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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Dystonia After COVID Vaccination: Dominique Shares Her Story

One of the predominant vaccine injuries to come out of the indiscriminate COVID vaccination campaign of 2021 has been a class of neurological disorders occurring primarily in young to middle-age women. Oftentimes, women who were completely healthy prior to the shot.

It’s difficult for them to get a specific diagnosis for these neurological disorders, and many times they have been written off by doctors as anxiety or just “in their head.”

Honestly, it’s reminiscent of the way women’s issues were once disregarded as “hysteria” in our overly paternal medical system not that long ago.

Times haven’t really changed have they? Only now (and maybe then too) these symptoms are 100% due to iatrogenic causes, ie. caused by medical treatment.

Because so many symptoms overlap with other so many disorders, it’s hard to nail it all down. It’s hard for these women to get the help they need, because so many refuse to listen. The media blackout is pervasive.

In Dominique’s case, she got a diagnosis: dystonia. But she still needs our help.

Dystonia is a disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that cause slow repetitive movements or abnormal postures. The movements may be painful, and some individuals with dystonia may have a tremor or other neurological symptoms.

Other women to come forward with similar movement disorders include Shawn Skelton, Kristi Simmonds, and Angelia Gipson.

Maddie, the 12-year-old girl from the Pfizer clinical trial has been diagnosed with functional neurological disorder has difficulty walking and eating, and has to have an NG tube. Maddie was part of the press conference that Senator Ron Johnson held to support victims of the COVID vaccine, especially women who experienced these difficult to diagnose and treat neurological disorders.

Here is Dominique De Silva’s story:

March 18th, 2021 is the day that I made a decision that flipped my entire world upside down.

I’ve been EXTREMELY quiet about this decision and the adverse effects that it has caused me simply because I didn’t want to scare anyone out of making their own decision on receiving the vaccine..

With all this being said, I made the decision to get my vax before I left Las Vegas to move back to my home state of North Carolina because I wanted to play it safe and make sure those around me weren’t in harms way. I also do have underlying autoimmune issues which I have openly talked about for a while now.

I’m not ashamed of why I received the vaccine because I know my heart was in a good place and my intentions were pure..and yet here I am struggling with adverse side effects from this life changing decision.

Doctors have been pretty lost on what exactly is going on..running multiple tests, medical imaging and neurological exams coming back with no answers..

Here’s just a glimpse of what I’ve been dealing with-

Symptoms that come and go:

  • Dystonia
  • Difficulty walking and weakness within the legs
  • Dull aching & sharp shooting pains within the legs
  • Vertigo
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lack of sensation throughout the body
  • Cold sensation in the legs
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Tremor in right hand


Symptoms that are 24/7:

  • Short term memory loss
  • Trouble forming sentences
  • Feeling out of body
  • Depth perception is off
  • Visual Changes
  • Severe brain fog


I am not sharing this post to scare anyone out of making their own decision, however I do believe that people must know exactly what the risks are. These stories shouldn’t be so hidden on social media platforms or the news and I’m done being so quiet about this..

If there is anyone out there that is experiencing something similar don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard.

Please share!!! I can use all the insight and help I can get right now..

Dominique’s previous post:

“I know exactly what’s happening here, she has dystonia..”

The day that I heard these words is the day my life shattered right before my eyes.

While I was happy to know exactly what was going on, I didn’t fully understand the complexity of this illness when being diagnosed.

I truly thought that battling Hashimoto’s was enough of a fight that I had to endure, but boy was I in for a rude awakening..

Dystonia is a rare, progressive neurological disorder, only affecting about 1% of the population, that causes an array of symptoms and can vary from person to person.

Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to talk in more detail about my specific symptoms but for now I’ll say that my symptoms come and go and can range from being practically invisible to very noticeable.

Coping with a chronic movement disorder like dystonia is similar to grieving a loss, the loss of yourself.

I’ve lost loved ones throughout my life and taken time to grieve and go through the process of sadness and acceptance, but being able to come to terms with this new reality I live in seems so out of reach.

If I’m being fully transparency, I’ve been hiding from the world.

This has been a very overwhelming thing to go through and is such a personal part of my life that I wasn’t sure if I would ever be ok with talking about it openly.

But today I’m here to stop hiding.

Today I’m here to talk more openly about dystonia and how it affects those who struggle with it.

& most importantly, I’m here to let you know that it is ok have personal struggles and feel everything you need to feel in order to find your inner peace.

Watch a Health Freedom for Humanity podcast episode with Dominique De Silva.


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