Vaccines Blamed for Deaths In Samoa — But Not United States
The Samoan government has launched an inquiry into the deaths of two one-year-old infants after they died within minutes of a routine MMR vaccination (Measles, Mumps and Rubella). It’s all over the news, but not American news. In fact, we don’t hear much about vaccine induced deaths at all. If this kind of tragedy happened in the United States or the United Kingdom (if these stories could even make it to the news), would a child’s death after vaccination prompt a similar scrutiny?
According to the Director General of Health in Samoa, Dr Take Naseri, all vials of the vaccine have been seized and the nationwide vaccination program has been suspended during this investigation.
“Marietta Tuisuesue’s one-year-old daughter died on Friday after visiting a hospital on the island of Savai’i to get the injection. On the same day, a one-year-old boy died after also getting an MMR shot.”
“Her body was turning black, so I ran back up to the doctor. She was still breathing at the time. We went into the consultation room and I came out while they worked on her. Not long after that, they came out and told me that my daughter had passed away.” (link)

Two hours after the little girl passed away, another family brought their baby, 1-year-old boy Lameko Siu, to the hospital for his vaccination.
“According to TV1 Samoa, when the family heard about the first death they refused to let their son be vaccinated but allegedly the nurse did it without the parents’ consent.
“He died within a minute of being injected.” (link)
The first wave of stories reported on the tragedy, and reassured us that the vaccines were seized and this was being taken seriously.
Then a second wave of news stories came in for damage control: to reassure vaccine hesitant parents that millions of children have been safely vaccinated using the MMR vaccine. To restore public confidence in the vaccination program, and to reiterate the same old narrative that vaccines are safe and necessary.
Maybe it’s time we have a real conversation about vaccines. Not the one where ‘they’re safe and effective’, but the one where they can and do cause serious harm. It’s not just a storage problem. It’s not just a nurse mishap. Vaccine injuries happen every day, all over the world. Why are news outlets so afraid to touch this topic?
Just because American news media doesn’t report it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen:
“In 2014, 15 children died in Syria after muscle relaxant was mistakenly mixed with the measles vaccine. Last year in South Sudan, 15 children died after the same needle was used repeatedly and the vaccine hadn’t been refrigerated.” (link)
Just last week, a two-month-old baby boy from Kushakala village, India died just hours after getting a vaccination on Wednesday:
“According to reports, Dasharath Dhangad and his wife Sakuntala had taken their baby to a nearby vaccination centre Wednesday.
Later the baby was given Paracetamol tablet when blood started oozing out of the vaccination spot and nose. The baby died Wednesday night while sleeping.”
In May of this year, a three-month-old was hospitalized and nearly died after getting a Rotavirus vaccine in New Zealand. A three-month-old girl died in Rourkela, India after getting an unintentional Rotapenta vaccine.
In April, a two-and-a-half year old baby from Soonagahalli in Mandya, died a few hours after being administered pentavalent vaccine. A two-and-a-half month old baby girl died the day after being administered a pentavalent vaccine also in the Mandya district. Her death marked the fourth case of a child death after administration of Pentavalent vaccine in the district in 2018 (as of April).
In March, a three-month-old baby died after a chicken pox vaccine in Okara, Pakistan.
In February, two toddlers died and seven others were treated in Mandya, India after they were administered a pentavalent vaccine. Also two one-month-old babies died and another five were hospitalized after a pentavalent vaccine also in Mandya, India.
In January, one baby died and four others were admitted to hospital in critical condition after a measles vaccine in Kenya.
In November, 2017, two unrelated infants from the Philippines died within three days of Pentavalent vaccine they received on November 8 and the parents blamed the vaccines.
In December 2015, twin girls Lunesh Singh and Hemalatha died one day after they were administered the second dose of polio and pentavalent vaccine in India.
But when it comes to the United States, vaccines are rarely if ever implicated in an infant or child’s death. In fact, we have gone to great lengths to abrogate any relationship between SIDS and vaccines.
No news outlet reported on the sudden death of 20-month-old Nicholas Catone, less than two weeks after a Dtap vaccine. No news outlets reported on the sudden death of Dawson Patrick-Lee less than 18 hours after his vaccinations. No one reported on 15-month-old Zara Shiel who died less than 24 hours after her vaccinations or on the death of Six-month-old Lucas Annikan Cage Shull who passed away in his sleep of SIDS a few days after getting his very first round of vaccinations in February 2018.
This six-month-old from Oregon got three shots at her pediatrician’s office and was inadvertently left in the car and died. The medical examiner was able to look at her digestive system to estimate time of death, and it was before the car would have reached a fatal temperature limit, therefore he ruled her death as “Sudden Unexpected Infant Death”. But the shots are ruled out as a potential cause.
Why are vaccines never implicated in any of these deaths? If they happened in another country, would they have been?
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System exists because vaccine injuries are real. Unfortunately, vaccine injuries aren’t taken as seriously in United States. Mainstream news doesn’t report on it because they are controlled by those who fund them, whether their sponsors are Big Pharma themselves, or their sponsors are investors in Big Pharma–money controls the dialogue. It’s as plain and simple as that. However, it’s highly unethical, corrupt, and the exact kind of environment begets activism.
The following are reports taken from VAERS database of deaths that occurred from May 2017 to May 2018. Filtering for Death and Neonatal Death, Under 5 years old. There are 31 total deaths reported, which may only represent 1%-10% of actual deaths occurring during this same time.
Deaths That Never Made It Into the News:
“Fever the evening after receiving vaccines. Parents gave TYLENOL. The infant was sleeping-then at 4:30 AM, the child cried out, then stiff and unresponsive; mother brought directly to ER. She was pale and pulseless upon arrival. Multiple rounds of CPR/epinephrine/atropine. Brief returns of sinus bradycardia. CPR discontinued at 07:19.”
Female, 2 months old in Virginia. Died May 11, 2017, one day after receiving Pentacel, Recombivax, Prevnar13, Rotateq vaccines.
“Immediately during and after the shots, she was crying. Right after, she was very tired and drowsy. She fell asleep in the car on the way home. Napped for a very short time during the evening and was kind of fussy which was not normal for her. She was fed at around 9:30 PM that evening and fell asleep right after so she was laid down on her back in her crib. She was checked on at 11:30 and 12, still sleeping on her side. She was checked on at 6 the following morning and was face down. When she was flipped over she was all blue/discolored with fluids coming out of her nose. When EMS arrived, no resuscitation attempts were made.”
Female, 3 months old in Iowa. Died May 25, 2017, one day after receiving Pediarix, Pedvaxhib, Prevnar13, Rotateq.
“Apnea and Bradycardia, seizure, Hypoxic brain injury, Death. Full Resuscitation. Ventilator support. Epinephrine, Dopamine, Insulin, hydrocortisone, Antibiotics. VERSED x1 dose, Phenobarbital Loading dose.”
Female, 2 months old in New Jersey. Died October 19, 2017, three days after receiving Pediarix and Prevnar13.
“Patient received vaccines in office 8/30/17. Patient was found unresponsive by parents at home 8/31/17 and was unable to resuscitate and resulted in death.”
Male, 2 months old in Pennsylvania. Died August 31, 2017, one day after receiving Pentacel, Recombivax, Prevnar13, and Rotarix.
“Patient seen in our office on 9/19/2017 at 2:15 pm for a routine child health examination and weight check. Patient’s 4 month vaccines given, as listed above. On 9/20/2017, patient was found infant unresponsive by parents. EMS called and arrived to find parents performing CPR. Patient transferred via EMS to ED. CPR unsuccessful. Time of death called at 7:34am in the ED.”
Male, 3 months old in Kentucky. Died September 20, 2017, one day after receiving Pediarix, Pedvaxhib, Prevnar13, and Rotarix.
“Child found unresponsive at 6:30 am on 1/13/2018, transported to ER via rescue squad, failed CPR, pronounced dead in ER. Mother last saw him alive at 1:30 am on 1/13/2018. Found unresponsive. This occurred several hours. Pt’s parents found patient (3moM unresponsive at approx 630 am. Last seen at 130am. Arrives in full arrest with CPR in progress. Pt is cyanotic, unresponsive. No lividity but stiffness noted. Cool to touch, emesis noted. Pink froth noted in OP. Emesis pink indicating recent tx w/ PO TYLENOL (confirmed by Mother). Pt saw PCP earlier in the day for routine vaccinations. No sx/sx of acute allergic/hypersensitivity rxn. The patient was found unresponsive. Down time before CPR (Unknown – likely hours given hx.). Paramedics findings: The patient was apneic and pulseless. Prehospital treatment: Compressions performed.”
Male, 2 months old in Virginia. Died January 13, 2018, one day after receiving Pentacel, Prevnar13, and Rotateq.
“Decedent was in his usual state of health on a 4 month wellness check on 10/12/2017, at which time he received the ROTATEQ vaccination (among others). Decedent presented to pediatrician on 10/16/2017 for fussiness, irritability, and nausea. He continued to have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and his parents transported him to the hospital that evening. He arrived to the hospital in critical condition. He died shortly thereafter on 10/17/2017 at 0100 following an emergent bedside exploratory laparotomy that revealed diffuse intestinal necrosis without an identified cause.”
Male, 3 months old in Utah. Died October 17, 2017, four days after receiving Pentacel, Prevnar13, and Rotateq.
“My son received his 4th DTAP vaccine on 4/25/17 and within 24 hours developed cold like symptoms…this was very common after almost all vaccines…but never related it to vaccine injury until now…on 05/07/17 he developed a fever and was very lethargic…on 05/08/17 he seemed to be completely back to himself…on 05/12/17 I found him in his crib at 08:30 AM…he passed away that prior evening…”
Male, 1 year 5 months old in New Jersey. Died May 12, 2017, 17 days after receiving Daptacel. Fly High Nicholas