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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Another Teen Develops Tremors After Pfizer Vaccine Comirnarty: Little’s Fight

Many young women, ranging from 12 years old (the youngest age allowed to be vaccinated) to women in their 40s and 50s are developing an array of neurological-based disorders after the COVID mRNA vaccines.

These women often have headaches, tremors, convulsions, are unable to walk, and unable to function properly.

There was an entire press conference devoted to this exact issue put together by Senator Ron Johnson that mainstream news called “medical misinformation”– can you believe that the negative side effects of pharmaceutical products are so easily and callously dismissed and rebranded as medical misinformation?

After all, Maddie, a 12-year-old girl at the press conference was registered in the Pfizer clinical trial for teens. Why was her testimony, which should be a warning to all teens, not allowed to be heard?

More Girls Experiencing This Same Debilitating Neurological Condition

Here is 16-year-old Sarah Green. People call her “Little.” About 2 weeks after her second Pfizer shot she developed what appears to be a similar disorder as many of the COVID vaccine injured women before her, many of them health care workers, all of them perfectly healthy before the shot, and at very low risk for COVID-19 the disease.

She has been in and out of the hospital since then, trying to find answers.

She has involuntary tremors in her head, feet and hands. She is constantly dizzy, nauseous, and tired. Little cannot control her neck movements, and cannot do simple things like looking down.

You can follow along on her journey at her facebook page Little’s Fight (unless facebook takes it down, which it has taken down every other vaccine injury awareness group)

Shared from her mother:

“My daughter, Sarah Green (Little), received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on May 4th. After the vaccine, she complained of a headache in the back of her head a few times. She had not had headaches before. I gave her Ibuprofen, and it would get better.<

On the evening of May 23rd, she came to me and said she had a “twitch” in her neck. I thought maybe she was just tired and told her to go to bed.

The morning of May 24th was a normal morning. I go to work before she wakes up, and so she calls me if I don’t call her. We had a normal conversation and she told me that her and her dad were going shopping.

That evening at around 7pm, I got a call from her dad and he said that he was taking her to the ER because something was wrong. Little had begun stuttering really bad and she was having uncontrollable head movements. She looked like someone who has Parkinson’s. She had never stuttered or had these “tics” before.

After 2 nights in the hospital and numerous tests, she was sent home with no improvement and we were told that it was a “nervous tic” and she needed to see mental health. We asked several times if it could be the vaccine and we were ignored until one dr told us that he had no idea what it was, but it was absolutely not the vaccine and we couldn’t blame everything on that. We had to argue with them to refer her to a neurologist.

Two weeks later we finally saw the neurologist and we were told that she had Functional Movement disorder, and that it was “related to the vaccine, but not vaccine related”. And that it is an “extremely rare” side effect. (While researching, I have found that it is not so rare). But the neurologist said that they had seen a lot of this over the past year.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not normal vaccines. They are MRNA vaccines. The way these work, is they change the way your body reacts to viruses and teaches your body to communicate a different way with your cells and to make a specific protein to fight off certain viruses or diseases.

These vaccines are not FDA approved because they could not pass the 3 stage test.

They could not get past stage 2, which is animal testing, because the animals died during the test.

Basically, what has happened is that there is some kind of breakdown in the pathway of Little’s brain and her body movements. And it is considered a “neurological disorder”.

I am not an antivaxxer.

She is up to date on all other immunization’s. But we were not informed that this was even a possibility.

My hope is that you, the reader, will be able to make an informed decision when deciding whether you get the vaccine or not.

We were not afforded that opportunity.

Please continue to send prayers and kind thoughts.

We greatly appreciate all of you.

Here is a video of her uncontrollable, involuntary tremors:

Here are many more women with similar conditions which presented for the first time post COVID vaccination:

Shawn Skelton

Stevie Thrasher

Luke Groves on Instagram shares his partner’s experiences

Kristi Simmonds


All vaccines have risks

Many people take for granted that they haven’t experienced a vaccine injury. Once it happens, your entire world view changes.

The risk isn’t only with the COVID vaccines, but all vaccines.

  • Every vaccine can cross the blood brain barrier.
  • Every vaccine can cause hypersensitivity.
  • Every vaccine can provoke an untoward immune response.


Health conditions many brush off as genetic, actually have vaccine triggers in genetically susceptible people, like epilepsy and asthma, for example.

There is a lot of information on this website, please use the search bar, use the menu, and start here.

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One thought on “Another Teen Develops Tremors After Pfizer Vaccine Comirnarty: Little’s Fight

  1. This has never been about our health. This “vaccine” has nothing to do with a virus.
    Just look what’s it’s doing. And you also know that the VAERS Site has not been used as it should. They stopped reporting all the adverse events. People are dying. Big pharma is literally euthanizing the people.
    Even if there are few adverse reactions why would anyone expect anyone else to take that risk. If there is any chance whatsoever, of this, or anything else happening to you or anyone from taking these jabs I would never make you get it or shame you for not getting it, nor bribe, nor coerce, nor incentivize you into getting it. Please wake up people. Everyone getting the jab are getting very sick in record numbers while the unvaccinated are healthy and not getting sick. Please people. Don’t let our government kill us off with a vaccine.

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