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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Deaths After Vaccination In Italy

In the US, news journalists have been notoriously silent when it comes to vaccine injuries and deaths that occur after the experimental COVID vaccines in otherwise healthy and often young people.

They reported on Jacob Clynick, the 13-year-old boy who died less than 3 days after the Pfizer vaccine, and they did a little reporting on Everest Romney, the 6’9” tall high-school basketball player from Utah who developed blood clots in his brain after the Pfizer COVID vaccine, but these are just a few, when there are thousands.

VAERS has received over 6,000 reports of death alone, and they are actively removing reports.

This distinct pattern of avoidance and vaccine injury denial began long before coronavirus, but it’s a behavior that is appreciably not shared by every country.

Even Japan’s news media recently reported on an infant who died hours after nursing on her recently vaccinated mother with the AstraZeneca vaccine. The 2-month-old baby girl was found dead just 4 hours after the feeding, with foam and blood on her lips. There is no way to rule the vaccine’s role out, especially if the infant was also recently vaccinated in combination.

In other countries, like Italy, some newspapers function like what they were intended: reporting on the current events, an attempt to relay and investigate what’s actually going on to a wider audience–NOT merely a marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry.

Sometimes they do damage control, but sometimes they, too, want to get to the bottom of what’s going on.

Deaths After Vaccination In Italy

Camilla Canepa

In Italy, Camilla Canepa, aged 18, died from a cavernous sinus thrombosis ten days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Some reports say she may have had an autoimmune thrombocytopenia, and may have been taking hormone therapy.

Vaccinators should be aware of medical contraindications and medications before administering a vaccine that may result in the death of a patient. Especially someone young like Camilla, who is not at risk of COVID disease. In the United States, 16-year-old Kamrynn Thomas was taking oral contraceptives and many other medications and died just 9 days after the Pfizer vaccine of a heart attack.

Francesca Tuscano

Schoolteachers Francesca Tuscano, 32 and Zelia Guzzo aged 37 also died shortly after the AstraZeneca vaccine. Both women died of a thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage.

Zelia’s husband Andrea Nicosia is campaigning for justice.

Zelia Guzzo with her husband Andrea Nicosia

Stefano Paterno, a naval officer also from Sicily died of a heart attack one day after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Italian medicines agency AIFA decided to ban the batch of vaccines that had been linked to many cases of sudden death, including both Paterno’s death and the death of a 50-year-old police officer Davide Villa.

Stefano Paternò

The coincidence of Andrea Pirali aged 52 and Massimiliano Marcacci, aged 50 receiving their vaccines on the same day at the same clinic in a small town, Arona on lake Maggiore was also reported.

They were vaccinated on the same day at the same clinic and died within 2 weeks. Both Pfizer.

Alessia Reda

But there are others, like 24-year-old Alessia Reda who died from a pulmonary embolism after the Moderna vaccine, also making headlines.

The following is a list of names of Italians who lost their life unexpectedly after the vaccines which was reported by the news media.

Continuously the news media attempts to refute links to the vaccine, a desperate attempt to save the reputation of the vaccines, with no real evidence. For example, if a person has a predisposition for blood clots or stroke or heart attack–maybe they shouldn’t be getting vaccines that could increase those risks?

Everything in a person’s medical history becomes relevant when dealing with a sudden death, why would anyone excuse an injection which occurs shortly before death?

Deaths After Vaccination in Italy

Miriam Gabriela Godoy, 49

Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, 45

Ugo Scardigli, 53

Luigi Buttazzo, 42

Davide Villa, 50

Giuseppe Maniscalco, 54

Sandro Tognatti, 58

Stefano Paterno, 43

Annamaria Mantile, 62

Vincenzo Gallo, 37

Ilaria Pappa, 31

Zelia Guzzo, 37

Cinzia Pennino, 46

Augusta Turiaco, 55

Sonia Battaglia, 54

Daniela Filippi, 60

Cristina Maria Murari, 55

Mario Turrisi, 45

Giovanni Chielpo, 60

Francesca Tuscano, 32

Michele Quintiero, 62

Celestina DeSantis, 83

Giuseppe Morabito, 61

Nerio Artuso, 83

Emanuele Caligaris, 46

Maria Rosa Casanova, 77

Giuseppe Pitorri, 65

Vincenzo Russo, 58

Salvatore Perri, 45

Salvatore Franzese, 80

Ciro Castellano, 62

Loreta Sciulli, 54

Maria Addolorata Basta, 84

Pierpaolo Impagliazzo, 58

Csaba Gombos, 85

Francesca Paolo Vizzini, 75

Gaetano Bagli, 48

Cosima Scorrano, 83

Emanuele Urbani, 33

Paolo Mattina, 63

Milva, 81

Pasquale Ghisu, 73

Massimo Paris, 57

Pietro Taurino, 50

Gino Giuseppe Di Martino, 60

Luigina Zocca, 77

Mario Merighi, 81

Adriana Zicari, 69

Raimondo Cuaz, 72

Alberto Grazioli, 71

Massimo Cristofoletti, 51

Annunziata Brandoni, 78

Vincenzo Mineo, 69

Pietro Corradi, 65

Maria Maddalena Pecchi, 74

Luigi Mantovani, 87

Massimo Pantaleone, 65

Consiglia Valentino, in her 80’s

Marco Flavio Dussoni, 58

Selina Boido, 48

Gloria Mesoraca, 29

Alberto Bozzalla Cassolo, 60

Carla Fracci (Italy’s most famous ballerina), 84

Antonio Perseu, 66

Rino Ferrari, 79

Andrea Pirali, 52

Giorgio Paganelli, 52

Luigia Chiellin, 66

Vincenzo Mosca, 62

Gianluigi Maturo, 55

Vincenzo Fammilune, 72

Mohamed Mohamad Mohamud, 72

Camilla Canepa, 18

Alessia Reda, 24

Gianluca Masserdotti, 52

Isabella Stabile, 53

Alessandro Cocco, 54

Massimiliano Marcacci, 50

Massimo Bonfigli, 58

Giordano Fiori, 39

Bruna Perroni, 79

Raimonda Siotta, 73

Oliviero De Matteis, 69

Irene Lomoro, 46

Lorenzo Scorteccia, 24

Roberto Cavazzoni, 57

Silvia Casati, 43

Emiliano Carboni, 48

Anna Biafora, 49

Unnamed 82-year-old woman

Cornel Struning, 63

Danilo D’Argenio, 22

Cardiac arrest at his cousin’s wedding party. Received J&J vaccine.

Nicola Cuomo, 70

Luciano Bettucci, 59
He died 24 hours after Pfizer vaccine.

Paolo di Maro, 72.

Davide Bristot, 18

Cardiac arrest in his sleep.

Daniele Panizza, 48

Fulminant leukemia. Single dose J&J.

Venerando Bellomo, 59

Died one day after Pfizer vaccine.

Paolo Ruffini, 53

Valentina Bencini, 49

Died the day after her Moderna injection.

On IG @valentina.bencini.7

Diego Laurendi, 35

Cerebral aneurysm, 2 days after vaccine.

Angelo Tedesco, 41

Same city as Diego Laurendi. Both in Reggio Calabria, both men died of cerebral aneurysm within days of vaccine.

Emanuele Melillo, 33

A bus driver on the island of Capri drove off the cliff and died. Vaccine status unknown.

In Conversano, Puglia, unnamed man, 50

Alessia Pappagallo, 25

Sudden unexplained death, fully vaccinated young woman.

Mattia Brugnerotto, 31

Diagnosed with myocarditis 5 years ago, got the Pfizer vaccine, died the following night.

Alessandro Cavaretta, 51

Giacomo Venuto, 55 A nurse.

Antonio Mondo, 49.

Also a nurse and they were both Sicilian nurses who died 20 days apart.

Mosheur Rahman, 16

Irene Spinso, 47

Giordano Cian, 61

Marco Di Capua, 50

The mayor of Chiavari, Liguria.

Rosario Schiattarella, 55

The funeral postponed
Dozens of reports. Her mother describes seeing the blood clots.
Her family told she had tested positive two days after her death.
Before she died she spent 26 days in a coma. Meningitis within days of vaccination.
Arianna, 13. No surname disclosed.

Injured by the COVID Vaccine

There are many reports of people who were gravely injured by the COVID vaccines, but are still alive.

Irene Cervelli is a 41-year-old woman who suffered a stroke 9 days after the AstraZeneca vaccine. She is still alive thankfully although after stroke, now out of coma, she has a very long road to recovery.

As vaccination continues unimpeded, I will further add to this list.

Start Learning Now

If you are new to questioning vaccines, please start here.

Also, read this post that covers 12 Reasons Vaccines Are Dangerous.

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