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Vaccinated Dr. Joshimar Henry Dies at 27 of Heart Attack

Dr. Joshimar Henry was working as a resident in Chicago at Humboldt Park Health when he announced that he was proud to be administering the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine to the first five patients in Chicago on January 6th.

The 27-year-old doctor mentioned that even though he was hesitant about the vaccine, that he had gotten it as well. He wrote:

Initially I was also hesitant but was reassured with some research and clarifying my doubt through reading. Many of my colleagues likewise have received the vaccine and have not experienced any severe side effects. I have received the vaccine myself and only experienced shoulder soreness thus far. I do believe that the benefits of this vaccine certainly outweigh the risks given its low side effect profile.

It is unknown what dates he actually got the vaccine himself.

The young doctor was very fit, and physically active. And to the shock of all his loved ones, the young man passed away suddenly and unexpectedly April 3, 2021, from a heart attack.

According to his obituary:

Josie, as he was affectionately known, was a talented musician who, when he was not on the job, spent every free moment making memories with his wife and extended family, playing soccer and video games with friends, or working out at the gym.

He leaves behind a wife and best friend, Heather Henry. Please help support the family through their Gofundme.

Sudden heart attacks are extremely rare in young adults, especially who do not have classic risk factors such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, or drug use.

To date, there have been many reports of heart attacks after vaccination with the COVID vaccines.

According to the CDC, in 2019 there were 323 deaths attributed to Acute myocardial infarction (I21-I22) which is the medical term for heart attack, in the age group of 25-34 years olds, out of a total of 45,940,321 deaths in that age range, accounting for 0.7% of total deaths for that group.

While heart attacks may be associated with exercise (of 126 sudden deaths in military recruits, 86% were related to exercise), we cannot exclude the contribution of vaccination, as military recruits are also exposed to many vaccinations in addition to rigorous training.

Vaccination can cause new-onset cardiac abnormalities as was documented in this case report of a 20-year-old who was found dead from a cardiac arrest during her night sleep less than 3 weeks after her third dose of HPV vaccine.

It is unknown if or how the vaccine contributed to Dr. Joshimar Henry’s sudden cardiac death, but it’s very rare for a young, healthy person to die suddenly and unexpectedly, and his death should be reported to

Dr. Joshimar Henry is one of many African Americans who have died unexpectedly from the vaccine. Please read all their stories.


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