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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Vaccine Injury Stories

Baby Jhanella Dies Hours After 2 Month Shots

Shared from her mother, Elhai (Crisela) Toniacao.

All of them asked me what happened to my child, because they don’t believe the vaccine is what killed her.

I am the parent.
I know what my child is like.
I don’t have anything to blame but the vaccine.

I am a parent who knows if my child is healthy, and I don’t blame anyone for killing my child, but only the day we went and vaccinated.

It hurts that they don’t believe me.
Dr. Alinsug, you know that my baby is okay.
You said it to me, baby is okay.
Help me give my child justice.”

Jhanella Chikkara Toniacao Abello was born in the Philippines on October 10th, 2019 a healthy, beautiful baby girl. Before leaving the hospital on October 12, she received Hep. b and Vit. K, and BCG.

At one month and 25 days old, on December 4, 2019, around 10 a.m., baby Jhanella received seven vaccines: Pentavalent (DTaP, Hep B, and Hib), OPV, and Pneumococcal 13-valent Conjugate (PCV13). 

After getting vaccinated, she continuously kept on crying non-stop and that seemed not normal. She also slept while traveling back home.

“We got home at 12 noon and that’s when she started acting uneasy. She kept on crying like she was vibrating badly while crying and she turned red and didn’t want to be put on her bed. So all I did was carried her while dancing gently to lullaby her to sleep. Until around 5 p.m., I already felt so worried because her actions and way of crying shows that she was in much pain. She’s even screaming from the pain. When I looked at her legs I saw that it’s already swollen red, stiff, and very hot when touched. She can’t even move her other leg anymore.

That’s why I already texted her pediatrician doctor to ask about what I should do and which kind of medicine should I let her take. At around 6 p.m. there’s still no reply from her pediatrician, so I already made a decision to let her take a pain reliever medicine: Paracetamol Biogesic 0.6ml (acetaminophen).

She looked like she felt better after 30 minutes and stopped crying and instead she went to sleep. At around 10 p.m., she woke up and kept crying again. Then I made her drink her formula milk S26gold and then let her take paracetamol medicine. Then a few minutes she slept again while I danced carrying her to lullaby her to sleep. At 2 a.m. she woke up again and kept on crying in pain, so I made her some milk again and carried her.

She still kept on crying with pain so I let her take paracetamol medicine again and for a few minutes while I danced and carried her to sleep, she slept. When I woke up at 6:46 a.m. I was shocked to see her nose bleeding with some bubbles. She was not moving anymore, so we ran to Maayo Medical Center and the nurses tried to revive her, but the problem is that there’s no doctor on duty at that time. (We were told by the nurse that our baby was still alive and with pulse when we sent her. The device they used for my baby’s pulse was still showing 172 to 176 which meant she was still alive.)”

Read the full interview at Stop Mandatory Vaccination.

The family must pay for all medical expenses and are in extreme debt. You can help by giving a donation right here: (the US dollar goes a long way in the Philippines).

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