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Detox Success Story: Baby Is Seizure Free After Aluminum Detox

This post is a conversation between a mother and I, and contains very pertinent information that could be helpful for others whose baby suddenly develops seizures after vaccines and their doctors have not enough answers or guidance. 

Mother: Why do they believe in lead [being neurotoxic] but not aluminum?

Circle of Mamas: Time. What’s so crazy is for thousands of years we knew lead was neurotoxic but it wasn’t banned from house paint until 1970s, gasoline 1980s. Time ….

M: It’s crazy they are adamant about lead. But nothing else. My six-month-old was having unexplained seizures. No neurologist. Cardiologist could figure it out. Everything was normal. “She’d grow out of it,” is what they said.

My pediatrician tested her for all heavy metals. Toxic aluminum!!!! Now, she is one year seizure free after detox and is completely thriving.

C: Oh wow! So what tests did your pediatrician perform? Did aluminum come back in blood and hair? What an amazing recovery! What do you think helped most?

M: It came back in blood, hair and urine. Blood on a range from 0-9 was 17.

C: That is so much aluminum! This is exactly why we need to push pause on the schedule, it will harm so many children, and conventional doctors don’t have the tools to put this picture together.

M: I found an incredible homeopath and we did aluminum pellets and charcoal first 2 months. Epsom salt. That is what really slowed the seizure. She didn’t have one for 3 months after that. Longest span of a time. And then after that we continued. And it hasn’t happened again.. Knock on wood.

She was headed down a really bad path. And my old pediatrician at the time tried to give her 5 vaccine a day after she got out of the hospital for the weekend. Imagine! If I listened. Instead I ran and found the pediatrician that was willing to dig deep.

C: What an amazing thing you did, taking her to a homeopath changed her life. Her recovery is so amazing! Did you tell your old pediatrician all of this?

M: No I never told my old pediatrician. They are very very V strong armed. And I knew they wouldn’t believe it. I did write them a letter for my own personal growth. But never sent it.

C: What made you start questioning V? How did you know?

M: The fact that conventional medicine couldn’t help me made me go holistic and my homeopath told me to stop everything.

And then when my new pediatrician did blood testing. And she was a strictly breastfed baby and I didn’t have it in my blood. We knew it had to be that. And once we got the aluminum out of her body she stopped having seizures

C: I just think how many other mothers are in your situation, and they don’t even know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Would you be ok with me sharing our conversation anonymously?

M: Oh I believe it! And I’ve met a ton it’s crazy!!

You can totally share my story. But yes anonymously… and of course if anyone needs help send my way. I have a ton of incredible resources.

C: Were you able to have before and after blood testing?

M: Yes I have before and after blood test.

She is still pretty toxic and was always getting sick. This summer we did stool testing and stuff and she had a gut infection etc. that we are working on. But is seizure free and thriving and growing which wasn’t the case last year. And now all the stuff I do now is all just to ensure optimal health. And I can’t tell you how many other people’s lives she has changed just by me sharing her story

This all started at 6 months. She’s 2.5 and I finally feel at peace with her. And I finally can tell her story without crying. It’s somewhat of a distant memory.

Not sure if she will ever be in the public school system but at least she’s healthy!

C: Do you have a medical exemption?

M: She does have a medical exemption… but some district don’t have to take it.

C: What are the aluminum pellets you mentioned? Is it a silica like product that attracts or bonds with aluminum?

Oh I see it’s a homeopathic treatment.. just looking it up. Curious if you tried TRS at all?

M: It’s a homeopath treatment. Homeopathy is treat like w like.

We also did silica pellets as well.

I did do TRS. We started off small and did one spray twice a week. She was really little and her body couldn’t handle it. She would spike high fevers. So we took her off of it. I think it might have helped.

That was in the very beginning. But now I’ll use it all the time. We will cycle through. Like a few months on a few months off etc. I tried it for myself for a few months. Didn’t see a real difference.. but I’m on the fb group and have read the testimony so I keep with it.

Right now we just do b12 and Glutathione. Epsom bath. Silica here and there. Fiji water sometimes. Chlorella etc. just because she still has toxins in her.

But imagine… she was in and out of hospital. She had an MRI. She had an echocardiogram. She wore a heart monitor for a month.. and all these neurologists and cardiologists said she was fine… imagine!

C: When did she have her first seizure? Did she have a lot? Did she get a diagnosis?

M: When she was almost 7 months olds.. she had 3 all about 10-12 days apart. All 3 we spent the night at the hospital.. the third one she stopped breathing and turned blue.

After the second one I started the homeopath. And then she had one more about 2 months later. We don’t know why. And then that was it. And that was last May… just a diagnosis of a seizure disorder. But no meds or anything. And I never went back to any of the neurologists I saw or saw any of them since her last one.

By her last seizure we had blood work that showed aluminum and every one in the hospital and both neurologists were like “that has nothing to do with this.”

C: Wow. Can’t believe (or I guess I can) that they just wouldn’t even go there. So did she have vaccines at 2, 4 and 6 months and then a few weeks later started having the seizures?

M: Yes.. I did slow the vaccines down so she got at 2,3,4,5,6 but at that point because of the pentavalent shot she had had about 15 vaccines.

C:  Yea there is literally no where else she would get that kind of aluminum in her. They say breastmilk has more than V but they aren’t considering the major differences between oral absorption and absorption from injection. Also the impact of so much at once in an injection vs the gradual, much smaller exposure from breastmilk or formula.

M: I agree she could have gotten aluminum from me as well. But not that much. Much different when it’s injected. I also did get Tdap while pregnant. When according to Dr. Paul’s Vaccine Friendly book when you get the Tdap shot at 32 weeks is when babies’ brain is forming and the aluminum can pass right through that.

So I’m sure a lot contributed. But vaccines were definitely a huge factor. We did live a very organic lifestyle before this but now we are full blown lol!

C: Does she also have MTHFR mutations?

M: She does has one mutation of MTHFR. But my best friend’s son got an autistic diagnosis on the spot and doesn’t have any mutation. So we do do all the methylated vitamins etc. Dr recommend b12 injections for her etc. but I’m not sure if the gene plays such a huge role anymore or are these kids just living in a toxic pool.

And yes there are so many people that need to advocate for themselves.

So much trust goes into our doctors and people just settle for a diagnosis. Not only did my old pediatrician try to vaccinate her days after her seizures. He told me I was foolish when I said no. And told me I need to protect her because she has been in and out of the hospital. I can only imagine where her life would be if I went ahead and gave her the five he tried to push on me that day.

C: What are your recommendations for other families who find themselves in your situation?

M: I would find a homeopath or a functional medicine doctor to help guide them. Even the smallest steps make a huge difference.

There’s tons of resources out there. That I wish people would just try. But it’s hard work too! My good friend just did light therapy for her four-year-old non-verbal daughter and it did wonders for her!!

Anyway. It’s nice knowing we aren’t alone but it can definitely be a lonely world being an ex-vaxxer.. lol

C: I am so glad she is seizure free!! There are so many mothers who need to hear this.

I think it’s so hard to navigate this as perhaps a first time mom having these things happen. On the one hand you want to completely trust your doctor, but then your instincts start to get louder and louder and hard to ignore.

M: I do think it’s important for moms to know that it’s take a lot of work and could take a lot of time. They make it very hard and expensive to be healthy and to get the right help. For example I need one test done for her. But yet you couldn’t get it done in NY. I found a way to get it done going through Massachusetts. It was easy but we did it.
We also made a lot of sacrifices to do what was needed for my daughter… and tried a lot of different avenues. I was lucky that I saw almost immediate results. But I do have friends that have children with similar situations and have tried so many things. They are making constant progress but yet not exactly where they should it! It’s easy to give up. But don’t!!!

C: Thank you so much for sharing!!

Click here for a post to learn all about Vaccines and Seizures.

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