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Man Dies After Getting Johnson & Johnson’s COVID Vaccine As a Clinical Trial Participant

Eric Otero volunteered for the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine clinical trial because like so many, he wanted to do his part. But soon after the shot, Eric began feeling unwell.

His daughter Yarah has courageously shared what happened to her father. This is not something we will hear about in the news—yet. We won’t hear about it from the vaccine makers, or the CDC. When it does make it eventually to mainstream media, it will only be for damage control: to deny any relationship and assuage fears of the vaccine, because it appears that the reputation of these pharmaceutical products are more important than individual lives.

To date, the official stance is that the COVID vaccines currently in use today–Pfizer’s BioNtech, Moderna vaccine, and J&J’s Janssen vaccine–have not caused the death of any individual, despite more than a thousand reports of death to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and thousands more personal accounts of death post vaccination, coming from all parts of the world.

It’s because of people sharing their honest experiences that we will ever begin to visualize the spectrum of risks associated with these experimental injections.

His daughter was very clear–she is not anti-vaccine. She, like so many of us, agree there should be public awareness of the risks of vaccines, especially new vaccines.

Shared from his daughter, Yarah Dalmau.

“Dec 18th 2020 – My Dad participated in the Johnson & Johnson Trial COVID vaccine shot. They promised all medical expenses paid for any complications related to COVID for the next 2 years. My Dad found security in the medical expense coverage and possibility to have access to a vaccine- that he decided to do the trial.

Dec 25th 2020 – One week later- Christmas Day – Dad was very fatigued. He felt tired right after the shot and when I spoke with him on Christmas day, I recall he sounded exhausted. Which is unlike him, especially on Christmas.

Jan 4th 2021 By the first of the year, he was very sluggish and found it hard to do his exercises that he does weekly. He always likes to stay active.

Jan 11th – 18th Asthma like symptoms, harder to get through his workouts. Very short of breath and started to be winded very easily. Low grade fevers. Hard to make it through calls at work.

Jan 25th – Dad contacted Johnson & Johnson and they did a COVID test. Results came back 3 days later as negative. They advised he has flu like symptoms and to rest and drink lots of fluids.

Jan 29th my Dad could barely walk. His legs became so weak that he shaked when he walked. He thought maybe he was battling a flu and tried to keep resting through the weekend in hopes he would feel better.

Feb 1st – my mom brought him to Lake Mary Emergency room and they immediately transported him via ambulance to Advent Altamonte because of very high troponin levels.

Feb 1st – 4th – My Dad was at Advent Health Altamonte where they ran all kinds of tests and discharged him on the night of Feb 4th . Referring him to an oncologist, infectious disease Dr, cardiologist and PCP.

Feb 5th – Friday I saw my Dad at 11 AM and he could not walk and was very lethargic and sleepy. I called and made all his referral appointments and scheduled him to see his PCP first thing Monday.

Feb 6th– Saturday. I woke up at 6 AM and drove to my parents house and my Dad was completely out of it. He could not get out of bed, pick up his coffee to drink, lift his head. He did not know what year, day, month we were in. We took him to Advent Orlando and within 20 minutes they got him in and found a blood infection and swelling in brain.

Feb 20th We have been here 2 weeks today, and today my Dad started on dialysis.

I am not an anti-vaxxer by any means. But I think there should be some public awareness of the dangers of being part of a trial vaccine. Especially one that is being done in warp speed. And the chance I would recommend someone to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, is slim to none. They have denied any type of connection.

*update since original post: my father passed away Feb 27th; RIP to the most beautiful soul and soar like the angel that you have always been *”

If you would like to donate to the family’s Gofundme.

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One thought on “Man Dies After Getting Johnson & Johnson’s COVID Vaccine As a Clinical Trial Participant

  1. RIP. thanks for sharing. kudo the daughter for speaking out. But i suppose J&J did not include him in the final report? Did J&J not pay for the expense? so they had to have a GoFundMe

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