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Science Is Unsettling


Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Young Teen Paralyzed After COVID Vaccine

If it were 1950, Ella’s reaction to the COVID vaccine would fit the clinical definition of polio. But today, it could go by any number of diagnoses.

They’ll call it rare: it’s not. They’ll advise to get more shots: please don’t. They’ll assure you their siblings will be fine: they may not be.

They are not giving you full informed consent. These vaccines have little to no safety testing on children and will not benefit children.

Reactions like Ella’s may never make it to VAERS, may never see the light of day. Will be lost in the ether of the internet to be censored and erased. When she recovers, if she fully does, she will thank God, will count her blessings, and may go on to get more vaccines in her life. Her mother may believe what the doctors tell her, that this was a ‘one in a million’ thing, and that it won’t happen again.

But we are here. We believe you. We must share your story because no one else will. We know the truth, and it’s a lot more murky, and unsettling than they’ll have you believe.

Please parents, if this happens to your child, report the reaction to

Ella got the second COVID vaccine. An unknown interval of time later, she took a nap and woke up without feeling in her legs and no reflexes.

According to her grandmother’s social media post on September 30:

After taking her second Covid vaccine she laid down to take a nap and woke up with no feeling in her lower body at all and no reflexes. This is such a very very serious situation and so frightening. Please pray for her – we need prayers and pray for Sam and Lisa . She is in Children’s hospital in OKC . Today will be MRI and a Spinal tap. Hopefully some answers to all this soon – we pray.

After some tests were performed, Ella’s mother made an announcement stating they have a diagnosis, but not elaborating on what it is exactly. Still, it reads as a vaccine injury, and should be added to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

Most people may not know this, but before the polio vaccine was developed, any temporary paralysis of arms or legs was diagnosed as polio.

Many viruses, and chemicals such as pesticides, can cause a temporary paralysis of the limbs. Before any virus was considered, the disease process was known for decades as poliomyelitis (meaning inflammation of the gray matter in the spinal cord). Polio is the Greek word for gray, and myelitis means inflammation of the spinal cord. The disease wasn’t named after the virus, the virus was named after the disease.

What we know to be true is: Many viruses can cause inflammation of the gray region of the spinal cord: enteroviruses EV70, EV68, echoviruses, coxsackieviruses A and B, flaviviruses: West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis.)

The polio virus was mistakenly named as the only virus that causes “poliomyelitis” eliciting much fear, but it is just one of many enteroviruses (meaning viruses of the intestines), that rarely causes paralysis, and only when conditions call for it, such as after vaccination, or surgery–known collectively as provocation polio.

What is hidden in history is the truth that many cases of polio, especially in the 1940s and 1950s epidemic–were actually caused by vaccination. Vaccinating, or provoking the immune system, while a virus or many viruses are endemic has always been a problem. So much so, that in the 1950s, they encouraged not vaccinating during “polio” season.

To learn more about polio, please read this post:

The Science is Unsettling: What About Polio?

Please help spread awareness about the risks of the COVID vaccines for children and teens.

Read this post: Facts About COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 12

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3 thoughts on “Young Teen Paralyzed After COVID Vaccine

    1. Before the vaccine, any paralysis was called “polio”. But the disease came first, they named the virus after the disease. So any temporary paralysis whether it was guillain barre, transverse myelitis, acute flaccid paralysis, etc caused by a variety of viruses: coxsackie, eneteroviruses, or even pesticides like lead arsenic or DDT, could have all been called “polio.”

  1. thanks
    TM, GBS & polio seem to be pretty much the same thing to me.
    i have read that some suggest that it’s caused by neural toxins (DDT, heavy metal, etc), also vaccine, not virus. has polio virus been isolated?

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