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Nursing Home Caregiver Blows Whistle On Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout

In the United Kingdom, deaths in care homes jumped 46% the first week of January, the highest number of COVID-related deaths since mid-May. This was just a few weeks after the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine (December 8), which some think may be spurring infections, and increasing the fatality rate in these most vulnerable populations who are getting the jabs.

Indeed, there is no explanation for why cases and deaths are up shortly after the rollout of the vaccine.

According to the Guardian:

“On Friday [January 15], 1,260 deaths in care homes involving Covid-19 were reported to the Care Quality Commission, a sharp jump from 864 and 661 in the previous two weeks. The weekly death toll in care homes had fallen to well below 100 in early October.”

We cannot simply ignore that these are the same elderly people who were vaccinated just a few weeks prior. We should not merely assume this falls in line with seasonal incidence. The majority of these people got the first of two injections in December. There are many mechanisms at play here that deserve attention and scrutiny.

For one, negative phase.

Negative Phase is a medical term:

a phase of lowered resistance that may follow the injection of foreign antigen in active immunization.”

It is an increased susceptibility to infection following vaccination, and it’s observed after all vaccines.

It has been observed for at least one hundred years (“The ‘Negative Phase’ in Prophylaxis By Inoculation of Vaccines”, 1932) but continues to happen to this day, though it receives little notice. For example, influenza vaccination increases risk for infections: (“Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine“, 2012).

Certainly, all over the world, we are seeing the highest number of cases and deaths in this post-vaccine rollout period, than we have at any other time during this pandemic.

Even if they recategorize deaths in the elderly to non-covid causes to make covid deaths appear to plummet, all-cause mortality is still higher in this post-vaccination period.

For United States, here are some graphs here to get you started: here and here.

If one dose of the vaccine is theorized to prevent a portion of infections and death, how does what we are observing line up with our expectations for the vaccines?

COVID Deaths in Care Home After Vaccine Rollout

Here, a nursing home staff member reached out to me to anonymously share what happened in their care facility:

“So I work at a home and we were thriving and doing amazing. I’ll be honest and say I have had jabs all my life so I’m not some conspiracy person.

These people were people I loved. I boasted at the fact my home did not get COVID. Then the jab came about. And nearly every single resident came back positive with COVID within a few weeks.

After a month or so the COVID jab along with a sudden outbreak made these residents so poorly. It was COVID over load!

I lost so many residents their health started declining rapidly. They looked as pale as a ghost and some were delirious and others being violently sick. Their death certificate will say COVID but my point is we were fine.

They were doing so well and this jab caused an outbreak.

I just want people out there to be aware and considerate before taking this jab or before pressuring family members to take it. This is heart breaking. I dread what will happened with the second.

This is UK. Our home has not gone on the news only the local paper. But in the local paper they only told them of a few deaths rather than all of them. I did not get the jab and I have not had COVID. We tested 3 times a week.

Staff and residents were fine it was only a few weeks after the jab we got suddenly hit. I do not personally feel the virus was brought in. We lasted two lock downs well. And as far I’m aware one person had a severe reaction after jab within 15 minutes but they survived for a few months after.

I am certain it was the vaccine because how we were doing so well for so long? People may say it’s a coincidence or bad luck but I believe over half who passed would still be here had they not off had it,

Public health came and said it was the home was going by all procedures for PPE etc. correctly. Which proves my point even more.”

C: How many people do you think died?

N: I know at least 28 died.

C: Wow that’s so awful. Can you describe some of their symptoms?

N: Delirium, vomiting, very pale, very weak they slowly couldn’t function it’s like the brain didn’t know how to tell the body to move or they were too weak to do it, achy, shivery, confusion.

I said to some co-workers many think it’s just unfortunate or “bound to happen” a few have same opinion as me. Staff have been told not to discuss anything to anyone or immediate dismissal.

C: Did any of them have classic COVID symptoms, like a cough?

N: As for a cough I don’t remember it being a major symptom at all but chesty, very phlegmy.

C: Did any of the staff test positive for Sars-Cov-19?

N: Loads of staff tested positive we had that many off. We had to constantly have agency in because that many were off and yes no one is allowed to say anything as they class it as confidentiality.

C: Thank you so much for sharing. Curious, do you know if any of these deaths were reported to Yellow Card?

N: I have no idea I don’t know what a yellow card is sorry.

C: Well that answers my question! It’s like VAERS but for the UK.

If you are in the United Kingdom and experience a vaccine reaction, please report to Yellow Card.

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