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Tremor and Shaking After the COVID Vaccine? Another Possible Side Effect That Has Plausibility

You may have seen some reports of a tremor or uncontrollable shaking in people who just received a COVID vaccination. Your news agencies probably wrote it off as crazy conspiracy theories, or post traumatic stress disorder.

Well…it could be a neurologic injury.

This strange tremor was observed to happen after COVID-19 infection, so this suggests a plausible mechanism. When a person is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, their body becomes a factory for the spike protein.

We aren’t totally sure which part of the coronavirus may be implicated in this strange shaking or tremors, but there is a lot we don’t know in general.

Here is a case report of interest:

“We present the case of a 70-year-old man with personal history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He was evaluated due to fever of 7 days’ duration, with no accompanying symptoms. 

Seventeen days after symptom onset, the patient progressively developed tremor in the arms and legs, affecting gait; no other focal neurological signs were observed. The examination revealed marked, symmetrical bilateral tremor in all 4 limbs with an orthostatic component, as well as voice tremor; no resting tremor was observed. The patient also displayed gait instability and wide-based stance, probably as a result of the tremor. He did not present truncal ataxia. The Romberg test could not be performed as the patient was unstable while standing due to orthostatic tremor. No other abnormal findings were observed during the examination.

These findings suggest an infectious or parainfectious aetiology. PCR results from the CSF were negative for SARS-CoV-2; however, by the time this test was conducted, the patient had already tested negative in a nasopharyngeal exudate sample.

Parainfectious ataxia is an autoimmune process triggered by a clinical or subclinical infection or vaccination.8 The immune pathogenic mechanisms are similar to those of such other parainfectious diseases as Guillain-Barré syndrome, Miller Fisher syndrome, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, all of which have already been reported in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

While the diversity, frequency, and causes of many of the neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection are yet to be determined, the available evidence suggests that the virus may even cause parainfectious disorders associated with neurological symptoms.”

Here is another case report of a 39-year-old woman who developed the same tremor post COVID-19 infection, and it was ruled neurologic, and not post traumatic stress disorder.


Tremors After COVID Vaccine

Shawn Skelton is a health care worker who suddenly developed this strange, uncontrollable tremor after getting the Moderna vaccine.

Brant Griner‘s mother experienced a similar looking tremor also after the COVID vaccine. She is also a health care worker who got the COVID vaccine to protect others.

Nurse Kristi Simmondsfirst video was shared 15,000 times on Facebook. This is her second video, an update of how she is doing:

Stevie Thrasher was only 29 and developed a range of symptoms after the COVID vaccine.

Thousands more have had very serious, life threatening vaccine reactions.

If you know of any other videos or testimonials of people who experienced this reaction to the COVID vaccines, please email me at

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