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Guillain Barre Survivor Denied Medical Exemption By BYU Hawaii Despite Medical Contraindication

Guillain Barre syndrome is no joke. It’s technically polio before the polio vaccine.

(Read this 1961 news article that lists the other paralytic conditions that were diagnosed more frequently to make the polio vaccine look more effective (GBS being one of them).

President Franklyn D. Roosevelt is still thought by many to have contracted polio way back in 1921 at the age of 39, but more evidence (such as his age and his clinical presentation) points to that he actually had Guillain Barre Syndrome.

It’s one of the most common vaccine injuries compensated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which compensates vaccines that are FDA approved.

Because none of the COVID vaccines are FDA approved, but are only authorized on an “emergency” basis, those vaccines are only compensated through the Countermeasures program. But either way, Guillain Barre is a very common–yet extremely serious–side effect of vaccination.

It can cause death, just like polio could cause death, if the paralysis spreads to the lungs.

As of this week, the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine Janssen has added a warning for the paralysis known as Guillain Barre, but both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have technically caused more cases of the paralysis, according to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

In the past 6 months of the vaccine rollout, VAERS has received 371 reports of Guillain Barre Syndrome,  75 of which were related to the Janssen shot, 156 to Moderna, and 164 to Pfizer.

There are no doubt many more that have not been reported, as VAERS is estimated to only capture less than 1% of vaccine adverse reactions.

It begs the ethical question: Can a University deny a Medical Exemption to a prospective student who recently experienced Guillain Barre post vaccination, for a vaccine that is NOT EVEN FDA APPROVED?

How can this discrimination be tolerated?

This is exactly what happened to Olivia Sandor. An incoming freshman, she applied to Brigham Young University Hawaii, and was awarded $200,000 in scholarships to attend the University of her dreams.

But Sandor’s medical history includes a recent diagnosis of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), an auto-immune disease that temporarily paralyzed her from the waist down, and has been warned by all of her medical providers to refrain from getting the vaccine as it could cause permanent paralysis or even death.

Olivia’s doctors provided BYUH with an exemption form specifying her condition and the dangerous implications she might face if she were to receive the COVID vaccine.

And the University DENIED her request.

Here is Liv’s story:

This was for sure a post I never thought I’d have to make.

As many of you are probably aware, I was accepted to BYU Hawaii for this fall, the school of my dreams. I had always dreamed of attending there and pushed myself throughout High School to ensure I would get in. In March of this year, I found out I was accepted. Never had I ever been more proud of myself. Over the course of the last few months, I’ve been preparing myself to move in August. I was beyond excited. Then on June 16th, BYUH announced they would be mandating the vaccine to all those coming in the fall. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but for me it was huge. I’m not sure how many of you can recall this, but in February of 2019 I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Guillain Barre is an auto-immune disease caused by vaccines which resulted in me being hospitalized and being paralyzed from the waist down. At the time I was a full time dancer and I thought I would never be able to walk or dance again. After many agonizing nights and days, I was mentally exhausted. I knew no medicine could heal me, but I knew one thing could. My Savior. As I laid in my hospital bed, I asked my parents to join me in a prayer. That day I put all of my faith and trust into the Lord. Because of him, I was healed. I was able to fully recover, something rarely seen in my kind of situation.

Having Guillain Barre means I am not able to be vaccinated. It could end in permanent paralysis, and possibly death if it spread up my body. This is not a choice for me. The CDC has strongly advised against it and so have all of my medical providers. With that being said, I reached out to BYU H and got with my doctors to submit an exemption form. BYU made this sound very accessible for those who had medical conditions and were in need of one. My family and I were all sure I would be granted one due to my condition. After three weeks, I heard back from them.

My medical exemption was denied.

How? Why? Was this a joke? I was devastated to say the least. My family and I then appealed this response. We took it to every higher authority we could think of until we reached the top.

We got in contact with The President of BYU Hawaii. We explained to him my condition and how the vaccine would affect me. I explained how Hawaii had always been my dream and how I worked so hard to get there. Fortunately enough we were able to get a response back from him. He told us that he would re-review my case with the medical panel and get back to me as fast as they could. Those 4 days of waiting felt like the longest 4 days of my life. I fasted on Sunday, praying for an answer. I put my faith in the Lord and told him that if Hawaii wasn’t where he needed me to be, I would accept that and find a plan B. Today (Monday) I got a response.

BYU Hawaii has once again denied me a medical exemption.

Again, I was devastated, but at the same time I felt peace. I may have worked so hard to get there, but now I know that wasn’t the Lord’s plan for me. I’m proud to say I did everything I could to fight it. I brought it to every authority I could. Do I understand why the denied me? No. Do I think it’s okay that they did that? No. Do I think it’s humane? No, but I do know that the Lord has something better in store for me.

I’m sharing this today to shed light on how the Covid-19 Vaccine is affecting me and my life, and to help others not feel so alone. I am also sharing this with you to simply remind you that God has a plan for you, even if it’s not the plan you had for yourself. I’m so blessed to have a loving and supportive family. To have two amazing parents that have fought by my side. I’m thankful for my friends and to have the opportunity to live in Utah instead. I’m thankful for this community and platform I have to share my story. I’m thankful for all of the support I’ve received along the way. Most importantly, I’m thankful for my Savior. I may not know why this is all happening now, but I have faith that there is a reason. I know he has a plan for me and he has a plan for you too. Put your trust in him. Go forward, have faith, and be believing. Let God Prevail. ❤️

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