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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Vaccine Injuries Are Not Rare, Just Rarely Reported

You may have never heard of VAERS, or Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. And that’s ok. But you need to know about it now. 

VAERS is a national, voluntary reporting system designed to help monitor the safety of vaccines. The problem is, because it’s voluntary, hardly anyone submits vaccine adverse events.

Despite being trained to give vaccines, 29% of healthcare providers reported they were not even aware of VAERS, 37% of healthcare providers reported they had observed an Adverse Event Following Immunization, but of these only 17% had ever reported to VAERS.  

A 2011 report found that less than 1% of adverse events following immunization are ever reported to VAERS. 

How are we supposed to understand the true risk and safety of vaccines if the data is never collected in the first place? Why aren’t physicians required by law to report all serious Adverse Reactions? Or at least inform parents and vaccine recipients that VAERS exists? Don’t we all want to make sure vaccines are really safe?

Per the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, physicians are only required by law to report a few specific adverse events following vaccination: namely Anaphylaxis, Encephalopathy, Shoulder Injury, Vasovagal Syncope, a few others. However, there is no enforcement and no consequence if they don’t. And astonishingly Sudden, Unexplained Death is NOT on the list. 

And don’t forget 29% of healthcare providers had never even heard of VAERS. This means the data reporting is NOT being done when it should be.
Did you or your child ever experience a vaccine reaction?
Whether it’s any of these reactions mentioned below, or something not listed:

Please Report to

high fever / high-pitch cry / seizures / muscle weakness / asthma / tremoring / diarrhea /  blood in stool  / full body rash / a new-onset food allergy / inability to walk / bell’s palsy / ocular palsy / hyper-immune or auto-immune conditions / sudden loss of eye contact /  loss of language or skills / any unexpected disease or condition, including cancer / sudden, unexplained death after vaccination

There is no deadline to file a report 

Read through VAERS reports:
As of 2019, VAERS has captured 7,118 death reports for all ages, for all years, within 30 days of vaccination. 2,623 of these reports were infants under 6 months of age. If we adjust for underreporting, this number increases to 704,682 deaths within 30 days of vaccination, 259,677 of who are under 6 months of age.

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