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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Vaccine Injury of A Medical Professional

Shared from Lori Sanchez.

Vaccine injuries do not only happen to infants and children, I was 39 when I became vaccine injured.

I had been in the healthcare field since 2000. I was a surgical tech, medical assistant, my last job in a physician/hospital setting was as a surgery coordinator while going back to school for my RN.

In college, NEVER not in any of my biology, microbiology, chemistry, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, advanced anatomy and physiology, or any of my nursing classes did we ever discuss vaccine ingredients or adverse reactions. We were taught, what vaccine to give and at what age.

What I have learned since becoming vaccine injured blows my mind!!! It infuriates me that this information is not taught to anyone entering the medical field?? Fun fact when I worked in primary care any vials of meds, were inventoried, took out of the box, put in a locked cabinet or refrigerator. The box and insert with all the crucial information was thrown in the garbage!!!

Truth be told, I have always been leery of the one size fits all for vaccines. My first baby was over 9 pounds, my friends baby was born at 6 pounds 2 days before my son was born but they received the exact same dose of a vaccine because of their age?

Every medicine given goes by age and weight except vaccines. I vaccinated my kids but I did delayed schedule and one or two vaccines at a time because it just didn’t seem right to me. And my kids skipped certain vaccines on the CDC schedule. Thankfully my kids are fine!!

Anyway, I switched jobs to a new hospital (December 2013), prior to my employment starting I needed a pre-employment physical, they wanted me to repeat the Hep B series (which I had in college in 1998/1999) when my titers came back as 0. I have always refused the flu vaccine which was fine as long as I wore a mask during flu season.

After the first shot, I was ridiculously tired, but I just contributed it from going from afternoons to a 6 am shift. A month later I had the second shot and that’s when all hell broke loose in my body.

I started having horrible pain and burning in my eyes from overhead lighting and was made worse from looking at a computer. Then I started having problems walking and sitting because of horrendous muscle spasms and joint pain. Then came the migraines that lasted up to 16 days straight. Then add swollen lymph nodes to the point where I couldn’t eat and cried putting on deodorant. Finally debilitating fatigue, shortness of breath and tachycardia.

Prior to that vaccine, I saw my family DR maybe once a year because of a cold. After the second vaccine, I was seeing him at least once a month and was referred to several specialists because no one knew what the hell was wrong with me. NONE of us put 2 and 2 together.

After almost 3 years, every test imaginable (the only things they showed was low vitamin D levels and a positive ANA), I was finally diagnosed with ME/CFS (Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome), eventually fibromyalgia and also depression and anxiety due to my physical limitations.

No specialists in my area for ME/CFS, so after a ton of research, came across several studies of it being diagnosed AFTER the Hep B vaccine. Then I was like omg all this started after I had 2 of the 3 shots.

I called the hospital which made me get the vaccines, they told me I was crazy, they never gave them to me. After tearing my house apart I found my copy of the vaccine records, I called HR and told them (after they told me I was crazy again) the next call they get is from my attorney because they lost my medical records.

Within 15 minutes I got a call that they found my records!!! I contacted an attorney for vaccine injury court, but I missed the 3 year statute of limitations, so there was nothing I can do.

I ended up having to quit my new job less than 5 months after I started because I got so sick. Over the last 5 1/2 years, I tried going back to work twice. I tried doing home healthcare and I tried a desk job at 15 hours a week and I couldn’t even do that. So all of my doctors agreed I need to file for disability (I was finally approved 2 weeks ago).

I am currently 90% homebound and spend a majority of my time in a super dark, quiet room. I have severe photophobia and I’m super sensitive to sound now. I’m mostly bedridden and when I do walk to the bathroom I have to hold on to the walls or use a cane.

It’s ridiculous!! I was perfectly healthy and active (hiking, yoga, working out at the gym) prior to that stupid Hep B vaccine! I have come across a ton of other people that are going through the same as me after that vaccine. I came across a research study that 120 nurses in Canada became disabled with ME/CFS after the Hep B series! There are no cures and really no treatments (other than treating symptoms) I did not physically die from this vaccine but I will be sick for the rest of my life and everyday is a struggle!

How you feel personally about vaccines should never lead to a loss of freedom to choose what is right for you and your family. No person should be forced by government regulation or societal pressure to receive any medication or treatment, including vaccines, against his or her will.

Wanting safer vaccines, safety studies, one vaccine at a time, and opting out of certain ones, getting a list of adverse reactions like when you get a prescription does NOT make me or anyone else anti-vax! Why is it like that for EVERY med on the market but not vaccines? We want TRUE informed consent!!


  1. Myalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome following immunization: macrophagic myofasciitis and animal studies support linkage to aluminum adjuvant persistency and diffusion in the immune system. 2019
  2. Vaccine-Related Chronic Fatigue Syndrome In An Individual Demonstrating Aluminium Overload. 2008

  3. Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia following immunization with the hepatitis B vaccine: another angle of the ‘autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants’ (ASIA). 2014

  4. Infections, Vaccinations, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 2015

  5. Chronic fatigue syndrome with autoantibodies — The result of an augmented adjuvant effect of hepatitis-B vaccine and silicone implant. 2008

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