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COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions and Side Effects

With every new vaccine there are a lot of unknowns. But the COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna also utilize an mRNA technology that is unlike every other vaccine on the market. To learn about the ingredients of the mRNA vaccines, please visit this post.

Postmarketing surveillance is very important for proper vaccine safety. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, is one way of vaccine surveillance. It’s a passive system, it relies on reports voluntarily reported by health care providers or patients themselves. As a result, many injuries go unreported.

What Are the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Side effects to the COVID-19 vaccines range from mild to severe. A clinical trial of 14,000 hand-picked, healthy vaccine recipients can’t possibly predict what happens when millions of people, with different medical histories, are vaccinated en masse.

Bell’s Palsy

Four participants (3 of them pictured) in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine trial developed Bell’s palsy. All four cases were in the vaccine group; no cases of Bell’s palsy occurred in the placebo group. Bell’s palsy is an injury to the 7th cranial nerve, which causes facial muscle weakness and paralysis on one side. It can take 3-6 months to resolve, but many people have facial asymmetry and damage for the rest of their lives. 

As of January 15, 2021, there have been 40 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported to VAERS after the COVID-19 vaccines.

“The day of vaccination, this employee did not experience symptoms. She woke up on 12/18/2020 with paresthesia to R side of face, that became progressively worse, and is now on the entire R side of her body. This employees face has a slight droop and asymmetric smile on the R side.” (VAERS ID- 903960-1)

“2 hours after the vaccine felt like she was hit by a bus. Had facial droopiness. Has Migraines with the same facial droopiness. Left eye blurred vision. Stroke like symptoms. Fatigue, weakness.” (VAERS ID- 907586-1)

Weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite, upper extremity shaking, sternal red blotchy rash, decreased mental status, non-verbal, decreased level of conscious, mottling, left side facial droop, hypertensive, fever, unable to follow commands.” (VAERS ID- 914473-1)

Strokes, Heart Attacks, Aneurysms

There have been a lot of reports of strokes, aneurysms and sudden deaths due to cardiac arrest after each of the COVID vaccines.

In February, 28-year-old mother and nutritionist Sara Stickles had a hemorrhagic stroke just 5 days after the second Pfizer shot, leaving behind a young son.

Haley Link Brinkmeyer was also only 28 years old and died two days after getting vaccinated, after feeling ill after the shot.

Social media and travel influencer Becca Ingle also experienced the tragic loss of losing her mother, just two days after getting the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine.

Midwin Charles died just a few weeks after getting the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19. Her cause of death has not been released yet.

Please see the article on Strokes and Heart Attacks, and Sudden Deaths.



Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you’re allergic to, but can also occur hours later.

Anaphylaxis causes your immune system to release a flood of chemicals (histamine, basophils, mast cells, and other substances) that can cause you to go into shock — your blood pressure drops suddenly and your airways narrow, blocking breathing. Signs and symptoms include a rapid, weak pulse; a skin rash like hives or itching; nausea and vomiting, swollen or itchy tongue. 

As of January 15, 2021, there have been 60 cases of anaphylactic shock reported to VAERS, but there are undoubtedly many more that aren’t being imputed as anaphylaxis. Many, many vaccine recipients are given epipens, Benadryl, steroids, etc and are not being classified as anaphylactic reactions.

“Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine I began to get very itchy and blotchy with a hoarse voice. The paramedic downstairs walked me up to the emergency room. I was treated with medications to help calm the itching and burning feeling. By 940 I went anaphylactic and had several doses of epinephrine to help calm this. I continued to have rashes and the feeling of my throat closing. I was transferred by ambulance to medical center in the ICU. I am still here and have had two toner anaphylactic episodes since. I have been on a epi drip, steroids, famotidine, Ativan and Benadryl. I also had a picc like placed.” (VAERS ID – 91742-1) 

“Received vaccine before shift. Within 10-15 mins bilateral back of the tongue numbness and tingling. Walked to ER (my department) and asked charge nurse for Zyrtec. Advised to stay and be monitored, opted not to be checked in to ER. BP 146/105, 126-120 BP, abnormally high. Experienced red lips, itchy hands and feet, ‘frog in throat’ feeling. Convinced to check into ER. Swollen uvula, tonsils, lips red/swollen, stridorous breathing. Checked in to ER, given IV Benadryl, fluid, prednisone, and Pepcid. Hands and feet were mottled. Confirmed anaphylactic reaction. Became nauseous, given Zofran. Given Epi in left shoulder. Stayed for 4 hours for continued monitoring. Symptoms started to subside. Also given inhaled albuterol. Discharged w/ Benadryl, Pepcid, prednisone 5 days course, and prescription for Epi.” (VAERS ID- 908943-1)

Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.” (VAERS ID- 916746-1)


A seizure is abnormal electrical activity in the brain. A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. Inside the brain, during a seizure, too many neurons are firing at the same time and interrupt normal brain activity. Seizures can alter sense of awareness, sense of smell, and cause confusion.

There have been 15 reports of seizures after COVID-19 vaccines in VAERS.

“Within 5 minutes, started feeling very tired and dizzy, leaned head back trying to relax. Approximately 15 minutes after vaccine had seizure lasting up to 15 seconds possibly. Brought to floor carefully. Then had small second seizure (about 5 seconds in duration). Difficulty Breathing immediately. Then extreme trouble breathing/stopped breathing , given 0.3 mg EpiPen in right thigh, gasped and began breathing again. Checked pulse (80 b/pm) then waited about 3 minutes and EMTs arrived. BP was 140/90 ish. Both higher but not terribly high.” (VAERS ID – 904359-1)

“Seizure witness by wife who is a physician. Bit tongue. No history of seizure or other neurologic disease.” (908342-1)

“Patient complained of a headache, then patient was losing consciousness and gasp for air. EpiPen was utilized due to being unresponsive then began to seizing. Patient started to flatline and an AED was used while a paramedic came. Patient was put on her side then facility gave something for seizures. Lastly, ,ambulance took her to the hospital.” (VAERS ID – 916473-1)


Vasovagal Syncope

Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover of CHI Memorial in Chattanooga fainted 17 minutes after receiving the Pfizer-made vaccine as she was speaking to the media.

Uncontrollable Shaking After COVID Vaccine

I have been seeing many videos of unexplained tremors, twitching, convulsive movements after both COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines appear to be affecting the central nervous system in a dangerous way.

There are two videos going viral recently of what appears to be a similar uncontrolled shaking, twitching, tremor. I wonder if it’s a central nervous system issue, maybe neurotransmitters firing excessively.

Shawn Skelton, a CNA of 25-years, received the Moderna “experimental biologic” on January 4th. Doctors do not have answers for her, but they somehow “know” the vaccine didn’t cause this: right.

Brant Griner’s mother had a similar reaction but to the Pfizer vaccine. Her MRI results came back fine, doctors do not know what’s wrong with her. Right. But I’m sure they can safely rule out the vaccine.

According to VAERS, there are 156 total events reported for Tremor.

“I started having chills before bed 12 hours after receiving vaccine. I woke up late morning (now 24 hours later)with a terrible migraine and continued to have chills. I went to the bathroom after I woke up and felt very nauseated and sick. I then started seeing black dots and felt very dizzy. Soon after my vision went completely black for what seemed to be about 5 min. I was shaking, having difficulty breathing and fell to the ground. My fiancT called 911 and an ambulance was on its way. The EMTs showed up and took my vitals. At this point I was able to see again and was sitting down. My blood sugar was normal along with my oxygen stats. My blood pressure was low while sitting and standing. I was starting to feel better and didn?t end up going to the hospital. I continue to have chills, body aches and a headache but so far no more blackening out episodes. It was the scariest experience of my life!” (VAERS ID – 904158-1)

“Full body shakes and chills that woke me up out of a deep sleep. Felt like my body was convulsing, resolved about 4 hours Nausea and Vomiting for about, resolved after 2 hours Woke up and feel weak, and have a headache. Current as of 12-24-2020 at 8:30 AM No treatment was taken.”(VAERS ID – 908404-1)

Pregnancy and Lactating Safety Concerns

There is actually nothing known about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines on pregnancy and lactation because neither condition was included in any of the vaccine trials. Both was considered a contraindication or was exclusion criteria for the trials.

There is also no data on the vaccines effects on fertility or cancer. All we have right now to go on are voluntary reports. It appears that the vaccine is affecting infants in utero and breastfed infants and toddlers in unusual and unsettling ways.

These are some anecdotes which represents these people’s experiences. Think of them like a Yelp review. We all want to know someone’s experience of something unless it has to do with a vaccine, right?



Menstrual Disruptions

There have been a lot of reports of periods being delayed, skipped, stopping mid cycle. People who were in menopause began bleeding. There have been excessive bleeding. Or complete cessation of the menstrual cycle.


Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines

Please see the Sudden Death article that covers all deaths.

Dr. Gregory Michael was a healthy 56-year-old obstetrician when he got the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on December 18th. Within days of the shot, he developed Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP), which is an autoimmune illness that causes the body to destroy its own platelets, the tiny fragments that help blood to clot, which he was hospitalized for. He died of a stroke before he recovered, less than two weeks after the vaccine.

Sudden Death After COVID Vaccines

24 nursing home residents died after getting the COVID-19 vaccines during an outbreak of COVID-19. Prior to beginning the vaccine campaign the nursing home had zero cases of COVID and zero deaths due to COVID. After the vaccines were given to residents and staff, 137 residents test positive for virus, and 24 are dead. All deaths must be reported to

In Norway, 23 people died shortly after getting the COVID-19 vaccines, leading the nation to discourage vaccination of elderly, frail people.

All the deaths were in nursing home patients, over the age of 80.

In Portugal, a 41-year-old health worker Sonia Azevedo suddenly died just two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. The mother of two had no prior health conditions. The autopsy has unveiled no connection to vaccine, yet also doesn’t know what caused her death, “without any reference to the cause of death.”

Two nurses in Norway died within 48 hours of the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine.

Several elderly men have died shortly after the vaccine in Israel.

Tim Zook, a 60-year-old health care worker from Orange County died just hours after getting the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

A man in his 70s died about 25 minutes after getting the COVID-19 vaccine in New York City.

A 58-year-old grandmother of 6, Drene Keyes of Virginia, died hours after getting the shot.

A 28-year-old young mother of one, Sara Stickles, suffered a hemorrhagic stroke just 5 days after the second dose of the COVID vaccine and died.

A 78-year-old woman died MINUTES after getting the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine in Los Angeles County.

Deaths Reported to VAERS

As of January 15th, there have been 55 deaths reported to VAERS after the COVID-19 vaccines, many of these deaths the same day, or within a few days of the vaccine.

50-59 year old – female – Washington. 0 days onset
“Vaccine received at about 0900 on 01/04/2021 at her place of work, Medical Center, where she was employed as a housekeeper. About one hour after receiving the vaccine she experienced a hot flash, nausea, and feeling like she was going to pass out after she had bent down. Later at about 1500 hours she appeared tired and lethargic, then a short time later, at about 1600 hours, upon arrival to a friends home she complained of feeling hot and having difficulty breathing. She then collapsed, then when medics arrived, she was still breathing slowly then went into cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.VAERS ID – 921768-1
30-39 years old – female – Ohio. 5 days onset
LTCF Pfizer Vaccine clinic conducted 12/29/2020 Vaccine lead received a call indicating that a staff member deceased somewhere between 1/3/2021 and 1/4/2021. Cause of death is unknown, and an autopsy is being performed.VAERS ID 921667-1
VAERS ID: 923993-1, 62yo
“Patient was vaccinated Dec 30, 2020. Prime dose of Moderna vaccine. Observed for full 15 minutes post-injection. No complaints when asked during observation. Released. Subsequently, vaccine clinic staff learned from the patient’s supervisor that on Jan 4, 2021 that the patient had expired on Jan 2, 2021. By report from the supervisor, the patient was found dead at his home. The patient’s primary care provider was unaware of his death when contacted by this reporter today (Jan 6, 2021). Electronic Medical Record without any information since the vaccination.”
VAERS ID: 920815-1, 58yo
“Found deceased in her home, unknown cause, 6 days after vaccine.”
VAERS ID: 920832-1, 104yo
“Vaccine 12/30/2020 Screening PCR done 12/31/2020 Symptoms 1/1/2021 COVID test result came back positive 1/2/2021 Deceased 1/4/2021”
VAERS ID: 921175-1, 77yo
“Resident received Covid Vaccine, noted after 30 mins with labored breathing BP 161/77, HR 116, R 38, T 101.4,epipen administered, sent to ER, died”

Report Your Vaccine Reaction

Speaking up, and reporting your reaction is vital and important for proper vaccine safety surveillance. You can imagine what happens if people don’t report their reactions right? It gives the impression vaccines are safer than they really are. If no one speaks up, we’re all complicit in keeping ‘their little secret’. We all let the pharmaceutical industry off the hook.

It’s time we hold these billion dollar industries accountable for destroying the health of people all over the world. We can only hold them accountable if we report our reactions. Speak up. Shout it from the roof tops. We believe you! We have your back.

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