recover.

She died surrounded by friends and family.

She is survived by her entire family, including her young son. You can read her obituary here or donate to her family’s GoFundMe.


Roni Hooker Sisk

February 1, 1974 – February 16, 2021

Roni Hooker Sisk was only 47 years old when she died suddenly and unexpectedly about 16 days after getting vaccinated. She was Director of Nursing (DON) atPrinceton Nursing and Rehabilitation.

From her family’s Gofundme:

“It is with a heavy heart and much sorrow we create this fund.  Roni Sisk has been the beloved Director of Nursing at Princeton for a couple of years & has worked in the healthcare community for many years.  The Princeton team & greater ClearView family woke up today to learn the devastating news that Roni passed away, very unexpectedly, early this morning (2.16.21).  She was only in her mid 40’s.  She had a husband, children (young & adult), as well as a new grandchild.  She was a wife, mother, grandmother, friend and she was our leader…our DON…the one we looked up to.”

She had posted that she got the vaccine around January 27th, when she updated her profile picture with her “badge of honor”, a bandaid signifying her trust.

She appeared to have some pre-existing health conditions, and most likely was not a safe candidate for the vaccine. My heart goes out to her family.

Here is her VAERS report:


Haley Link Brinkmeyer

August 4, 1992 ~ January 21, 2021

Haley Link Brinkmeyer was a perfectly healthy 28-year-old who died at her home two days after getting the COVID vaccine.

Haley worked as a physical therapist for North River Health Campus, the assisted living center in her hometown. They vaccinated their staff on January 19th. Haley died two days later.

According to her mother, Haley’s autopsy showed no health issues. Other reports mention she was vomiting after the shot.


Janet L. Moore

May 14, 1981 – December 31, 2020

Janet L. Moore was a 39-year-old nurse aide at Admirals Pointe Nursing Home (APNH) in Huron. She had no known comorbidities but died unexpectedly in northern Ohio within 48 hours of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, which was reportedly required by her employer.

“She was coming home from work and as soon as she drove into her parking lot she passed away,” her brother said. “According to her neighbors she wasn’t feeling good directly after the vaccine, and then ever since the vaccine she was actually feeling nauseated, she’d have like migraines and stuff like that. And then, within 48 hours, she ended up passing away.”
When asked if he knew the brand of the vaccine, Gregory, who lives in Akron, said, “According to my brother, it was by Pfizer, but I’m not absolutely sure on that.”
Gregory mentioned that his deceased sister, a mother of two sons, was required to receive this vaccine due to her nursing home employment.
“Yes, it was a mandatory vaccine that she had to take for her job,” he said.


Witold Rogiewicz

Polish doctor, Witold Rogiewicz, got vaccinated on camera, and joked about becoming a Bill Gates 5G antenna, and then apologized for not being chatty because he was busy “getting autism.” 


Mauro Valeriano D’Auria

Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, a gastroenterologist at Umberto I Hospital in Nocera Inferiore, died from a heart attack while playing tennis, on January 24, 2021. He was very fit and healthy.

According to HealthImpactNews, he was said to be “in the prime of life, and in perfect health.”

He had boasted on his FaceBook page that he had taken the “vaccine” for Covid-19 and that it was perfectly safe.

Marvin Hagler

May 23, 1954 – March 13, 2021

The “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler died suddenly and unexpectedly on Saturday at the age of 66. His wife has told newspapers that her husband did not die from the vaccine. From a post from one of his close friends, a boxing colleague Thomas Hearns, posted prior to the announcement of his passing, it appears the boxer could have been unwell from a shot, which is not out of the realm of possibility as millions of people are getting vaccinated right now, especially those who are older.

More Sudden Deaths After COVID Vaccines

Sandro Tognatti, a 57-year old music teacher fell ill and died just a few hours after a batch of Astrazeneca vaccine in Italy. In response, the Italian prosecutors have seized the batch of vaccines and it will no longer be given to people.

Tim Zook, a 60-year-old health care worker from Orange County died just hours after getting the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

Florida Obstetrician Dr. Gregory Michael, 56-years-old, died of complications from the COVID-19 vaccine in which he developed thrombocytopenia.

In Portugal, a 41-year-old health worker Sonia Azevedo suddenly died just two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. The mother of two had no prior health conditions. The autopsyhas unveiled no connection to vaccine, yet also doesn’t know what caused her death, “without any reference to the cause of death.”

A 78-year-old woman died MINUTES after getting the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine in Los Angeles County.

Two nurses in Norway died within 48 hours of the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine.

Several elderly men have died shortlyafter the vaccine in Israel.

A man in his70s died about 25 minutes after getting the COVID-19 vaccinein New York City.

A 58-year-old grandmother of 6, Drene Keyes of Virginia, died hours after getting the shot.

24 nursing home residents died after getting the COVID-19 vaccines during an outbreak of COVID-19. Prior to beginning the vaccine campaign the nursing home had zero cases of COVID and zero deaths due to COVID. After the vaccines were given to residents and staff, 137 residents test positive for virus, and 24 are dead. All deaths must be reported to

In Norway, 23 people died shortly after getting the COVID-19 vaccines, leading the nation to discourage vaccination of elderly, frail people. All the deaths were in nursing home patients, over the age of 80.

A 90-year-old Macomb County man Daniel Thayne Simpson died a few hours after getting the COVID-19 shot.

Promila Devi, 55, a frontline health worker in India died due to serious complications she developed after getting vaccinated for Covid-19 at Hamirpur district in Himachal Pradesh.

Mike Ginesin was 70 years old when he made a post on Facebook that he had received his 2nd dose of the COVID vaccine. Sadly, he passed away the next day.




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3 thoughts on “Sudden Death After COVID Vaccination

  1. Government is inherently evil, so there is really no question of why they are doing this. What is more horrendous is that this crime against humanity is being facilitated and supported by the entire medical establishment worldwide.

  2. I did not know so many people died from a covid vaccine. This not a government for the people. After reading this I wonder how I am still alive and wish the families the best.

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