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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Health News, Parenting, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Vaccine Injury Stories Are The Achilles Heel of Big Pharma

Last week Mark Hay from the tabloidy The Daily Beast reached out to me to answer some questions about my page Vaccine Injury Stories, which documents reactions and injuries from vaccines, including COVID-19 shots.

I’ve been down this road before, and I didn’t think he would publish much of what I wrote, because I’m a normal person sharing facts and verifiable information (rather than stoking the fear of an already captive group).

Things like the real reasons people no longer vaccinate, or the significant underreporting of reactions to VAERS, and the dismissed signals in the clinical trials that were ignored and not deemed related to the vaccine only for the vaccine (Janssen) to be paused for the very reaction (sinus venous thrombosis) that was uncovered in the clinical trial.

He only published PART OF ONE SENTENCE. And that’s ok. Because he said a lot more by NOT publishing what I wrote.

It’s clear that he doesn’t think his audience is capable of reading about the uncomfortable side of vaccines. His audience might be people who need to be treated with kids gloves about the very real risks of vaccines, and the shortcomings of the vaccine industry.

He, like so much of the mainstream media, rely on arousing fear and giving no hope, and making the people who question the vaccine seem so crazy and extreme that, you too, should reject all critical thinking and common sense for fear of getting mistaken as “one of them.”

Vaccine injury stories are the achilles heel of these people. They know these stories pack a punch they can’t compete with: because if they can invalidate one person’s experience, they could invalidate yours too.

But I get it. Mark Hay probably believes what he writes. Because he wasn’t able to acknowledge or recognize the truth when it was plainly spelled right in front of him.

It may have been discouraging to him that I was not crazy or extreme, that I was articulate, informed, and coming at this conversation from a place of empathy and kindness. The kind of stuff that’s missing in his Daily Beast article.

Here is the unprinted interview:

The Daily Beast’s Mark Hay: When and why did you decide to start this aggregation effort, and what (if any) effects do you hope it will have?

Circle of Mamas: Vaccine Injury Stories page was started many years prior to the current pandemic, serving as a documentation of the reactions and injuries after vaccines told from the family’s perspective. Reading another persons experience as told in their own words humanizes who these people are.

I think it’s easy to forget or maybe it’s not understood that the people who no longer vaccinate because of injuries, often called anti-vaxxers by the media, were people who all vaccinated. Something just went wrong. They were the unlucky ones, and more than anything I hope to bring back empathy and compassion to this conversation. Just like any other survivors’ or victims’ support groups, memorial pages, forums, these people deserve to have a voice, and to have their stories told.

MH: Why, specifically, did you decide to start aggregating individual stories instead of just citing or linking people off to VAERS data, frequently used to communicate similar sentiments? 

C: VAERS is hard to navigate and most people don’t have the time to do a search, although I do have a tutorial video on my website to help people. Sharing the more personal stories, linking to their real names and accounts, showing their faces, their family’s writings about their death—is all much more personal than VAERS. While VAERS is a very useful tool to detect signals with vaccines, and it has received over 3,000 reports of death alone, which far surpasses any other year, it’s still very underutilized.

A 2010 Harvard Pilgrim report funded by HHS found fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported. Most people who share that their loved one’s heart stopped, or had a seizure, or began having tremors after a vaccine, still don’t know to report these reactions to VAERS. And some others may not know to report for several weeks or months. What is in VAERS may only be a small percent of the actual vaccine adverse events that people are experiencing. So part of my job is conveying to people that all adverse events after a vaccination need to be reported, in order for our vaccine safety system to work.

MH:  How do you source and verify the stories that end up on this page?

C: Many of the stories come straight from the people or families of the victims themselves, either something they posted on their own pages, or shared to a vaccine injury group. So many people are sharing photos or videos of themselves getting vaccinated, everything is so out in the open, so when the next post or announcement is them getting hospitalized or dying suddenly and unexpectedly, then an obituary, then a gofundme–it’s very important we document these as possible vaccine reactions.

There is a bias and prejudice that vaccines are only ‘safe and effective’, but no medicine is safe and effective for everyone—not even antibiotics or Tylenol–so it’s important to be critical of products that are being distributed and administered to the general population without first considering individual health.

MH: Do you believe or suspect that all of the deaths listed on your page were caused by COVID-19 vaccinations? If so, why do you believe that? 

C: My page collects injury stories from all vaccines, from pediatric vaccines to adult vaccines—not just COVID-19 vaccinations. But it’s well documented in the medical literature for more than a century that all vaccines can cause death or serious injury, and some are associated with a higher mortality rate such as DTP vaccine, which was finally phased out in the US in the 1990s because of parental concern.

What many people misunderstand is that vaccinations can affect our bodies in multiple ways and can aggravate other conditions and/or trigger a response leading to a person’s death. The COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials phase 2/3 only had between 15,000 and 18,000 people enrolled in the vaccine group, around 5,000 of whom were over the age of 65, and fewer than 10% of them had comorbidities.

So when we then vaccinate tens of millions of people with all different medical histories and conditions, many of whom have multiple comorbidities, we are going to see a completely different picture. We should be paying attention, we should be listening, we should be taking this way more seriously.
When the CDC says “there’s no evidence”—it’s not the same as saying “there is no cause”. Language is very important. Absence of evidence is not proof of absence.

MH: If not, what is your logic for listing deaths that occurred after a vaccination but that you and others do not necessarily believe were caused by that vaccination under the banner of vaccine injury stories? 

C: Science is supposed to be based on observation. We aren’t supposed to censor or downplay or erase data to achieve a predetermined result—but this is exactly what is happening right now. Some of these stories of people who died were previously healthy and young, and some others may have had underlying health issues—but all of these should all be taken in as evidence.

We know that all pharmaceuticals have risks. What may be safe for you, may not be for me. We cannot hide information from the public just to maintain an illusion of safety.

There is something really wrong when the stories of victims are subjected to a higher level of scrutiny, then a pharmaceutical industry that is immune from all liability.

No industry should be untouchable, or ‘too big to fail’.

HHS funded Harvard Pilgrim report

COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials

I had explored some info from the phase 2/3 trials in this article and include the FDA factsheets. Clinical trials are very small compared to how many people eventually will get the vaccine, thus adverse reactions from the clinical trial will be multiplied exponentially depending on how many people get the vaccine.

For example, one person (a previously healthy 25 year old) in 21,895 developed transverse sinus thrombosis in the Johnson & Johnson Clinical trial for the Janssen vaccine.

That could mean once we vaccinate 8 million people, about 365 may develop a cerebral sinus thrombosis. While it’s rare, it’s not impossible. And these are largely happening in younger people, with no pre-existing medical conditions. This is just one type of blood clot. There were more DVT’s and pulmonary embolisms in the vaccine group, compared to the placebo group too.

Blood clots are one of the features of severe COVID-19 disease, too. It’s associated higher mortality rate, older age, and multiple pre-existing comorbidities–it’s not typically seen in 25-year-olds with no pre-existing health conditions.

While a person can certainly get vaccinated in hopes of avoiding serious complications from COVID-19, it’s important to realize that you can be fully vaccinated and still get the disease, the vaccine will wear off and require you to be revaccinated every year, thus increasing risks associated with vaccination, and then you also accept all the risk of the vaccine on top of the risks associated with COVID-19.

There are ways to mitigate your risk, such as vitamin D supplementation, exercise daily, lose some weight, and get a prescription of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, are just a few options.

Moderna Vaccine Group: 15,184

Total doses given as of April 22: 95.9 million

Pfizer BNT162b2 Vaccine group: 18,801

Total doses given as of April 22: 114.8 million

Janssen Vaccine Group: 21,895

Total doses given as of April 22: 8 million

It’s worth noting that a young 25-year old person with no past medical history in the Janssen trial experienced a transverse sinus thrombosis, which was the brain blood clot that would get the vaccine paused. And the initial investigator totally dropped the ball, deeming it not related.

Here is the detailed description reported in theJ&J Janssen clinical trial:

A 25-year-old male withno past medical historyandno concurrent medicationsexperienced atransverse sinus thrombosison Day 21 following vaccination. On Day 9 the participant experienced symptoms offever, myalgia, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, congestion and rhinorrhea. He tested negative for SARs-CoV-2 during this acute illness. Aside from headache, his symptoms improved. On Day 19 he experienced atonic colonic seizure. A CT scan without contrast demonstrated acerebral hemorrhage. On Day 21, atransverse sinus thrombosiswas reported on a venogram. The participant underwent a thrombectomy as well as stent placement for stenosed right sigmoid sinus on Day 22. On Day 23 repeat venogram showed the presence of a new clot in the transverse sinus. A second thrombectomy with venoplasty was performed. Treating clinicians reported observing rapid thrombus formation during the two thrombectomy procedures that was consistent with a clinically hypercoagulable state. In their assessment, the transverse sinus thrombosis most likely occurred days before the participant’s clinical presentation with a seizure; theseizure was reported to be a consequence of a secondary bleed caused by elevated venous pressure from the venous flow obstruction. Workup for hematologic and infectious causes of the thrombosis did not reveal an etiology. This event was initially thought to be related to the study product by the investigator and prompted a study pause. After thorough investigation and expert consultation no clear cause of the event was identified; however possible contributing factors, such as preceding infection and an anatomical anomaly, were suggested. The investigator’s brochure and informed consent form were updated accordingly, and the study pause was lifted. The investigator and Sponsor’s final assessment of this event was that it wasnot related to the study product.

It’s amazing that a healthy 25 year old male with no past medical history or concurrent medications has aserious medical crisishappen that begins days after vaccination, and the pharmaceutical company’s investigators deem itWAS NOT RELATED.

This is completely criminal!!

FDA Factsheet:

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