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Health News, Vaccines

Vaccines and Food Allergies

FACT: 32 Million Americans have food allergies. Anaphylactic reaction insurance claims have increased 377% in the last 10 years. No one has a clear answer to why food allergies are increasing. Or why California is taking the lead on food allergies.

FACT: Vaccines contain known allergens.

FACT: In California, over 8% of children have a food allergy, and 40% of those kids are allergic to more than one food. Neither SB 276 nor the CDC recognizes food allergies as a contraindication for vaccination, despite vaccines containing known food allergens. Only a life threatening anaphylactic reaction to that specific vaccine would grant a child a medical exemption to that specific vaccine, per the CDC. In other words, your child needs to nearly die to be exempted from that one vaccine, and only that one vaccine.

Don’t take my word for it, here’s a LIST of Allergens in Vaccines:

This list is NOT COMPLETE. For example, Polysorbate 80 is in vaccines but is not listed here as an allergen, despite it being derived from vegetable oils, and containing oleic acid. Peanuts are 80% oleic acid. Soy peptone is an ingredient in many vaccines. It is not possible to guarantee that vaccines are free of allergen proteins.

We don’t understand the mechanisms of sensitization enough, but we know that injection of trace amounts of food proteins can sensitize an individual that would result in the development of IgE allergies to that food, or other foods that cross react with that protein structure.


  1. Potential Allergens in Vaccines per .5 mL dose
  2. Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy
  3. Study: California Among Top States For Skyrocketing Food Allergy Diagnoses
  4. CDC list of contraindications to vaccination
  5. Prevalence of Food Allergy

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