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Mama Stories, Vaccine Injury Stories

The Story of Nicholas Catone

Retired MMA fighter Nick Catone and his wife Marjorie share the tragic story of their beloved son Nicholas’ sudden and unexplained death a few short weeks after getting a DTaP vaccine:

“On May 12th our lives changed forever. Our 20 month healthy boy Nicholas passed away unexpectedly during the night. Our son’s autopsy report read, Manner of Death – “Natural”. There is nothing natural about a 20 month old healthy boy passing away. Natural is not ok with us. We will never stop fighting for our son. People need to know the truth!”

In 2021, Nick Catone wrote:

4 years ago today the four of us went to great adventure. We went on some rides and watched a show that you and Madi loved. I remember you weren’t yourself but still were smiling and happy that day. You just had your last DTap vaccine a few days prior and you were sick on and off and after. We never put it all together until looking back at pictures and records of your “well visits” then always having to go back a week or so after because you were sick from the shots. Looking back at pictures your last couple weeks here is hard. You were not yourself. Your one eye was slightly off in some pictures we took of you the last few weeks here with us which is a sign of vaccine injury. You were slowing leaving us and we had no idea. I would give anything to be able to go back, you would still be here. We thought we were doing what we were supposed to. Our pediatrician failed us. Healthy 20 month olds just don’t pass away in their sleep. I’m sorry Nicholas we didn’t know, I miss you so much, I’ll never stop fighting for you. I love you Nicholas goodnight up there 💔✈️💙

Hear their full story in their own words:

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6 thoughts on “The Story of Nicholas Catone

  1. I highly believe that vaccines are dangerous.Babies sometimes get very sick and have high fevers I know I have 4 kids plus raising 5 grand babies right now with the youngest only 18 months.She’s beside in vaccines right now because I’m so scared for her life.

  2. I follow you because my❤️ Is broken, these little innocent babies children teenagers all harmed by these so called vaccines, I’m a mother grandmother of 8 and very unpopular right now or should I say the past 3 yrs, too bad they are murdering our children , They couldn’t do this without pediatricians bottom line! It’s all coming to a halt after the solar flash! Heaven on earth will be hear shortly and we’ll be reunited with are loved ones that passed on my heart goes out to your beautiful family💕 Vicky😊

  3. I knew intuitively not to give my son vaccines, but they injected him with a he p b after the C-section without my consent, and he went into liver failure, and almost died, and still was pressured to give him the bare minimum of the vaccine schedule so he could go to school and his dad told me if I didn’t vaccinate him, he would I wish I knew then what I know now I would have either lied to my son’s dad and said he was vaccinated or left him and kept my son safe. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through, my heart is breaking with yours.
    We need to organize and come together against this machine and their weapon, and directly at our babies
    I would love to have you on my podcast Medicine Girl to bring more awareness to this, as there are so many more people waking up after receiving the “jobs… I work as a registered nurse and do home health and when I do blood draws of the vaccinated is extremely difficult because it coagulates in the tubing before I can get it in the tube and if I can’t get it in the tube it turns to Jell-O almost immediately. it’s horrific

  4. Is there anywhere I can watch this video? YouTube removed it and I just want to hear their story. Thanks.

  5. This is so heartbreaking. What an adorable child, and angel above us. Taken for profit. Diptheria is a disease of a lack of running water and poor nutrition, tetanus is a non-risk for most people, pertussis can be treated with food, medicine, breastmilk and patience, and if need be medical care. It is not necessary to vaccinate, and the risks are not honestly displayed for parents. I was raised by a vaccine nurse (14 years) who is now having to face the tragedy that vaccines have left behind and realize that she was lied to. I have never vaccinated my son, he just made it through chicken pox with the mildest case. 7 days of inconvenience, a liftetime of immunity, and he is still with me. I wish Nicholas were still here too, and I am so sorry for the parents, as I know how easy it is and how cowardly people are to not warn young mothers more. It is not enough to say “do your research” and not have a conversation – talk to mothers and tell them why! I was bullied into the hep b vaccine with my daughter after I said “no” because I couldn’t defend myself. God forgive us for not caring more about this issue and defending our children!! Nicholas could still be alive today if someone had given his parents the Dr. Neil Miller book on vaccines. I am the same way, most everything told to me about vaccines was positive and those who dissented never presented their views. We need more people to speak up!!!!!!!!!! I just handed 7 letters to my local Pediatricians on the c vaccine. Please pray that their eyes are opened and that they repent and start being honest about risks!!

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