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Aluminum Is Toxic To Humans: Here’s Why

Even though aluminum is the third most prevalent element and the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust–due to its reactivity, aluminum in nature is found only in combination with other elements. It is never found alone.

That wasn’t a mistake!

Leave it to humans to figure out how to separate aluminum from these other compounds, and use it in food and medicine even though there is no biological necessity for aluminum is the human body.

On the contrary, there are some extremely negative health effects of aluminum on plants, invertebrates and mammals.

In acidic soils (a pH of 5.5 or lower), aluminum reduces crop yields, inhibits root elongation, can affect the cell wall, plasma membrane and DNA in cells of plant roots, and interferes with cell division.

In aquatic settings, aluminum is toxic to fish in acid waters, targeting the gill, inhibiting regulatory functions and causing respiratory dysfunction and death.

Many pediatric and adult vaccines contain aluminum in the forms of Aluminum Hydroxide, Aluminum Phosphate and amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate. Learn more about these adjuvants here.

Aluminum hydroxide is also a common ingredient in antacid medications, and aluminum sneaks into all kinds of packaged and processed foods (where it has a very sinister relationship with fluoride).

Commercially available branded infant formulas used by literally millions of parents to feed children of up to 12 months-plus of age are still significantly contaminated with aluminum. The concentrations of aluminum in the milk formulas varied from ca 200 — 700 μg/L and would result in the ingestion of up to 600 μg of aluminum per day.

The concentrations of aluminum in infant formulas are up to 40 times higher than are present in breast milk. 

Red 40 is aluminum. Yellow aluminum lake is aluminum. It’s really become ubiquitous. Baking powder has aluminum. Even table salt has aluminum in it–as an anti-caking agent! So this means everything processed and made with table salt (as opposed to sea salt) or baking powder can have trace amounts of aluminum in it. Read every label to really know, but items with salt may not list the aluminum.

(On a side note, I’d love some information on the “saline placebo” given in vaccine trials–is this sodium chloride made with table salt that has aluminum in it?? Inquiring minds want to know.)

The ph of the human stomach is 1.5 to 3.5. Once inside the body, aluminum can dissociate and become free aluminium cation, Al3+.

Seizure, anemia, osteomalacia, injection site granulomas, and encephalopathy are well documented toxic effects of aluminum hydroxide.

In preterm infants receiving long-time parenteral nutrition which contained high aluminium levels, the infants with the highest serum and urine excretion showed significantly more complications, especially bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, cholestasis, and osteopenia.

Then there is also a huge difference between oral exposure to aluminum, and injected aluminum. For example, less than 1% of ingested aluminum is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract (anywhere from 0.1% to 0.3% according to most studies), whereas 100% of injected aluminum is absorbed over a period of time, which may vary depending on the state of health of the individual.

I encourage you to scrutinize rebuttals like this, which purport that only 17% of injected aluminum gets absorbed within 28 days of injection, and that the remaining 83% is just excreted in urine with no actual proof or demonstration of that. No citations for the excretion in the urine? Can’t come up with even one?

Where does the other 83% go?

Because according to the 2013 Movsas research letter, “Effect of Routine Vaccination on Aluminum and Essential Element Levels in Preterm Infants,” there was no change in serum or urinary aluminum post vaccination with a round of vaccines that contained 1200 µg of aluminum.

The research found:

“No significant change in levels of urinary or serum aluminum were seen after vaccination.” 

Yet there was a significant changes to essential elements in the infant:

“Significant declines were noted postvaccination in serum iron (58.1%), manganese (25.9%), selenium (9.5%), and zinc (36.4%) levels, as was a significant increase in serum copper level (8.0%).”

It’s interesting to note that aluminum competes for absorption in the body with iron, calcium, and magnesium.

Aluminum may form a depot, but it also may not. The idea that the adjuvant is deposited and doesn’t disperse is based on in vitro studies, with few in vivo validation studies. Newer hypothesis that have a lot of credibility may be that the aluminum adjuvant is engulfed by macrophages through a process called phagocytosis, which explains why aluminum is found deposited in parts of the body such as the brain.

I don’t know about you, but I think once again, humans bit off more than they can chew. Maybe we should pull back on trying to dominate nature, and instead try to live in balance and harmony with it? But I don’t know, I’m the extremist–right? 😉.


  • Aluminum, a Friend or Foe of Higher Plants in Acid Soils
  • Aluminum Hydroxide
  • A mechanism for acute aluminium toxicity in fish
  • Aluminium loading in premature infants during intensive care as related to clinical aspects

Also check out these articles:

6 Documentaries on Aluminum Toxicity

Ask Yourself: Is It Safe to Inject Aluminum?

The Truth About the Aluminum In Your Vaccines

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