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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Health News, Parenting, Vaccines

Would You Consent?

Would you consent, if you knew that the entire vaccine schedule has never been properly studied together?

Would you consent, if you knew that each single vaccine was never tested against an inert placebo?

Would you consent, if you knew death was listed as a potential adverse effect for certain vaccines?

Would you consent, if you knew that they’ve never officially compared the health outcomes of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children?

Would you consent, if I told you that chronic ear infections, RSV, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, food allergies in an infant is not normal?

Would you consent, if you knew there was research that shows that delaying DPT vaccine was associated with a LOWER rate of asthma?

Would you consent, if you knew that vaccines contain toxic ingredients in dangerous amounts?

Would you consent, if you knew that the aluminum adjuvants are not excreted from the body, and can end up in the brain?

Would you consent, if you knew that aluminum was found in the brains of autistic children–even higher than Alzheimer’s patients.

Would you consent, if you knew that the same vaccine dose is given to a 5 pound infant as a 200 pound adult?

Would you consent, if you knew that fully vaccinated children have higher rates of asthma, autism, epilepsy, and food allergies than unvaccinated children?

Would you consent, if you knew that vaccines are associated with auto immunity?

Would you consent, if you knew that vaccines were made using aborted fetal tissue cells that keep replicating indefinitely?

Would you consent, if you knew that vaccines are not tested for mutagenic, carcinogenic or impairment of fertility?

Would you consent, if you knew that your doctor got a bonus from insurance companies for having a certain percentage of his patients fully vaccinated?

Would you consent, if you knew that you can’t sue the drug maker for injuries caused by their vaccines, that they are indemnified?

Would you consent, if you knew about the revolving door between the CDC, FDA and Big Pharma?

Would you consent, if I told you that if your child is injured by a vaccine, you will be ostracized by the community you currently identify with?

Would you consent, if in the event your child is injured by a vaccine, even your own doctor will treat you like you are crazy or wrong?

Would you consent, if I told you that outbreaks of disease can happen in fully vaccinated populations?

Would you consent, if I told you that some vaccines don’t even prevent your child from getting the disease, or from spreading it to others?

Would you consent, knowing that all vaccines wane in efficacy, and some people are never protected.

Would you consent, if I told you that live vaccines can shed to immunocompromised children and could cause infection?

Would you consent, if I told you the truth: that we don’t have any data the current vaccination schedule is safe.

#researchvaccines #learntherisk #educatebeforeyouvaccinate

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