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Seizure Rash MMR Vaccine
Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Measles Rash and 35-Minute Seizure 9 Days After Vaccines: Aiden’s Story

Shared with permission from his mom:

“This is my son Aiden after the MMR. He almost lost his life…never again.

Aiden received his MMR and 9 days later he broke out into a rash (measles) and the next day he randomly went unconscious on me in his high chair and a few minutes later started to have a seizure. His seizure lasted about 35 minutes until the hospital was finally able to stop it.

By the time the ambulance got him to the hospital his oxygen was at 9% at he was in hypoxia. I remember the doctor telling me that he isn’t sure that my baby boy will make it but he is going to do everything he can to save him.  He was put on life support and when he was stable enough, he was transferred to a children’s hospital.

The doctors eventually agreed this was a vaccine reaction. A day later he was able to come off of the ventilator by the grace of God!!! To go from almost losing his life to pulling through fully was a miracle.

I regret giving him any [vaccines] and will do whatever I can to spread awareness so other children and families do not have to go through what we have. Aiden did have another prolonged seizure and was hospitalized 2 months later.

We have since stopped vaccinating and he has been seizure free! He is on medication for seizures but hopefully can wean off of it soon and stay seizure free. 

We are very very lucky he is still with us. Not all families are.

He is 2 (almost 3) now. He had the MMR, Prevnar and Hepatitis. The reason we believe it was the MMR is because of all of his symptoms. He had the measles rash. They treated me well for the most part but after so many tests I believe they gave up and agreed it was a reaction to the vaccine.”

Circle of Mamas: “How is he doing today? Would you be willing to share?”

Aiden’s Mom: “He is doing good now. He does have some brain damage according to his most recent scan but it could have been way worse and he is meeting most of his milestones thankfully. I’m happy to share his story. I want to bring as much awareness as I can.”

CM: “Ok well glad they agreed it was a reaction. And it still could have been combination of so many shots at once…some aluminum containing, some “live”. Had he ever had smaller reactions to his infant shots?”

AM: “Yeah it definitely could have been!! Only fevers from his other shots which they say is “normal.” If only I knew what I know now back then.”

I just want to express gratitude to Aiden’s mom for sharing their story. Vaccines are such a contested topic, but people who experience vaccine reactions should not be mislabeled, mistreated, or denied their experience, just to maintain some illusion of safety. Let their voices be heard, and their stories be told.

We won’t know exactly how rare or common vaccine reactions because we stigmatize discussion and research into vaccine reactions. Several studies that investigated the health disparities of vaccinated and unvaccinated children concluded that unvaccinated children overall have fewer chronic conditions, such as neurodevelopment disorders and asthma.

Many studies that investigate the “safety of vaccination” fail to include a fully unvaccinated reference group or control, rendering their results useless, and non-applicable to the question: “Are vaccines associated with ____?” Only an “unexposed” comparator would be able to sufficiently answer that question.

In this case, Aiden developed a measles like rash after vaccination, and also a prolonged seizure–both validated and verified vaccine reactions according to the vaccine inserts. According to the MMR vaccine insert, which is a legal document where all possible side effects must be disclosed, around 6% or 9% of infants had different rashes, depending on injection route and concomitant administration, up to 42 days post-vaccination.

“The nature of any rash was characterized by principal investigator either as measles-like, rubella-like, varicella-like or “other”.

These rashes are categorized as separate rashes, however in total, up to 9% of infants reported rashes. So if the frequency is around 9% that is about 1 in 10 infants will develop any rash after the MMR vaccine.

Measles Rash

Over 66% of the infants had a fever over ≥38.0°C which is (100.4°F).

I have a feeling there are far more of these reactions than is recognized. Some rashes are misdiagnosed (hand foot and mouth?), and some seizures are not witnessed, not recognized, not documented or not reported. Seizures, both febrile and afebrile, have a long history of being related to vaccination, including the MMR vaccines, as well as adjuvanted toxoid vaccines like DTP and DTaP.

From the MMR vaccine insert:

MMR Seizure

The frequency of seizures after MMR vaccine varies dependent on study design.

According to an unsourced sentence from the CDC:

MMR vaccination has previously been associated with febrile seizures occurring 8-14 days after vaccination; among children aged <7 years, approximately one additional febrile seizure occurs among every 3,000-4,000 children vaccinated with MMR vaccine, compared with children not vaccinated during the preceding 30 days.

According to a 2014 population-based cohort study that looked at MMRV (rather than just MMR), the additional combination shot produced an additional seizure risk (in addition to the MMR+V):

During the 7- to 10-day peak period, the risk of febrile seizures among children receiving their first dose of MMRV was double that for same-day administration of the separate vaccines. This translates to an additional 3.52 seizures per 10 000 doses administered, or 1 excess seizure for every 2841 doses administered.

A 2019 paper looked at whether preterm and full term infants have similar or different rates of seizure after MMR vaccine and MMRV vaccine. This is a VSD study and they only looked at vaccinated infants.

There were 532,375 children (45,343 preterm and 487,032 full-term) who received their first dose of measles-containing vaccine at age 12 through 23 months. The IRRs of febrile seizures 7 through 10 days compared with 15 through 42 days after receipt of measles-containing vaccine were 3.9 (95% CI: 2.5-6.0) in preterm children and 3.2 (2.7-3.7) in full-term children; the ratio of IRRs: was 1.2 (0.76-1.9), p = 0.41.

If you read the full text, both the full term and premature infants had double the rate of seizure after MMRV than MMR. Without an unvaccinated comparator, we can’t conclude much about MMR alone.

A 2021 Geier and Geier longitudinal study reported:

The current study revealed that about 1 in 3,100 doses of MMR vaccine administered to children from 12 through 16 months of age are attributably associated with a seizure disorder diagnosis following an initial seizure episode with an onset of symptoms from 6 to 11 days post-MMR vaccination. 

The daily incidence rate of an initial seizure episode diagnosed from 6 to 11 days post-MMR vaccination in comparison to 12 to17 months among unvaccinated persons was significantly increased (unadjusted HR = 5.73, p < 0.0001 and adjusted HR = 5.94, p < 0.0001) in HR models. 

The observed rate of seizure disorder diagnosis post-MMR vaccination is estimated to be a > 80% reduction as compared to natural measles infection.

In regard to the last sentence, it is based on a German paper written in 1925. Geier and Geier write:

“By way of comparison, a previous study evaluated 5,940 cases of measles over a 25-year period for neurological manifestations[20]. A total of 11 children were diagnosed with seizure disorder (1 in 540 children). As a rough estimate, this means that the childhood MMR vaccination as compared to natural measles infection is associated with about a 6-fold reduction (>80% reduction) in the rate of seizure disorder diagnoses (MMR vaccine = 1 in 3,100 children vs natural measles infection = 1 in 540 children).”

Everyone born before 1963 had natural measles infection. Did 1 in 540 of those generations have a seizure disorder? We would need more research, including capturing subclinical measles infections, to gauge what the actual neurological risks to natural measles infection are, in a society that isn’t confounded with other toxins that can cause neurological issues, ie. other vaccines, pesticides, poisons, etc. The paper is in German and looked at children born prior to 1925. Children in the first decades of the 1900s were routinely given poisons as “medicinal” nostrums, cordials, elixirs and powders, simply because we didn’t know better. Chloroform was used to stop convulsions.

In 1911, the treatment for measles as recommended here was carbolic oil (phenol), which is a coal derivative, highly poisonous, and causes convulsions and death. It was advised to rub it on a child’s tonsils and throat. So no. I cannot entertain such insanity when I know that the Victorian era and the Edwardian era was marked by patent medicines made using dangerous elemental concoctions such as mercury, lead and arsenic that poisoned and killed. The conclusions from a 1925 paper would be confounded by all the medications used routinely in that era and there is no way we can prove which caused what, and whether measles was responsible for the sequelae or the contemporaneous medical interventions used to “treat” measles. I’m not even mentioning the measles immune globulin that was administered with a reused, unsterilized syringe and needle. How did that section of the paper pass peer review?

The only part of that paper I am privy to:

“Some remarkable cases of nervous side effects and sequelae in acute infectious diseases of childhood stimulated the attempt to give an overview of what has been observed so far in this area. For this purpose, in addition to a compilation of the relevant literature, I have subjected the rich medical history material of our institution, the Kaiser and Kaiserin Friedrich Children’s Hospital in Berlin, to a more detailed review. 5,940 cases of measles (born 1905-1925), 2,690 cases of whooping cough (1911-1925) and 2,440 cases of scarlet fever (1915-1925) were examined to determine the extent to which complications from the nervous system could be identified during the course of or following the diseases mentioned.”

Sorry, but I am shocked these authors think this study can relate to today’s children experiencing a natural measles infection. There is literally a paper from 1895 titled “Measles and Phenacetin: Which Killed the Patient-The Disease or the Treatment” because there was an inkling even back then that medications can be a toxic response to a mostly benign infection in a well-nourished person.

But I do have a question, since that German paper looked for nervous system manifestations post viral infection in children and followed them for many years: How many of the children developed autism?

Which would have been impossible to miss, am I right?

Today, 1 in 36 children are on the Autism spectrum, and in California it’s 1 in 22. Many of these children are non-verbal, hand flapping, head banging, fitting and tantruming. Some are still in diapers. And yes, children with autism have a higher risk of a seizure disorder. So again, my question, how many of the children with nervous system disorders in Germany in the early 1900s who experienced a measles or scarlet fever infection and were monitored for years went on to develop autism, a good 20 years before Leo Kanner would even be the first to describe the condition?

The true toll of vaccines like the MMR vaccine is unknown because no one is doing robust, complete, bias-free surveillance and few parents are aware of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)–however, there is no deadline to report.

Click here to learn more about measles.

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