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Fully Vaccinated 21 Year Old Student Dies of COVID Pneumonia

Shawn Kuhn, a senior majoring in exercise and sports science at the University of Georgia, died on October 11 after battling COVID-19 pneumonia for six weeks, despite being fully vaccinated.

An avid weight lifter, Kuhn worked as a certified personal trainer and also at Chick-Fil-A, and was very fit and healthy.

Kuhn got the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on April 19th.

Sadly, Kuhn is one of several thousand breakthrough cases of COVID-19, since the CDC stated in May their department would no longer track “breakthrough” infections unless the infection resulted in hospitalization or death.

 Read about Fatal Breakthrough Cases here.  

As of October 4, according to the CDC, there have been 16,889 hospitalized breakthrough infections, and 6,617 deaths in fully vaccinated people.

These numbers would not include partially vaccinated people, which includes people who have had 2 doses of a 2 dose series, up to 14 days after the 2nd dose. A person is considered fully vaccinated beyond 14 days after the 2nd dose of a 2-dose series such as Pfizer or Moderna.

 Read about Deaths in the Vaccinated in the UK. 

Unlike many of the unvaccinated deaths in younger people from COVID-19, Shawn Kuhn was neither obese, nor had a serious, underlying health condition.

Around the world, many countries are seeing a proportionately higher number of deaths among the vaccinated, than the unvaccinated.

For example, in Taiwan it is being reported that more people are dying after the vaccine, than are dying from the virus itself:

In England, an Office for National Statistics report found that 149,541 vaccinated people died from non-covid causes, whereas only 65,170 unvaccinated people died of non-covid causes during a period of time when fewer than half of the population had received a vaccine.

And in the United States, a curious uptick of deaths attributed to “Symptoms, Signs and Abnormal Clinical and Laboratory Findings,” is beyond logical explanation.

Explore the CDC data for yourself.


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