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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories

Special Needs Boy Injured By Pfizer Vaccine

Milo is a special needs boy who is said to have declined rapidly one day after Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

According to several public posts, Milo has been in critical condition for several weeks in a PICU in Minnesota. After coding several times, Milo is slowly improving.

Since allegedly receiving the vaccine, he’s been intubated, has coded twice, has had problems with his kidneys, pneumonia, received a new diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease, and has had blood transfusions.

What is Mitochondrial Disease?

Mitochondria is known as a the power house of the cell. They help turn the energy we take from food into energy that the cell can use.

According to CHOP, Mitochondrial Disease can cause a vast array of health concerns, including fatigue, weakness, metabolic strokes, seizures, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, developmental or cognitive disabilities, diabetes mellitus, impairment of hearing, vision, growth, liver, gastrointestinal, or kidney function, and more.

Can Vaccines Aggravate Mitochondrial Disease?

This is an unknown. None of the COVID vaccines have been evaluated for safety in people with Mitochondrial Disease, or unknown status of Mitochondrial Disease.

Since infants and children are not routinely tested for Mitochondrial Disease, your child could have this problem and you wouldn’t know it, or have the diagnosis. If your child has epilepsy, autism, cancer, or diabetes, they may have an underlying mitochondrial disease.

About 1 in 5,000 people have a Mitochondrial Disease.

However, there IS a notable case report of a little girl who was developing normally and developed a range of conditions, including Mitochondrial Disease and autism–post vaccination.

Her name is Hannah Poling and her father Jon Poling, a neurosurgeon, was able to prove it to the NationalVaccine Injury Compensation Program in 2002, who conceded that the vaccines “aggravated a pre-existing condition [namely, mitochondrial disease] that then manifested as autism-like symptoms.”



Our prayers are with Milo and his family for an ever improving recovery.


  1. Developmental Regression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Child With Autism
  2. Mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with hypotonia, epilepsy, autism, and developmental delay: HEADD syndrome

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One thought on “Special Needs Boy Injured By Pfizer Vaccine

  1. This is what these parents in the UK are trying to prevent.

    UK High Court orders forced vaccination:
    (Adult doses & repeated boosters) for vulnerable adult,
    “weighing the same as a small child”.
    The case is currently being appealed to be heard by a Tier-3 High Court Judge.
    Francis Hoar is representing Counsel. “EWCOP 2022/2”

    Please share widely.
    Thank you 🙂 x

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