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Vaccine Passports For Air Travel? The Conspiracy Reality and What You Can Do About It

Never mind the vaccine may not be safe or effective for everyone; that it’s not even FDA approved; that the clinical trials revealed it won’t stop transmission; that these same clinical trials won’t technically be completed until 2023; and that they unblinded the placebo recipients so we will never be able to properly assess safety or effectivenessvaccine passports aren’t just a conspiracy theory anymore folks!

Guest post by C. Haislip.

Do People Actually Want A Vaccine Passport?

It all started in a Facebook group a few years ago. One lone poster suggested that ‘vaccine cards’ would be required in the future, and the theories took off from there. Fast forward to 2020 and the start of a pandemic, and things got a little closer to the truth.

The fact is that most Americans, and even people in other countries, are not keen on having vaccine requirements be a part of travel.

A recent poll done on an online survey site, icitizen, showed the raw data that 56% of those surveyed do NOT want vaccines to be a part of air travel. It’s important to look at the raw data- as weighted data shows a 50/50 split (obviously to maintain the image that we are constantly divided).

And do we really want airlines, a private government subsidized business, dictating who can and cannot fly based on confidential health information?

No citizen in their right mind would call for those kind of harsh restrictions!

Vaccine Passports Moving Forward In Some Places? 

It looks like countries are going ahead with so called ‘vaccine passports’ despite that fact that many people do not want them, and will simply restrict their travel in the future to avoid with compliance. The EU votes this week, but with the WHO involved, it appears it might just be a done deal.

While many people thought this wouldn’t (or couldn’t happen in the US because the Covid vaccines are still in Emergency Use Authorization) it does look like a few states are attempting to have this put in place.

New York, where much of the cities are still under draconian control, is using a system that digitally covers vaccination or a negative PCR test. This ‘allows’ people to attend events with digital permission. Currently it’s only in ‘testing’, but this will likely change with time.

On the other end of the US, we have a much more serious picture. Hawaii is looking to include a vaccine passport to its requirements for visitors. Currently, to avoid a 10-day quarantine in Hawaii, one must have a negative PCR test from an approved lab within a 72 hour window. So it wouldn’t be the airlines, but instead the State. And it’s possible with this announcement, that each State could have different requirements.

Heading to Florida? No problem. Heading to Hawaii? Well you’ll need two passports for that no matter if you cruise or fly.

However, with this new vaccine passport, visitors would be able to move freely about the island. The only good news? It doesn’t sound like it’s a done deal. This article from February makes it seem like it’s an official statement, but a quick search confirms that it’s still a rumor. Indeed, this article, dated March 23, said that an official statement is still more than a week away.

Questions About Vaccine Passports

So many unknowns swirl around this fast moving idea regarding digital passes. There are so many questions related to vaccine passports/green passports/health cards that have been left totally unanswered:

  • How long will they last?
  • Are there medical exemptions?
  • Can a business or company discriminate against the unvaccinated?
  • What about those who have had natural infection?

The Big Question we’re all wondering…

So if most people don’t actually want a vaccine passport, or vaccination to get on a plane or head to another State, then what is the alternative? Good question friends, and it looks like several of them are quite easy.

How To Stop Vaccine Passports

Get vocal on social media

For one, get vocal on social media and tag airlines, major resorts, travel agents, and state pages to let them know you won’t be traveling anywhere that requires a vaccine passport.

Contact your Representatives

For two, you need to share information with your local, state and congress representatives. This won’t be the first or last time you’ll need to contact them. Send them an email, and give them a call, to let them know you firmly oppose any laws or amendments supporting vaccine passports. Find out who your representatives are here.

Talk to people locally

For three, talk to people locally. Talk to your friends and family. Do you really want the government to have total control over your body? And where you can travel? And who you can spend holidays with? And private businesses have access to confidential information? Does it stop at vaccines, or will mental health medication be next?

Prepare your family

Lastly, prepare your family. Vaccine passports may require you to ditch your smart phone. You may have to change travel plans and you might even need to move out of the State you live in. Now is the time to make your voice known so you aren’t required to go to extremes.

P.S. if you haven’t contacted your local or state freedom organizations, make that a big priority. Social media and search engines are suppressing information. Now is the time to stay connected! Find your local chapter of Freedom Keepers United here.

Vaccine Passports Are Not a Done Deal

This situation is ever-changing, and we hope to sway it in favor of rational individuals. While many in the government would love to have you under their total control, we have many people on the front line (and behind the scenes) working hard to make sure you have the freedom to move about the United States (and the world) unimpeded.

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