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Health News, Parenting, The Science Is Unsettling, Vaccines

12 Reasons Vaccines Are Dangerous

“It is inadvertently affirmed in the Christian countries of Europe that the English are fools and madmen. Fools, because they give their children the small-pox to prevent their catching it; and madmen, because they wantonly communicate a certain and dreadful distemper to their children, merely to prevent an uncertain evil.”

-Voltaire, 1778

For centuries now, there have been people who oppose vaccinations. These people often witnessed or experienced a terrible reaction to a vaccine–and then emboldened, they woke up, and spoke up.

Many are told that what they saw and experienced was not real (an example of gaslighting), told it was just a coincidence (dismissed), and that they shouldn’t question medical science (which is supposedly all about questions). But some insist that what they saw was a genuine reaction to a vaccine.

There are many reasons behind why people are ethically or morally opposed to the concept of vaccination: some are concerned by the high number of vaccine doses (today it’s 69 doses before the age of 18), the vaccine ingredients, the near absence of properly designed, long term safety studies. Some are turned off by the lack of accountability and liability of pharmaceutical companies. There really are so many reasons!

Many think our bodies are designed near perfectly, and that the idea of needing to inject pathogens, biological material from other species, metals such as aluminum and chemicals are not a pathway to health, but a descent into disease. In fact, many people think vaccines could be one of the reasons everyone is sicker today, why autism and other neurological disorders, food allergies, and GI issues are increasing every year. After all, it’s not natural to be deathly allergic to our food.

12: Science Makes Mistakes All The Time

It shouldn’t be a shocking revelation that a medical procedure could have untoward health effects. Or a drug could cause more harm than good. We saw it with early X-Rays, that actually caused cancer and death, we see it with mammograms that cause cancer, with see it with antibiotics that enabled antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria to proliferate, such as MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

We see it with amalgam fillings which were once the “perfectly safe” treatment for cavities, but were found to leak unsafe levels of mercury. We see it with the saline drip IV bag which is still being used in hospitals even after this study found it was causing each and every year, 100,000 more cases of kidney failure and 50,000 more deaths than balanced fluids. We see it with water fluoridation, which causes dental and skeletal fluorosis and has been shown to lower children’s IQ. It’s still in our water, by the way.

Vaccinations are a man-made invention, and like all inventions, they aren’t perfect. They definitely aren’t harmless. The United States Supreme Court declared that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe“. There is no wild conspiracy here, this is how knowledge advances. This is how humans evolve. Know better, do better right?

There is corruption, laziness, and error in every facet of politics, industry, and government–and the CDC and Big Pharma are no different. The HHS even admitted (after they were sued) they haven’t performed a single “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” bi-annual report for Congress that they were required to do starting in 1989 as part of ongoing vaccine safety, which would be especially important to do, since the pediatric vaccine schedule has quadrupled in the past 30 years. Vaccine safety should be ongoing right? These are babies we are talking about. Otherwise, it’s just another science experiment.

11: Vaccines Bypass Normal Route of Wild Exposure

For millions of years viruses and bacteria have entered our body the good old fashioned way: through our nose, mouth, eyes, maybe a cut, maybe through sex–never before the 20th century were pathogens injected into our muscle with an adjuvant like aluminum.

“Vaccines do not come into the body the same way that a natural infection would, for example wild measles is inhaled, but the vaccine is injected. This means that vaccines have an exposure to the nervous system much more quickly via injection, than through the normal inhalation and processing of the lymphatic system.” (Suzanne Humphries)

A vaccine is a biological preparation that contains weakened or killed forms of a microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins (and a whole bunch of ingredients discussed here), and is meant to stimulate the body’s cells in the immune system, including macrophages, T cells, and B cells. Vaccination simulates infection in the body, whilst trying to avoid full-blown infection.

Vaccines that are injected intramuscularly:
DTaP, HIB, Hep B, Hep A, HPV, Influenza, Men, PCV, Polio.
Vaccines that are injected subcutaneously:
MMR, PPSV, Polio, Zoster, MMRV, Varicella.
Vaccines are are oral:

Why should we worry about injection? In 1913, Charles Richet received the Nobel Prize for his discovery that giving a parenteral injection of a colloid or protein substance or a toxin caused ‘anaphylaxis’.

The discovery of the phenomenon of anaphylaxis showed that by immunization not only protection but also harmful events could be induced. (Ring)

Prior to this, anaphylaxis was observed from snake bites and bee or wasp stings–we did not have any anaphylactic food allergies before the routine use of injections in infant medical care. We didn’t have a surge in autoimmune diseases like celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type-1 diabetes, or multiple sclerosis before routine use of injections in infant medical care. We didn’t have a surge in hyper-immune diseases like asthma and eczema before these routine injections.

Not only does injection permit entry of the pathogen to a part of the body it normally wouldn’t be, it also is coupled with ingredients that are extremely harmful to someone’s immune system and central nervous system, including developing brain. Some of these ingredients are declared, but others like contaminants, are not.

10: Vaccines Contain Dangerous Ingredients

Vaccines don’t just contain antigens. There is a whole list of ingredients but one of the most dangerous is aluminum. Aluminum is used to enhance antibody and cellular immune responses, but at a cost. The antigens in a vaccine are adsorbed onto aluminum, forming a bond that isn’t well understood from an immunological perspective or an adjuvant perspective.

Vaccines contain aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate.

We know that aluminum is neurotoxic, but the reason why the immune system responds to aluminum is because it is also cytotoxic, meaning it kills cells. When your body sends immune cells to respond to a vaccine, it sends in macrophages to engulf these aluminum-antigen complexes, which in turn kills the cells. This signals an even bigger immune response, that ‘something’ is damaging the body, and will attract more immune cells and will actively process ANY antigen that is bound to the aluminum particulates while forming an inflammatory response. One problem is that the immune system does not selectively react to only disease-causing substances, but ANY substance in the vaccine.

Injected aluminum leads to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. Aluminum is suspected in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease. High concentrations of aluminum were found in the brains of autistic individuals. Unlike ingested aluminum which is estimated to be less than one percent absorbed into the blood stream via the gastrointestinal tract, injected aluminum is 100 percent dealt with by the body, including transport via white blood cells.

“Intramuscular injection of alum-containing vaccine was associated with the appearance of aluminum deposits in distant organs, such as spleen and brain where they were still detected one year after injection.” (study

Injected aluminum adjuvants are more accessible to the brain than ingested aluminum, which is found in infant formula, water, antacids, baked goods, cookware, and more. For a deeper look into injected aluminum, please read this.

Vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue like MRC-5 (Medical Research Council -5) which are used in MMR, Varicella and Polio vaccines:

“The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XY; normal diploid male. Cumulative population doublings to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B.”

And WI-38 (Wistar Institute-38) which are in MMR, Varicella, Hep A, Polio and Rabies:

“The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted fetus of about 3 months gestational age. Cells released by trypsin digestion of the lung tissue were used for the primary culture. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XX; normal diploid female. A maximum lifespan of 50 population doublings for this culture was obtained at the Repository. A thymidine labelling index of 86% was obtained after recovery. G6PD is isoenzyme type B. This culture of WI-38 is an expansion from passage 9 frozen cells obtained from the submitter.”

Aluminum Phosphate MSDS Sheet:

“Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Corrosive to eyes and skin. The amount of tissue damage depends on length of contact. Eye contact can result in corneal damage or blindness. Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering. Inhalation of dust will produce irritation to gastro-intestinal or respiratory tract, characterized by burning, sneezing and coughing. Severe over-exposure can produce lung damage, choking, unconsciousness or death.”

Formaldehyde MSDS Sheet:

“Very hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, . Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, sensitizer, permeator), of eye contact (corrosive). Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive). Severe over-exposure can result in death. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching.”

Glutaraldehyde MSDS Sheet:

“Incompatible with amines, ammonia and other caustics (e.g. ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium hydroxide).”

Yet it is in the Daptacel with ammonium sulfate. How does that work??

“CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by ACGIH [Glutaraldehyde]. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Glutaraldehyde]. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Glutaraldehyde]. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Reproductive system/toxin/male [SUSPECTED] [Glutaraldehyde]. Contains material which may cause damage to the following organs: blood, the reproductive system, liver, mucous membranes, spleen, central nervous system (CNS), Urinary system.”

2-phenoxyethanol MSDS Sheet:

“The substance is toxic to kidneys, the nervous system, liver. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.”

Ammonium Sulfate MSDS Sheet:

“It may be a possible mutagen. It has been tested for mutagenicity, but so far tests have been inconclusive or test information has not been made available. However, if enough is absorbed systemically it may produce Ammonia poisoning. Symptoms may include gastrointestinal (digestive) tract irritation with nausea, vomiting, hypermotility, diarrhea. May also affect eyes (Mydriasis), behavior/central nervous system (somnolence, tremor, convulsions, muscle contraction or spasticity), and respiratory system (respiratory stimulation, dyspnea).”

Aluminum Hydroxide MSDS Sheet:

“Acute Potential Health Effects: May cauese mild skin, eye and upper respiratory tract irritaiton. Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal tract irritation: May affect bones (osteomalacia), metabolism, blood, behavior (muscle contraction, spasticity, change in motor activity), liver.”

Polysorbate 80 MSDS Sheet:

Polysorbate 80 allows nanoparticles to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. “May cause adverse reproductive effects based on animal test data. No human data found. May cause cancer based on animal test data. No human data found. May affect genetic material (mutagenic).”

Sodium Chloride MSDS Sheet:

Sodium chloride solutions is linked to metabolic derangements, acute kidney injury, and mortality, over balanced fluids.

“May cause adverse reproductive effects (fetotoxicity, abortion, maternal effects) by intraplacental route. May affect genetic material (mutagenic) (Sodium chloride).”

Food Proteins:

There is evidence that food proteins in vaccines can sensitize a baby, which creates a food allergy or multiple food allergies the world has never seen before.

  • Ovalbumin (the main protein in egg white)
  • Casein (a protein in milk)
  • Soy
  • Gelatin
  • Wheat, corn, coconut and/or sunflower used during the production of polysorbate 80 and/or sorbitol
  • Excipients may be made with milk proteins; soy derivatives; oils from sesame, peanut, fish or soy; and beef or fish gelatin

For a full list of declared ingredients in vaccines, please refer to the CDC Excipient & Media Summary.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

According to their package inserts, vaccines have not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment. See for yourself. Vaccine Package Inserts right here.

Image from Ashley Everly

9: Newborns Have Immature Immune Systems

Neonates have a naturally immature immune system (everything in a newborn is immature, he or she is brand new!). Breastfeeding is the single most important thing you can do to build and develop your infant’s immune system. Vaccines, on the other hand, are not by design.

Because newborns have immature immune systems it creates a problem for infant vaccinations. They do not create sufficient antibodies to a single dose of a vaccine, thus to be able to reach a level of protection that’s worthwhile, it is necessary to perform a repetitious series of vaccinations over a short period of time. This is why the pediatric vaccine schedule has repeat doses scheduled at various intervals, such as birth, 2 months, 4 months and 6 months. That is a lot of injected aluminum!

A newborn is naturally, biologically in an anti-inflammatory state:

“The predominant anti-inflammatory response during the postnatal period may prevent excessive responses to microbes following the transition from the sterile environment in utero, and facilitate microglial “synaptic stripping,” removing damaged cells and dysfunctional synapses during development. In other words, the anti-inflammatory response to nerve damage in infants may be the indirect consequence of the requirements for normal postnatal development in the dorsal horn.” (study)

But what happens if you take a baby who is by design anti-inflammatory and inject materials to cause inflammation?

“Alum may directly or indirectly trigger innate immunity through activation of inflammasome complexes, required for the processing of interleukin-1 family pro-inflammatory cytokines.”  (study)

“More than any other cytokine family, the IL-1 family of ligands and receptors is primarily associated with acute and chronic inflammation.” (study)

Could this be why more and more children are getting auto-immune and hyper-immune diseases?

8: Vaccine Manufacturers Can’t Be Sued

In 1982, DPT Vaccine Roulette premiered on primetime TV, and featured interviews with parents telling stories of vaccine injuries, including severe brain damage, seizures and delayed mental and motor development after their children were vaccinated with the DPT vaccine. Suddenly, parents around the world realized they weren’t alone, they weren’t crazy. They started filing law suits against the vaccine manufacturers:

“Between 1978 and 1981 only nine product liability suits were filed against DTP manufacturers but by the mid-1980s lawsuits rose to over 200 per year.

The lawsuits destabilized the DTP vaccine market, causing two of the three manufacturers to withdraw, leaving only Lederle Laboratories, which estimated its tort liability exceeded its annual sales by a factor of 200.” (link)

No one likes getting sued, and instead of making a better product, the vaccine makers told Congress they weren’t going to make any vaccines at all. Taking sides, Congress passed National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act in 1986, which removed all liability from the vaccine makers, granted them immunity, and pushed any civil action to a “vaccine court”, with strict rules and regulations. If you get a “table injury” from a “covered” vaccine within a “certain time period” you can be compensated very little.

“The act was created to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters. The claims are paid from a $.75 excise tax on every dose of covered vaccine that is purchased.”

Table injuries listed on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act
(b) Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings
(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

It all adds up though. Since 1988, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out $3.9 Billion to victims. 

7: The Vaccine Schedule Has Exploded

Up until the 1980s, only a few vaccines were ever on a recommended pediatric vaccine schedule. These are the ones your mom or grandma will tell you about. In 1948 the pertussis vaccine was combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and became a diphtheria whole cell pertussis and tetanus toxoid (DTP) vaccine. The Polio vaccine, either oral or injection didn’t arrive until the mid-1950s. Then the MMR came out in 1963. Smallpox vaccine had been around since the 19th century, and that was also still on the schedule up until 1971 (for toddlers or before school). But that was it until after the passing of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.

Well, if you were a vaccine maker and the government just made it so no one could sue you, what would you do?

You guessed it–it’s a total buffet for the vaccine makers. All profit and no liability, what can go wrong? There are vaccines for diseases you never even heard about 30 years ago. Today, there are estimated to be 300 vaccines in the pipeline.

The first Hib vaccine comes on the market in 1985, the Hep b in 1986, Hep a in 1994, Varicella 1996, Rotavirus in 1998, PCV in 2000, Influenza for babies 2002, for pregnant women 2004, Men B 2005, Tdap for pregnant women 2006, and HPV vaccines in 2006. They never gave a pregnant woman a vaccine before 2004 because it wasn’t safe–what changed?

Today, the pediatric vaccine schedule looks like this:

It used to look like this:Image result for 1950s immunization record

6: Lack of Safety Studies

Well it’s a good thing with all these added vaccines, that our government is looking at vaccine safety right? Wrong.

“The result of the lawsuit is that HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety. This speaks volumes to the seriousness by which vaccine safety is treated at HHS and heightens the concern that HHS doesn’t have a clue as to the actual safety profile of the now 29 doses, and growing, of vaccines given by one year of age.”

There are two forms of post-marketing safety surveillance for most vaccines. Pregnant women who get a vaccine may be enrolled in a special monitoring system (because no vaccines were ever tested on pregnant women), but for most people there are two options: the Vaccine Safety Datalink and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. VAERS is a passive surveillance system and estimated to represent only 1% of actual adverse events.

Are the existing vaccine safety surveillance systems adequate in catching problems with vaccines?

We did not know until 2017 that pregnant women who received an H1N1 Flu vaccine and a regular Flu vaccine during pregnancy in the 2009 and 2010 season were 7 times more likely to miscarry than women who did not get either vaccine. Women who received one Flu vaccine were twice as likely to miscarry than women who received no vaccine at all.

It was not discovered until 2017 that infants in Guinea-Bissau who received a DTP and OPV vaccine in the early 1980s had a 5-fold mortality hazard ratio over infants who did not get those vaccines.

So the answer is NO.

5: There’s No Transparency

The mainstream narrative of vaccination functions like a commercial advertisement (the slick, beautiful Don Draper kind), pivoting on the concepts of safety, effectiveness, and the do-good nature of protecting those who rely on herd immunity. It’s alluring and convincing and has a whole world enraptured that they are both protecting their young and aiding humanity by vaccinating.

Behind the curtain of false advertising is another story. Suddenly that fast-talking list of warnings and precautions at the end of the commercial is slowed down and softly spoken in a mother’s warm voice or a father’s heartbreaking posts. People, like you and me, have a very different experience of vaccination. We see first-hand the high fevers, the high-pitch screams, the horrible eczema, the food allergies, the seizures, the constant ear infections, the digestion issues, the loss of speech, and even SIDS. Brave mothers and father’s telling their very real stories about vaccination.

How do we reconcile these two opposing voices? How can we make the situation transparent?

If vaccines are so safe, how is it possible that in the United States alone, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid out $3.9 billion since the program started in 1988. But most people don’t know what a vaccine reaction is, or what it looks like, let alone know they can report a reaction to VAERS or file a claim with the VICP. It’s a drop in the bucket for how many people are walking around with the knowledge that vaccines hurt their child.

Clearly vaccine injuries are happening. They aren’t rare. It’s not 1 in a million doses you might have seen written down somewhere (which is technically what they are referring to as an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine). Anaphylaxis is not the only injury worth recognizing. The real question is, is what are vaccines and their ingredients doing to the brain of a developing infant?

4: Vaccines Are An Experiment

Back in 1796, when Edward Jenner scraped the pus from a cowpox blister on a milkmaid’s hand and etched the “variolous material” into the arms of his gardener’s eight-year-old son, oddly enough, he was seeking out a “safer” alternative to smallpox variolation. The practice of smallpox variolation had been practiced for many centuries from China to Africa, and entailed taking the pus or scab from an infected person’s smallpox blister and rubbing it in a scratch on another person’s arm or placed in their nose, causing infection in its recipients they were hoping would be milder than natural infection. 

Jenner had heard stories that cowpox provided cross-protection to smallpox, so Jenner tested what he heard. Six weeks after the boy recovered from an acute cowpox infection, Jenner challenged the child with smallpox, and the child didn’t get sick.

But that wasn’t the beginning of his vaccine experiments. A few years before that magical moment, Jenner’s own son suffered adverse reactions to vaccination, and developed neurological damage. But ironically, we don’t hear about this.

In 1789 Jenner inoculated his 10-month-old son Edward Jr. against swinepox, “with matter from a pustule of the baby’s nurse, who had caught the swinepox infection.” Eight days later the infant took sick and developed sores but recovered. Months later, Jenner challenged the child five times with smallpox to test immunity. Two years later, he challenged the child again, this time the child developed a fever and his arm swelled all the way to  his armpit. In the years following these experiments, young Edward “became a sickly child and exhibited signs of mild mental retardation,” and he died at the age of 21 from tuberculosis.

Using an animal intermediary and subsequent arm-to-arm transmission seemed safer at first, but in time this Jennerian style of vaccination had an undeniable amount of risks: vaccine recipients often contracted syphilis, tetanus, tuberculosis, measles,  developed erysipelas, developed cow or horse pox, or smallpox.

“In one episode at Rivalta, Italy, for example sixty-three children were vaccinated with material taken from the vaccinal pustule of an apparently healthy infant who had an inapparent syphilis infection. Forty-four of the vaccinated infants developed overt syphilis, several died of it, and some infected their mothers and nurses.” (Hopkins, 2002)

In many areas, the death rate from smallpox was higher among the vaccinated. Places like Leicester, England that refused mandatory vaccination and opted for quarantine instead, saw a lot fewer deaths than the most heavily vaccinated parts of England. Re-vaccinations were frequent throughout the 19th century and 20th century and were responsible for many outbreaks. Vaccinating infants only a few months old became routine in the 1800s because of compulsory vaccination laws, and parents were fined if infants were not vaccinated by three months of age. But there is evidence that they vaccinated infants only hours old. There is no way they had any inkling if that was safe or not. It’s just what they did.

Nearly fifty years before a measles vaccine would make its way to market in 1963, a measles vaccine was being tested on infants in 1915. Vaccines were tested without consent on slaves and orphans, and patients at mental institutions. When Rene Spitz studied the deprivation of infants in orphanages in the 1940s and studied their lack of affection and eye contact, he remarked how these infants had impeccable medical care, indeed, that they even were vaccinated against measles. Yet when measles came through the orphanage it nearly wiped out half of the vaccinated children, a much high mortality rate than what non-institutionized infants had at the time.

When the polio vaccine came out in 1955, more than 200,000 children received defective vaccines that contained live virus that caused 40,000 cases of polio and ten deaths. Another polio vaccine that was given to 98 million people from 1955 to 1961 unknowingly contained Simian Virus 40 (SV40), which was later identified to increase the incidence in certain cancers, including brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Another animal virus, known as RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, was first isolated in 1956 from a lab chimpanzee at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the largest biomedical research facility of the US Department of Defense, where they among other things, develop vaccines. Initially named Chimpanzee Coryza Agent, RSV was soon recovered from infants with lower respiratory illness and identified as a human pathogen. With the onslaught of vaccinations, and using a variety animals to grow these pathogens, we have allowed entry of many animal viruses into the human environment, including the HIV viruses, which belong to a group of retroviruses that are endemic to African apes and Old World monkeys and are known collectively as the primate lentiviruses.

The DPT vaccine (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccine was taken off the market in 1996 after being injected into babies for up to seven decades, after it was found that “evidence is consistent with a possible causal relation between DTP vaccine and acute encephalopathy.” They finally switched to an acellular vaccine, DTaP because of the public response to 1982’s DPT: Vaccine Roulette which showed children who had been permanently brain damaged following DPT vaccinations. To this day, DPT is still being used in developing countries, and is associated with a higher infant mortality among the infants who receive this vaccine.

The first vaccine against rotavirus which hit the market in 1999 was later withdrawn because it increased the risk of intussusception, which is a potentially fatal telescoping of the intestines in infants who cannot speak or tell you wtf is wrong. That’s great they recalled it but then the next two vaccines against rotavirus that came to market were contaminated with DNA material from two pig viruses (porcine cicoviruses), one of which causes immune suppression, wasting disease and death in baby pigs. About 1 million infants in the United States and about 30 million infants worldwide got those vaccines.

In Sweden, the increase in HPV vaccination is associated with an increase in the incidence of cervical cancer. There is a well-documented increase in the incidence of shingles after introduction of varicella vaccine. There are more hepatitis b cases and deaths after the introduction and routine use of the Hep B vaccine, than before.

Vaccine experimentation continually happens right under our nose. Today, children who follow the CDC pediatric vaccine schedule will receive 74 doses of vaccines by the time they turn 18 years old. There is no double-blind, placebo controlled study of the entire recommended vaccine schedule telling us this is ok. In the United States, one percent of children will grow up with zero vaccinations. The other 99% will have at least some vaccinations, and over 72% of children has most of the recommended vaccinations. We don’t know the rate of asthma, autism, epilepsy, food allergies, SIDS, diabetes, learning disorders, eczema, immune dysfunction, chronic gastrointestinal issues, or cancer that exists in this one percent and how it compares to the other 99%. No one will look.

From Swine Flu Vaccine Fiasco article on this website.

3: Vaccines Are Deadly

Confidential GSK Infanrix Hexa Bridging Summary detailing the adverse events including deaths post-vaccination, the majority of which occur in the three days following vaccination.

DPT Vaccine causes five-fold increase in infant mortality.

The SIDS mortality rate in the period zero to three days following DTP was found to be 7.3 times that in the period beginning 30 days after immunization.

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

2: It Would Be Great if Vaccines Worked But They Don’t

In Dissolving Illusions, Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk examine the myth that vaccines single handedly reduced deadly infections in the Western World in the 19th and 20th century, and show that instead of vaccinations, there was a whole movement toward better hygiene, sanitation, better living and working conditions, child and adult labor laws, indoor plumbing, and food and drug regulations.

The book “details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.”

At the turn of the last century, it is quite possible that more infants died of artificial infant formula and diseased milk and food than anything else.

In 1900, a study of nearly 14,000 children born in Baudeloque’s clinic revealed that breastfed infants had an infant mortality rate of 14%, while infants fed artificially from their mothers had a mortality of 31%, and infants fed artificially by strangers had a 50% mortality rate.

Even today, with all the vaccines we have on the schedule, formula fed infants have a 1.3 fold higher risk of infant mortality over infants who have “ever” been breastfed. Infants “not being breastfed is associated with an increased incidence of infectious morbidity, including otitis media, gastroenteritis, and pneumonia, as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leukemia, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).”

Exclusive breastfeeding for three months reduces the risk of infant death by 36%. Sorry folks, but breastmilk is the one and only vaccine your baby needs to survive and thrive.

The immunity someone gets from a vaccine is short-lived. Vaccines wane. They create asymptomatic carriers. Live virus vaccines shed and transmit infection to others, including immunocompromised people. For some of the wild viruses whose circulation has been reduced, we don’t see a complementary increase in the health of the population, a longer life span, or less chronic illness. Instead, we see more.

Vaccines are contaminated with other stuff that isn’t even declared, such as lead, stainless steel, iron, chromium, bromine, silicon, potassium and titanium. Not to mention viruses and bacteria! There are a lot of things wrong with vaccines, this is just a drop in the bucket.

1: Vaccines Are Part of A Larger Problem

Vaccines do not exist in a vacuum or a bubble. Vaccines are not the only problem, but they are part of it. And everything is connected. The biggest factor affecting our bodies, our health, our environment, our food and water supply? Chemicals.

Xenobiotic Chemicals – substances found within an organism that is not naturally produced or expected to be present within the organism.

We have an addiction to chemicals, why on earth did we saturate our ground, our air, our water, our food, our clothing and shelter – with deadly mutagenic, cancer-causing, brain cell killing chemicals? Are we freaking stupid?

Fifty-six chemicals detected in pregnant women. Two hundred chemicals detected in umbilical cord blood. Glyphosate, fluoride, aluminum, mercury, nitrates, bisphenols, perfluoroalkyl chemicals, phthalates and parabens, we have to break free of this disgusting trend. Vaccines represent one avoidable source of chemicals.

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6 thoughts on “12 Reasons Vaccines Are Dangerous

  1. This is an excellent article; congratulations on a job well done.
    But there is at least one factual error. You write “Congress declared that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe“.”
    Actually, it was the Supreme Court that said vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” See
    While perhaps a minor technicality, vaccine advocates may point to this error as a reason to question the accuracy of the other information you provide so you might want to correct this.

  2. Thank you so much for this amazing site. I have four children with my youngest being 8 months. My oldest three kids are all vaccinated up until 6 years old as I foolishly trusted the doctors. After what I witness with this covid vaccine nightmare I started to investigate and I found myself in some scary places. I decided not to vaccinate this baby at all. I’m fully breastfeeding him. I sincerely appreciate all the research and the articles you have posted here. It makes me feel so bad that I have given my other three kids all the prior vaccines. I pray that they stay healthy.

    1. I feel the exact same way. I have 3 boys (2 are twins) and I followed the recommended vaccination schedule. After covid hit, my trust in those making and recommending vaccines took a huge hit. Just had a little girl in February and was unsure what I would do with vaccinating her. She had the hep B vaccine in the hospital, and after more research, there is no way I am getting anymore for her or my other 3 kids. Too much at stake to roll a dice. And I am a registered nurse who was always pro vaccine. Do your research, people…don’t just blindly follow like I did! I knew no more than your average person about vaccines even though I am a nurse.. the only thing really taught is to look down on those who choose not to vaccinate. Thank you for this article!

  3. Thank you so much for this! We studied this article in English, as our topic was fake news and we were looking at specifically articles surrounding COVID-19. It was a blast deciphering the countless characteristics of fake news in here, from the outdated sources, old, unrelated quotes, and fancy words that mean nothing. Though, I’d add a disclaimer at the start; some people more unfortunate in terms of intelligence might even believe this.

    1. Wow I wrote this so long ago, one of my first blog posts, and has nothing to do with COVID. That’s hilarious that you were looking specifically at articles surrounding COVID-19 and this was part of your class. I would love to read your paper on what was fake about it, where exactly the fake news is, and where are the fancy words that mean nothing. Please share!

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