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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Vaccine “Breakthrough” Deaths

The biggest argument that the vaccines have is the claim that they reduce deaths. Or let me be more specific–they reduce COVID-19 deaths. We know the vaccines do not prevent transmission (28% of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Los Angeles County from May to July were vaccinated) and we also know that vaccinated people have just as much viral replication in their nose and throat as an unvaccinated person.

So what we need to know is, are COVID-19 vaccinated people really better off? Are they protected?

Since the media like to throw around story after story of unvaccinated people who die of COVID-19 (with the intent purpose on scaring people into getting vaccinated, even though over 70% of adults have at least one vaccine), why don’t they ever share the opposite story? Why do they not routinely share the “breakthrough” deaths?

I think we know why: because to share information that balances out the discussion, may accidentally offer validity to vaccine hesitancy. People deserve information to make informed decisions about their health, rather than coercion.

Not tracking breakthrough cases

According to the CDC, who stopped tracking “breakthrough” cases in May, and now is only relying on reporting given to them from State Health Departments, as of September 7, there have been 2,675 breakthrough COVID deaths voluntarily reported to them.

This would not include people who have received 1 dose, or even people who received 2 doses but was diagnosed with an infection prior to 2 weeks after their 2nd dose. A person is only considered fully vaccinated beyond 2 weeks after their 2nd dose. This also would not include COVID-19 deaths not reported to them.

Let’s be honest:

  • Can you be fully vaccinated and still die of COVID-19? Yes
  • Can you be fully vaccinated and die of something else? Yes
  • Can you be fully vaccinated and die shortly after the vaccine, from a cause that may be related to the vaccine itself? Yes

So, the real question to me is…

Does COVID vaccination result in a lower all-cause mortality?

Because what if while reducing your odds of death from COVID 19, the vaccine increased your odds of dying from something else? Like a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or a blood clot. That wouldn’t be a good trade off.

It would appear that the vaccine is reducing your risk of death in one small area, but the trade off of the vaccination process is that it increases your overall mortality risk, which would not be beneficial for anyone.

According to the 6 month safety and efficacy study from Pfizer, 15 people (out of 21,926) died of all causes in the vaccine arm, compared to 14 (out of 21,921) in the placebo arm of the clinical trial from dose 1 to unblinding. After unblinding, an additional 3 people from the vaccine arm died, plus 2 original placebo recipients who received BNT162b2 Pfizer vaccine after unblinding period died. So altogether 20 people died after getting the vaccine, compared to 14 who died after the placebo. No additional deaths were reported in the placebo group who did not go on to get the vaccine.

20 deaths > 14 deaths

This is the crux of the risk vs. benefit ratio each person should make for themselves.

We can only truly weigh the risks of the vaccine IF we admit that vaccine injuries happen, and contribute to morbidity and mortality.

A paper recently published in the BMJ found that the risk for thrombocytopenia and thromboembolic events was highest in the breakthrough COVID-19 infections, than after vaccination itself, and that vaccination was higher than the pre-vaccination period (using the self-case control method). Which is measuring a persons risk for an event using the pre-vaccination period as a control.

To me this is alarming because without knowing the background rate for these thrombotic events in the wide population who gets infected with SARS-CoV-2 (and not only considering hospitalizations but all infections, including mild and asymptomatic) these people who go on to develop breakthrough COVID infections appear to be at an extremely elevated risk for blood clots.

Why isn’t anyone talking about this?

I know why people are getting the vaccine: They’re doing it because they think it will prevent death, that it will prevent hospitalization, and maybe they’re even hoping they won’t get infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus at all.

What if they’re wrong? What if they weren’t given all the information?

• The well-established science shows that the infection-fatality rate of the virus is below 1%.

• That means fewer than 1% of people who get infected with the virus will die from it. (In people < 70 years, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% with crude and corrected medians of 0.05%. )

• Getting infected with the virus means you will have long lasting durable immunity.

• Getting infected with one strain means you will be less likely to get mutant strains, or variants (data out of Israel showed more vaccinated people were susceptible to variants compared to naturally-infected and recovered people).

• People who died from COVID or with COVID were more likely to be over the age of 70, obese, vitamin D deficient, and sedentary (these underlying conditions do not represent everyone)…

• That there is early treatment that reduces even more the risk of hospitalization and death by over 60%.


Sadly, some of these fully vaccinated people did get sick, and some of them did die.

These are “breakthrough” cases–instances where the virus breaks through the vaccine. It’s a euphemism for ‘vaccine failure.’

All of society has been failed because most of us were never told about the importance of early treatment.

Early treatment saves lives

Whether it’s Regeneron, or Ivermectin, or zinc and azithromycin, or quercetin–the majority of people who get a positive test are told ‘to go home and come back when they can’t breathe’.

It’s not so much a pandemic of the unvaccinated, as more and more people are indeed vaccinated; it’s a pandemic of the untreated, mistreated, and medically mismanaged. Ventilators kill. Remdesivir kills. The hospital protocol kills.

A recent study found Remdesivir was not associated with improved survival and was associated with longer hospital stays.

These people were all fully vaccinated, and still died of COVID-19:

Joannie Bartley, 29

Celebrity photographer Raymund Isaac, 59

Tim Churchill, 54


Husband and wife, Cal Dunham, 59, and his wife Linda Durham, 66

Ricki Kaplan, 56

Paul Kirsch, 65

Tracy Anderson, 48

Andrea Garcia, 32

Candace Cay (Kruger) Ayers, 66

David Freedman, 64

Daniel Madry, 61

Gary Keplinger, 77

George McLaughlin, 58

Suzanne Martha Madigan, 74

Alvan Ing, 89

Gordon Ballard, 65

Larry King, 87

Received COVID-19 vaccine, hospitalized for COVID-19, official cause of death listed as sepsis. For the past year and a half, every person who was hospitalized for COVID-19 and developed some kind of complication has been counted as COVID in the State’s and Nation’s statistics.

Maurice “Reggie” Shepperson, 36

Dimitrio “Jim” Sterio, 82

Angelle Mosley, 33

Former Kentucky state Rep. Brent Yonts, 72

Clark Allen, 84

In his obituary, Allen’s family blames an unvaccinated person for their fully vaccinated father’s death.

Walter Kearse IV, 36

Donna D’Acuti, 75 year old

17 Nebraskans have died

58 fully vaccinated New Jersey residents have died

53 fully vaccinated Marylanders

131 Massachusetts residents

2 nursing home residents in Clear Lake, South Dakota

Unnamed woman in Galveston, TX, 60’s

Carey Washington, 80

Alan Sporn, 75

Three unnamed people in San Diego County

There are many more vaccinated people who have either died of COVID-19 or of other causes we have been documenting all around the world, including in the UK and Italy as well as the United States.

According to VAERS, as of August 13, there have been 1,237 reports of death due to COVID-19 after the COVID vaccines, several dozen of these deaths were in people younger than 60.

Overall, there have been 595,622 total adverse events reported to VAERS as of August 13 after the COVID vaccines, including 13,068 deaths.

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