15 Month Old Toddler Dies 2 Days After ‘Well-Visit’ Vaccinations
In the State of New York, infants and children are required to be vaccinated against ten or eight infectious diseases (including viruses that are not commonly transmitted in schools) with no ability to opt out, in order to attend daycare or school, respectively. These immunization requirements are not evidence-based in light of the very real possibility of serious injury or death after vaccination, and the lack of a proactive vaccine safety monitoring system.
The risk vs. benefit scale has tipped to the point where the full CDC vaccine schedule may not be in the best interest of each child.
New York toddler Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren was a bright eyed, happy little girl with an huge smile and laugh. She loved to dance, cuddle, and sit in her swing.
In July, the toddler celebrated her first birthday, but no one could have imagined it would be her last.

“Everything about her was just pure joy,” Melody’s mother, Katherine Palombi told to News12, a local news station in Westchester, New York. “I’m in complete shock. This is a child that was perfectly healthy.”
On October 17th, Melody had a 15-month well-visit where she was given four vaccines (at least one multi-dose vaccine and one “live” varicella).
Two days later, without showing any signs that anything was wrong, Palombi says her daughter stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest.
Melody’s grandmother, who was watching Melody at the time, called Katherine at work to tell her Melody was having trouble breathing. Katherine recalled that she just kept saying “she just had vaccines, she just had vaccines.”
Melody was rushed to St. Anthony’s Hospital by ambulance, but despite hospital staff attempting lifesaving measures for several hours, Melody was pronounced dead at 11:13 am. on October 19th.
Hospital records obtained by News 12 show the baby suffered liver and kidney failure, as well as cardiac arrest. No reversible cause of cardiac arrest was identified.
Melody’s medical records show the infant was given a combination shot (DTaP, Hib, IPV) 5-in-one (which may have been Pentacel) and a Varicella vaccine which is a live vaccine against chickenpox.
Palombi told the news station that she recalled that her daughter was previously hospitalized with a high fever and body rash after receiving the many routine vaccines at 2 months old but physicians brushed the possible vaccine reaction aside, and told her it was likely a virus rather than an allergic reaction.
The child’s mother says she believes in both instances that the vaccines were too much for her daughter’s body to handle.
Click here to watch Melody’s mom talk about her daughter and recount what happened on October 19th.
Call for a re-evaluation of the CDC Pediatric Vaccine Schedule
It’s often mentioned in conjunction with serious adverse reactions to vaccines that: they’re so rare, and that so many vaccines are given without negative effects.
Where is the data?
Where is the proactive vaccine safety monitoring that can actually demonstrate that? Is anyone tracking post-vaccine deaths proactively? VAERS is a voluntary reporting system, and captures around 1% of total vaccine reactions.
SIDS is the sudden death of infants under the age of one year which is not determined or remains unknown after a complete autopsy, and death scene investigation, but tends to cluster at the two-to-four month age, precisely when many vaccines are given. Is anyone monitoring how many SIDS deaths or infant deaths in general occur in the recently vaccinated?
Historically, unvaccinated infants tended to die prior to two months of age, whereas, after two months of age, most cases of SIDS were either vaccinated, or had clear signs of infection and had not sought medical attention.
It’s time for a more proactive, detailed investigation into vaccine safety and to let go of one’s preconceived notions and beliefs about vaccination.
Today, most children are heavily vaccinated, and this epidemic of chronic disease, including asthma, autism, food allergies, and sudden death, is only getting worse.