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Breastfeeding Exclusively Reduces Autism Risk Significantly

The idea of ‘preventing’ or ‘avoiding’ Autism gets parents all up in arms. It’s an uncomfortable topic, and many parents feel guilt or shame for their child’s condition. Many parents argue that Autism is primarily genetic and unavoidable, case closed. If you bring up vaccines, good luck.

However, way back in 2006, we knew that breastfeeding exclusively for more than 6 months reduces your child’s risk of Autism by 2.5 times. The study found that infant formula without DHA increased one’s odds of ASD by 4.4 times over exclusive breastfeeding. When looking at regression only, it bumped up to more than 12 times the risk!

A 2017 study titled “Impact of Infant Feeding Methods on the Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder” found that increasing the duration of breastfeeding resulted in a decrease in prevalence of ASD. For infants breastfed longer than 12 months, they were 6.67 times less likely to be diagnosed with autism.

More recently, a February 2020 meta analysis found exactly what we assumed: there is a dose-response relationship to breastfeeding and protection from Autism. The authors write:

We found a 58 % decrease in the risk of autism spectrum disorder with ever breastfeeding and a 76 % decrease in the risk with exclusive breastfeeding. According to our dose-response meta-analysis, breastfeeding for 6 months was associated with a 54 % reduction in the risk. In the conventional meta-analysis, breastfeeding for 12–24 months was associated with the most significant reduction in the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Our results highlight the importance of breastfeeding to decrease the risk of autism spectrum disorder.

For the sake of our kids, we have to shake the genetic narrative

The idea that breastfeeding exclusively, no formula supplementation, significantly reduces your child’s risk for autism honestly shatters the idea that autism is solely caused in the womb.

It destroys the narrative that autism is unavoidable. Which is a good thing. We don’t want to hide information or reframe a condition so that we don’t hurt or offend parents. This is about the kids. It’s not about us.

Every scientific study I come across acknowledges the contribution of the environment, specifically environmental toxins in the formation of autism. Why can’t we use this information to educate and support breastfeeding mothers?

Breastmilk contains antioxidants like vitamin C and E and enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These are known to protect against the potentially-harmful effects of oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a significant clinical finding in Autism—alterations in the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase, altered glutathione levels and homocysteine/methionine metabolism, increased inflammation, excitotoxicity, as well as mitochondrial and immune dysfunction are found in autistic brains.

If babies who have genetic markers for autism are formula fed, given Tylenol, and given vaccines, you are sealing the deal. Breastfeeding exclusively may prevent or lessen the damage from inflammation and oxidative stress, and help with rewiring the brain.

We know Tylenol decreases glutathione. We know breastmilk replenishes the body’s antioxidants necessary to repair cells and prevent damage. Infant formula is synthetic, GMO, contains pesticides, aluminum, fluoride and adds more to oxidative stress.

We know that vaccines can only add to oxidative stress and inflammation. Lessen the risk if you can. Breast milk is the only biologically appropriate food for an infants rapidly growing brain.


Association of breastfeeding status with risk of autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, dose-response analysis and meta-analysis

Breastfeeding, infant formula supplementation, and Autistic Disorder: the results of a parent survey

Association between breastfeeding duration and cognitive development, autistic traits and ADHD symptoms: a multicenter study in Spain

Long-term neurodevelopmental benefits of breastfeeding

Breast Milk Protects Against Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Infants at High Risk for Autism During Early Development

Maternal and birth risk factors for children screening positive for autism spectrum disorders on M-CHAT-R

The role of oxidative stress, inflammation and acetaminophen exposure from birth to early childhood in the induction of autism

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